







汉语拼音:tā rì









  1. 以往;昔日;过去的某一天或某一时期。

    《孟子·滕文公上》:“吾他日未尝学问,好驰马试剑。”《左传·宣公四年》:“ 子公 之食指动,以示 子家 曰:‘他日我如此,必尝异味。’” 宋 苏轼 《出狱次前韵》之二:“寒上纵归他日马,城中不鬭少年鷄。” 宋 苏轼 《鹿鸣宴》诗:“他日曾陪探 禹穴 ,白头重见赋《南山》。”

  2. 过些天;日后;将来的某一天或某一时期。

    《孟子·滕文公上》:“墨者 夷之 因 徐辟 而求见 孟子 。 孟子 曰:‘吾固愿见,今吾尚病……’他日又求见 孟子 。” 宋 林逋 《先生将终之岁自作寿堂因书一绝以志之》:“ 茂陵 他日求遗稿,犹喜曾无《封禪书》。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致曹聚仁》:“他日印《杂感集》时,也许可以把它印出来。”



  1. Hey! Familiar, it only to find I have played countless parting, has been used to often, life in the future is known to leave.


  2. A businessman from distance, the better, up to arrive night JinCong dive in for Xia shrine stone, denier naught.


  3. May never come, I'll ask a service of you. But until that day. . . accept this justice as a gift on my daughter's wedding day.


  4. We look forward to working with you again when opportunities arise.


  5. Press says Americans are mesmerized by the fact that Kate, born a commoner, could become the Queen of England.


  6. Are things going to get really nasty -- so nasty that 2011 might seem like the good old days -- when the bill comes due?


  7. It's better to waste a little food (and save it for tomorrow) than to overload your body.


  8. Some day, and that day may never come, I'll ask a service of you.


  9. Localization to a number of languages: en, ru, he, de.


  1. 他日再来看望。

    I'll call on you again some other time.

  2. 他日成就菩提果,

    Then when fruition of complete Bodhi enlightenment is yours

  3. 今日怎样来, 他日怎样去。

    What one day gives us another takes away from us.

  4. 不知他日谁来葬我。

    Weiss nicht, wer mich spater beerdigen wird.

  5. 为他日养老而预做准备。

    Make provision for one's old age.

  6. 他正在接受培植,以求他日成为明星。

    He is being groomed for stardom.

  7. 今日跌倒的他或许他日还能东山再起。

    He that falls today maybe up tomorrow again.

  8. 他日樽前如把臂, 莫惊我已白头翁。

    Future Zunqian such as the arm, I have Pulsatilla scare.

  9. 他已被提名代表他日的国家参加谈判。

    He has been nominated to represent his country at the negotiations.

  10. 一只宠坏了的小羊他日会成为一只蛮横的大羊。

    A pet lamb will make a cross ram.

  11. 他日回马,整理一番,写一部笔记,给马来亚人读。

    When you eventually return to Malaya,you can organize these materials to be compiled into a journal for Malayan people to read.

  12. 有朝一日他能当上国王。

    Some day he will be a king.

  13. 所以,有朝一日 他会得到报恩。

    So he will get a return favor at some point in the future.

  14. 是的, 有朝一日他可能会经营整个公司。

    Yes, he could one day run the whole company.

  15. 他确实说过有朝一日他会成为准男爵

    He certainly said he would one day be a baronet.

  16. 四季的每一结账日他都要在房东面前哭一场。

    Every quarter day he wept before the landlord.

  17. 于一九四三年十月一日他的部队进占该城。

    On october 1,1943, his forces triumphantly entered that city.

  18. 他日复一日地努力工作着。

    He works hard day in and day out.

  19. 他日复一日挥霍地生活着。

    He lives thriftlessly from day to day.

  20. 他没日没夜的工作, 看起来很忙。

    He is working so hard that he is as busy as a beaver.

  21. 医生只许他一日吃两餐。

    The doctor has permitted him only two meals a day.

  22. 他没日没夜地工作,看起来很忙。

    He is working so hard that he is as busy as a beaver.

  23. 通过和朋友及亲戚借债,他勉强度日。

    Borrowing money from friends and relatives helped him to scrape by.

  24. 通过和朋友及亲戚借债,他勉强度日。

    Borrowing money from friends and relatives helped him to scrape by.

  25. 他日复一日,周复一周地干下去,毫无变化。

    He goes on working day after day, week after week without any change.

  26. 他日复一日呕心沥血地从事着音乐创作。

    He composed his musical works day after day in painstaking fashion.

  27. 他已给饭店拍电报确认了他五日能到。

    He wired the hotel to confirm his arrival on the 5 th of May.

  28. 如果他有朝一日被捕入狱, 我也不会感到吃惊的。

    It would not surprise me if he ends up in jail.

  29. 为了赚足够的钱卖那栋公寓, 他没日没夜的工作。

    In order to make enough money to buy the apartment, he works days and nights.

  30. 他有朝一日还要再来。他们总不能老是要他付帐。

    He would come back some day, they couldn't make him pay forever.


  1. 问:他日拼音怎么拼?他日的读音是什么?他日翻译成英文是什么?

    答:他日的读音是tārì,他日翻译成英文是 some other time; some day




【拼音】tā rì

【基本解释】 1. [future;some other day;later on]∶将来;来日,将来的某一天或某一时期他日见于王。——《孟子·梁惠王下》他日,驴一鸣。——《黔之驴》他日不忘老人芋。——清· 周容《芋老人传》愿他日得志。他日补缀旧纸。——《宋史·赵普传》2. [former days;former times;bygone days]∶以往;昔日