




1. 把 [bǎ]2. 把 [bà]把 [bǎ]拿,抓住:~酒(拿着酒杯)。~玩(拿着赏玩)。控制,掌握:~握。~舵。看守:~守。~门儿。自行车、手推车等的手柄:车~。可以用手拿的小捆:秫秸~儿。专权,一手独揽:~持大权。从后托起小孩两腿使……



汉语拼音:dāo bà









  1. 亦作“ 刀靶 ”。亦作“ 刀欛 ”。刀的把手。

    汉 班固 《与窦宪笺》:“令赐 固 刀把曰:‘此大将军少小时所服。’”《儿女英雄传》第五回:“右手四指拢定了刀靶,大拇指按住了刀子的掩心。” 赵树理 《三里湾》十五:“整个的上滩,像一把菜刀,那一带地就像刀把。”

  2. 比喻把柄。

    清 李渔 《比目鱼·征利》:“见他莫把威严吓,乡民易惊怕。骗得状词来,杀人有刀欛。”《红楼梦》第六八回:“谁知越使钱,越叫人拿住刀靶儿,越发来讹。”

  3. 比喻权柄。参见“ 刀把子 ”。



  1. Much of the time, the fins are sliced off with a blade at sea and the bloody shark torso thrown back in the water to die.


  2. I spent the next half hour with an ice cube and a plastic knife, scraping tar off the bottom of my shoes.


  3. Replace the batteries: With a Phillips screwdriver to remove the bottom cover and then replace the battery, then install the bottom cover.


  4. Because I found jiao face except excited, and wrath, and seems ready to take daoba I chop, if I don't eat it.


  5. He does, however, cut his facial hair closely with a beard trimmer, pledging, 'I'm not ever going to look like a lumberjack. '


  6. The utility model relates to a convenient screwdriver comprising a screwdriver handle, a screwdriver bar, a spring, and a press cover.


  7. The man's boots were covered with ice. The strings on his boots were as hard as steel. He would have to cut them with his knife.


  8. After some time, she suddenly cut the cloth she had woven with knife, much to Mencius's bewilderment.


  9. Upon this haft stands the assassin's natal autograph , written in the blood of that helpless and unoffending old man who loved you .


  1. 你可用刀把电线断。

    You can cut the wire with a knife.

  2. 她用刀把香蕉切碎。

    She cut up the banana with a knife.

  3. 查利用刀把棍子截短。

    Charlie cut the stick short with his knife.

  4. 用快刀把面包卷切开。

    Slit the roll with a sharp knife.

  5. 他用刀把肉切成薄片。

    He sliced the meat with the knife.

  6. 她用刀把盖子撬开了。

    She used a knife to prise open the lid.

  7. 刀把无字,给人以遐想。

    Hilt without words makes people image.

  8. 她拿了一把刀把母亲杀了。

    She gets a knife and kills the hen.

  9. 用这把刀把他们一砍两段

    With the cleaver I hack them in two

  10. 用抹黄油的刀把蜡刮松。

    Scrape the wax loose with a butter knife.

  11. 刮刀涂布机用刮刀把涂剂涂布的机器。

    Blade coater Machine for blade coating.

  12. 看, 刀片是如何嵌进刀把的。

    See how the blade devotails into the handle.

  13. 看,刀片是如何嵌进刀把得。

    See how the blade devotails into the handle.

  14. 学习了, 刀把是不是有点松动?

    Study, is the hilt a bit flexible

  15. 用橡皮刮刀把它们刮进豆子中。

    Scrape into the beans with a rubber spatula.

  16. 他用刀把椰子切开,椰汁流出来。

    He split the coconut with a knife to let the coconut milk flow out.

  17. 他用刀把椰子切开,椰汁流出来。

    He split the coconut with a knife to let the coconut milk flow out.

  18. 小学生用刀把铅笔的一头削尖了。

    The pupil tapered one end of the pencil with a knife.

  19. 用一把锋利得刀把圈切成两半。

    Cut the roll in half with a sharp knife.

  20. 用一把锋利的刀把圈切成两半。

    Cut the roll in half with a sharp knife.

  21. 然后用刮刀把墙纸从墙上弄下来。

    Then zip the stuff off the wall with a wallpaper scraper.

  22. 他用刀把狠狠打了一下她的鼻梁。

    He cracked her on the bridge of the nose with the end of the knife.

  23. 那个用切肉刀把爸爸砍死的人?

    The one who hacked her father to death with a meat cleaver?

  24. 你用刀把枕头戳破了吗神父问道。

    Did you gut the pillow with a knife?'he says.

  25. 用刀把食物送入口中是不礼貌的。

    It's not considered polite to put food into your mouth with a knife.

  26. 先放一些糖, 然后再用刀把面粉拌进去。

    Put in some sugar and then cut the flour in with a knite.

  27. 如果露西受到伤害的话, 我用刀把你剁了。

    lf Lucy gets hurt, lm gonna chop you with the meat cleaver.

  28. 用刀把表面划开, 就是嫩肉, 鲜美的肉原汁。

    A knife slipped through the outer part and inside the meat was tender and juicy.

  29. 刀把掉了, 我抢过了刀刃, 扎向宋怀后腰。

    Whip out, I grabbed the blade, to the lumbar SONG Huai.

  30. 我用刀把自己剌伤了。这刀子很快。小心别剌着!

    This knife is sharp. Mind you don't cut yourself!


  1. 问:刀把儿拼音怎么拼?刀把儿的读音是什么?刀把儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刀把儿的读音是dāobàr,刀把儿翻译成英文是 The handle of a sword; Lapse.

  2. 问:刀把子拼音怎么拼?刀把子的读音是什么?刀把子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刀把子的读音是dāobàzi,刀把子翻译成英文是 hilt

  3. 问:刀把木拼音怎么拼?刀把木的读音是什么?刀把木翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刀把木的读音是dāobàmù,刀把木翻译成英文是 Cinnamomum pittosporoides