







汉语拼音:dōng píng







  1. 地名。在今 山东省 。

    三国 魏 曹丕 《典论·论文》:“今之文人, 鲁国 孔融 文举 …… 东平 刘楨 公干 。”《文选·谢灵运<拟魏太子“邺中集”诗·刘桢>》:“贫居晏里閈,少小长 东平 。” 李善 注:“《汉书》: 泰山郡 有 东平县 。”

  2. 指 汉 刘苍 。因其封 东平王 ,故称。

    南朝 梁 任昉 《齐竟陵文宣王行状》:“昔 沛献 访对於 云臺 , 东平 齐声於 杨 史 。” 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·时序》:“ 东平 擅其懿文, 沛王 振其《通论》。”参见“ 东平献颂 ”。



  1. Summer vacation, I and my mother, together with tours to Yangjiang Pearl Bay to see the sea.


  2. We along the west coast highway, looking at the distance of the coast of twists and turns, it came to Pearl Bay .


  3. "Dong Pingyan takes the door " leave quickly to close quickly also, but, be pacified the complex mood of people, can so fast also?


  4. Where to get it : We ran into a vendor pushing her carton Dongping Lu.


  5. Reconstruction of the catwalk and rubble causeway of the existing Tung Ping Chau Public Pier and improving the facilities of the pier.


  6. Rural students mainly attend local colleges and junior colleges, a survey by educationalist Yang Dongping showed.


  7. A comparative study of the images of Indonesian Chinese in the writings of Oey Tong Pin and pramoedya ananta toer.


  8. Dongping manganese deposit in Guangxi is a lateritic type manganese deposit.


  9. The dispute about the birthplace of Luo Guanzhong has been focused on Taiyuan of Shanxi province and Dongping of Shandong province.


  1. 东平水道上段

    Dongping channel.

  2. 我居住在东平。

    I live in Dongping.

  3. 东平湖2007年浮游植物调查及分析

    Analysis of phytoplankton biological quantity in Dongping Lake in2007

  4. 东平湖马口闸安全检测与分析

    Test and Analysis on the Safety of Makou Sluice Gate of Dongping Lake

  5. 东平湖围坝塑性混凝土防渗墙试验

    Test on Plastic Concrete Cutoff Wall of Dongping Lake Diaphragm Wall

  6. 东平湖水污染关键因子的控制研究

    Study on the key factors of water pollution control in dongping lake

  7. 东平湖围坝截渗墙应力应变分析

    Analysis on Stress Strain of Cutoff Wall of Dongping Lake Embankment

  8. 社会混乱,政府的腐败!东平实在是垃圾!

    Social disorder, government corruption! Tung Ping is really rubbish!

  9. 罗贯中原籍东平,对水浒故事特别熟悉。

    He was very familiar with the Water Margin story.

  10. 东平大桥静力和动力特性分析研究

    The Static and Dynamical Characteristics Analysis and Research of Dongping Bridge

  11. 在东平桥上照的, 左面就是澜石港。

    Standing on Dongping Bridge, Lanshi port is at the left side.

  12. 广西东平锰矿是一种红土型锰矿床。

    Dongping mannganese deposit in Guangxi is a lateritic type manganese deposit.

  13. 元好问在东平的活动及对文化的贡献

    Yuan Haowen's Action in DongPing and its contribution to the culture

  14. 扩大东平湖水库老湖调蓄能力的途径

    Way of Expanding Storage Capacity of the Old Lake of the Dongping Lake.

  15. 佛山东平大桥竖转施工工艺的设计特色

    Design Features of Vertical Rotation Technology in Dongping Bridge at Foshan City

  16. 山东东平在元前期杂剧发展中的重要地位

    The Important Status of Dongping Shandong in the Development of Za Ju During the Previous Period of Yuan Dynasty

  17. 山东黄河, 东平湖排蓄洪能力分析与建议

    Evaluation of flood discharge and storage capacity and recommendations in the Dongping Lake and Yellow River of Shandong Province

  18. 东平湖水库改造治理涝洼地的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice in Managing Low Lands in the Reservoir of Dongping Lake

  19. 预裂爆破在东平水库溢洪道施工中的应用

    Application of presplit blasting in the spillway construction of the Dongping reservoir

  20. 辅助变量法研究北半球向东平抛物体的运动

    The kinematics of an East horizontal projectile in the northern hemisphere studied by the method of auxiliary variable

  21. 疏浚整治河道对珠江三角洲东平水道上段的影响

    The influence of the channel dredging and improvement on the Dongping waterway in the Pearl River Delta

  22. 东平湖高浓度污染水团的发生规律及监测研究

    Forming rule and monitoring study on polluted water mass of high concentration in Dongping Lake

  23. 该水库兴建于1958年, 系在天然东平湖得基础上扩建而成。

    The reservoir was built in 1958, it was expanded on the basis of the natural like.

  24. 对防治污染水团的生成及提高东平湖的水质进行了探讨。

    A discussion on how to prevent the forming of polluted water mass and improve the water quality of Dong Ping Lake was also conducted.


  1. 问:东平拼音怎么拼?东平的读音是什么?东平翻译成英文是什么?

    答:东平的读音是Dōngpíng,东平翻译成英文是 东平县 Dongping County, lying in Tai'an of Shando...

  2. 问:东平湖拼音怎么拼?东平湖的读音是什么?东平湖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:东平湖的读音是,东平湖翻译成英文是 Dongping Lake

  3. 问:东平贺拼音怎么拼?东平贺的读音是什么?东平贺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:东平贺的读音是Dōngpínghè,东平贺翻译成英文是 Higashihiraga

  4. 问:东平壤大剧院拼音怎么拼?东平壤大剧院的读音是什么?东平壤大剧院翻译成英文是什么?

    答:东平壤大剧院的读音是,东平壤大剧院翻译成英文是 East Pyongyang Grand Theatre

  5. 问:东平洲公众码头拼音怎么拼?东平洲公众码头的读音是什么?东平洲公众码头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:东平洲公众码头的读音是,东平洲公众码头翻译成英文是 Tung Ping Chau Public Pier

  6. 问:东平国家森林公园拼音怎么拼?东平国家森林公园的读音是什么?东平国家森林公园翻译成英文是什么?

    答:东平国家森林公园的读音是dōngpíng guójiā sēnlín gōngyuán,东平国家森林公园翻译成英文是 Dongping National Forest Park