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1. 追 [zhuī]2. 追 [duī]追 [zhuī]赶,紧跟着:~逐。~逼。~随。~光。~剿。~捕。~奔逐北。回溯过去,补做过去的事:~溯。~悼。~加。~认。竭力探求,寻求:~问。~寻。~究。~索。追 [duī]雕琢:~琢(雕刻)。古……
汉语拼音:zhuī yì
南朝 宋 鲍照 《赠傅都曹别》诗:“追忆栖宿时,声容满心耳。”《南史·蔡景历传》:“及 吴明彻 败,帝追忆 景歷 前言,即日追还,以为征南 鄱阳王 諮议。” 清 纳兰性德 《采桑子》词:“此情已自成追忆,零落鸳鸯。” 茅盾 《有志者》:“过去的追忆,似乎毕竟也还甜蜜。”
glimpse of what might have been a movie charting the tragic singer's rehearsals for his concert comeback on its worldwide debut today.
迈克尔•杰克逊的谢幕演唱会彩排纪录片于今天在全球首映,这对于这位悲剧巨星的歌迷们来说堪称一次心酸的追忆。Someday, sometime, if you will remember, is only a vague landscape, is no longer recall pain.
某天,某个时刻,如果还会忆起,只不过是一道模糊的风景,是不能再追忆的苦痛。In the meantime, Fantine was staring at the tester of her bed. She seemed to be endeavoring to recall something.
这时,芳汀望着她的帐顶,她的神气象是在追忆一件往事。Meanwhile, I find myself looking back at my senior year, and thinking about all the wonderful things that have happened.
同时,我发觉自己在回顾自己高中最后一年的时光,追忆所有发生过的美好往事。It must be a year for movies about old men remembering lost parents and lovers.
今年必定是老年人追忆已逝去的父母及爱人的电影年。This is a time to explore cheerful celebrations, reunion with your families and friends, and a time of reflection.
这是一个举国欢庆的日子,也是合家团员,朋友相聚,追忆往昔的日子。As a pioneer to break through the traditional writing methods, Proust is well acclaimed for his masterpiece A la recherche du temps perdu.
普鲁斯特是突破传统创作手法的先锋,其作品《追忆似水年华》堪称世界文坛的不朽杰作。A few retired politicians were dragged out to reminisce about slights suffered at the hands of the perfidious Frogs.
还会拖出几个退休赋闲的政客来追忆背信弃义的法国佬在过去给英国带来的小小不快。Don't let your life slip through your fingers by living your life one day at a time, you live ALL the days of your life.