


1. 当 [dāng]2. 当 [dàng]3. 当 [dang]当 [dāng]充任,担任:充~。担(dān )~。~之无愧。掌管,主持:~家。~权。~政。正在那时候或那地方:~时。~代。~初。~今。~即(立即)。~年。~街。~院。面对着……





汉语拼音:dāng rì








  1. 值日。亦指值日的人。

    《国语·晋语九》:“君行臣不从,不顺。主将适 螻 而麓不闻,臣敢烦当日。” 韦昭 注:“当日,直日也。” 元 王晔 《桃花女》第三折:“现如今星日马当日,降临凡世。”《警世通言·俞仲举题诗遇上皇》:“﹝ 俞良 ﹞直走到楼上……只见一个当日的酒保,便向 俞良 唱个喏:‘覆解元,不知要打多少酒?’”

  2. 昔日;从前。

    唐 李商隐 《华清宫》诗:“当日不来高处舞,可能天下有胡尘。” 宋 刘克庄 《满江红·寿汤侍郎》词:“记当日霓旌飞下,鸞翔凤翥。”《儒林外史》第三一回:“老伯酒量极高的,当日同先君吃半夜,今日也要尽醉纔好。” 丁玲 《母亲》三:“当日爷爷也还不是一岁就死了爹,全靠老太一人抚养的么?”

  3. 就在本天;同一天。

    北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·造神麯并酒等》:“团麴当日使讫,不得隔宿。” 唐 杜甫 《散愁》诗之二:“几时通 蓟 北,当日报 关 西。” 元 无名氏 《博望烧屯》第一折:“不求同日生,只愿当日死。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第二二回:“藩臺当日即去见了抚臺,商量要动详文参他。”如:他当日就离开我家,没留宿。



  1. The Panzer IV was the only German tank to fight on the front - line from the first day to the bitter end of the war.


  2. Later that day, the family said the boy was found unharmed, and claimed he had been hiding all along in an attic inside the family's garage.


  3. The Bank of China announced Monday that it had transacted the first cross-border yuan trade settlement deal Monday morning.


  4. On the day of accident, equipment was being removed out of the site as the foundation work had been completed.


  5. Once you've come up with a list of definite targets to hit for that day, you decide whether to do them yourself or to delegate them.


  6. And it was broken in that day: and so the poor of the flock that waited upon me knew that it was the word of the LORD.


  7. Obama held a grand day honors at the White House ceremony, and one by one each of the Medal of Freedom winners hung around the neck.


  8. Unable to borrow the money it needed to pay off a large tax bill it owed, Cains put the company into administration on the same day.


  9. His miracle on this day was just a little taste of why he had come into this world.


  1. 当日返程票

    day return.

  2. 当日冲销高手

    The Compleat Day Trader II.

  3. 当日媒体精萃

    Media nugget of the day.

  4. 当日有效, 过期作废。

    Valid on specified day only.

  5. 当日有效,过期作废。

    Valid on specified day only.

  6. 投票结果当日晚揭晓。

    The polling results will be known on the same evening.

  7. 当日,摩西嘱咐百姓说,

    That same day Moses said to the people,

  8. 我不再记得我当日的盛装。

    I won't remember the dress I wore.

  9. 当日,耶和华吩咐摩西说,

    That same day the Lord said to Moses,

  10. 拍卖当日应该带什么文件

    What to bring along on the date of auction.

  11. 当日见了榜文, 慨然长叹。

    That day, reading the notice in Zhuo, Xuande sighed heavily.

  12. 比赛于当日上午9点钟开始。

    The contest had started at nine o clock that morning.

  13. 活动当日得门票将不予退还。

    The ticket for the event day is not refundable.

  14. 巡视整个卖场, 安排员工当日工作。

    Check all the area of store, arrange the work of staff.

  15. 通常在你离开当日中午12点前。

    Normally its by12 noon on the day of your departure.

  16. 当日的甜品是巧克力幕斯蛋糕。

    Dessert that day was a chocolate mousse.

  17. 当日结束时美元汇率略有下降。

    The dollar finished the day slightly down.

  18. 权证行权指令在当日可以撤销。

    The warrant exercise order can be cancelled on the same date.

  19. 财政司翟克诚当日下午发表声明

    Financial Secretary Piers Jacobs announced that afternoon

  20. 要当日给他工价,不可等到日落。

    Give him his payment day by day, not keeping it back over night.

  21. 当日, 摩根士丹利发表报告称。

    On that day, Morgan Stanley a report said.

  22. 海滩上到处都是当日远足的人。

    The beach was packed with day trippers.

  23. 干净整洁是当日规定应有之义。

    Neatness and order are the order of the day.

  24. 当日,扫罗就与撒母耳同席。

    So Saul did eat with Samuel that day.

  25. 当日交易是否能帮你实现发财梦?

    Is day trading a way to financial freedom ?

  26. 当日申报转回的债券,当日可以卖出。

    The reported and transferred back bonds may be sold on the same day.

  27. 选举当日的气氛也比去年更平静。

    Election day was also calmer than it was last year.

  28. 他可能于当日晚些时候组建内阁。

    He is expected to appoint his cabinet later that day.

  29. 元旦当日会举行很棒的篝火晚会。

    A fantastic bonfire show will be on show on New Year's Day.

  30. 比赛当日早上约9时将有领队会议。

    A Team Managers Meeting will be held at 9 am that morning.


  1. 问:当日拼音怎么拼?当日的读音是什么?当日翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当日的读音是dāngrì,当日翻译成英文是 then; that very day

  2. 问:当日交易拼音怎么拼?当日交易的读音是什么?当日交易翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当日交易的读音是dāng rì jiāo yì,当日交易翻译成英文是 day trading

  3. 问:当日冲销拼音怎么拼?当日冲销的读音是什么?当日冲销翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当日冲销的读音是,当日冲销翻译成英文是 Day trading

  4. 问:当日平价拼音怎么拼?当日平价的读音是什么?当日平价翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当日平价的读音是dāng rì píng jià,当日平价翻译成英文是 daily parity

  5. 问:当日替换拼音怎么拼?当日替换的读音是什么?当日替换翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当日替换的读音是dāng rì tì huàn,当日替换翻译成英文是 same-day substitution

  6. 问:当日有效拼音怎么拼?当日有效的读音是什么?当日有效翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当日有效的读音是dāng rì yǒu xiào,当日有效翻译成英文是 valid on date

  7. 问:当日交易者拼音怎么拼?当日交易者的读音是什么?当日交易者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当日交易者的读音是dāng rì jiāo yì zhě,当日交易者翻译成英文是 day trader

  8. 问:当日委托指令拼音怎么拼?当日委托指令的读音是什么?当日委托指令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当日委托指令的读音是dāng rì wěi tuō zhǐ lìng,当日委托指令翻译成英文是 day order

  9. 问:当日成交指令拼音怎么拼?当日成交指令的读音是什么?当日成交指令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当日成交指令的读音是dāng rì chéng jiāo zhǐ lìng,当日成交指令翻译成英文是 day trade order

  10. 问:当日试验计划拼音怎么拼?当日试验计划的读音是什么?当日试验计划翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当日试验计划的读音是dāng rì shì yàn jì huà,当日试验计划翻译成英文是 Test Plan of the Day

