


1. 追 [zhuī]2. 追 [duī]追 [zhuī]赶,紧跟着:~逐。~逼。~随。~光。~剿。~捕。~奔逐北。回溯过去,补做过去的事:~溯。~悼。~加。~认。竭力探求,寻求:~问。~寻。~究。~索。追 [duī]雕琢:~琢(雕刻)。古……





汉语拼音:zhuī ná








  1. 犹追捕。

    《再生缘》第七回:“如有番官奸细在,立时审察与追拿。”《荡寇志》第九八回:“那 高知府 便来追拿,幸 张魁 兄弟先将我放走了。”



  1. The government is after your, because you didn't pay your taxes.


  1. 卡德在追拿他们。

    Calder was probably chasing them.

  2. 警察追拿的人逃避法律审判的人。

    someone who is sought by law officers someone trying to elude justice.

  3. 我追上那个误拿我赌注的承办人。

    I overtake the undertaker who takes my stake by mistake.

  4. 追风者们, 拿好你们的相机龙卷风季节到来了。

    Storm chasers, get your cameras Tornado season is here.

  5. 道吉特追上他们并且拿枪指住了那个男的。

    DOGGETT catches up to them and holds his gun on the man.

  6. 哦也!谁不喜欢拿着大戟追着奶牛到处跑?

    Yeah, who doesn't like fighting cows running around with halberds?

  7. 光天化日下你拿着枪追着两个男人。

    You're chasing two men with a gun in broad daylight.

  8. 老妈拿着扫把追着老爸, 一起跑进了生机勃勃的晨光。

    Ma chased Pa with a broom outside into the bright, crisp morning.

  9. 老妈拿着扫把追着老爸,一起跑进了生机勃勃得晨光。

    Ma chased Pa with a broom outside into the bright, crisp morning.

  10. 老妈拿着扫把追着老爸,一起跑进了生机勃勃的晨光。

    Ma chased Pa with a broom outside into the bright, crisp morning.

  11. 一次他拿着剑追我的时候,我就知道我那天会走了!

    Once he ran with a sword after me, I thought I'm gonna go that day!

  12. 如果追风筝的人手里拿着风筝,没有人能将它拿走。

    And when a kite runner had his hands on a kite, no one could take it from him.

  13. 不,你该去拿球,去追它。

    No, you gotta get the ball! Go and get it.

  14. 他拿着根球棒追着我打。

    He grabbed a bat and ran after me with it.

  15. 我真的拿了把枪去追两个坏蛋。

    I'm actually grabbing a gun and going after bad guys.

  16. 她暴怒的丈夫正拿着一把枪追杀他。

    Her irate husband was hunting him with a gun.

  17. 他拿着抽出的警棍,追了上去。

    With drawn club he joined in the pursuit.

  18. 警察手里拿着警棍, 向小偷追去。

    The policeman with a club in hand ran up to the thief.

  19. 那个警察拿着一把来福枪来追我。

    Eg. You cant cop out of your responsibility to the project.

  20. 我急忙追上他,想告诉他拿错东西了。

    I hurried to catch up with him and tell him to take the wrong things.

  21. 警察手里拿着一把枪在追抢劫犯。

    The policeman was running after the robber, with a gun in his hand.

  22. 就算真追上了,也不知道拿它怎么办。

    I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it, You know?

  23. 同时你能比他跑的快去拿符和追杀。

    Also you can outrun him to the runes and chase better for a kill.

  24. 追我们的人想杀我,但是他不会拿他的生命冒险。

    Our pursuer wants to kill me, but he won't risk his life for it.

  25. 半个国家的人都在追我们呢我们到不了巴拿马的。

    Right now We got half the country after us. We aint making it to panama or utah.

  26. 史密斯先生没拿伞就走了,所以我派一个孩子去追他。

    Mr. Smith had left without his umbrella, so I sent one of the boy after him.


追拿是一个汉语词语,读音是zhuī ná,是指追捕。