




1. 脚 [jiǎo]脚 [jiǎo]人和某些动物身体最下部接触地面的部分:~心。~掌。~背。~跟。~步。~印。~法(指踢球、踢毽等的技巧)。~镣。~踏实地(形容做事实事求是,不浮夸)。最下部:~注。山~。墙~。剩下的废料,渣滓:下~料。〔……



汉语拼音:qǐ jiǎo








  1. 起步;出发。

    明 李贽 《四书评·论语四》:“此分明教人从‘有恒’起脚,‘圣人’歇脚也。” 太平天囯 洪秀全 《天父下凡诏书》:“天父曰:‘尔所带之兄弟何时在 博白 起脚?如何设计行程?’” 俞平伯 《重过西园码头》:“从 新市场 的振华旅馆起脚,而 学古斋 ,而 花牌楼 。”

  2. 伸腿;抬腿。

    清 包世臣 《艺舟双楫·答熙载九问》:“学书如学拳,学拳者,身法步法手法,扭筋对骨,出手起脚,必极筋所能至,使之内气通而外劲出。” 孔捷生 《锁王传略》:“球传过来了,就看头头们敢不敢起脚射门啦!”

  3. 指搬运货物。




  1. Before he took his shot, I closed my eyes and started praying like rarely Ive done in my life.


  2. Other players might have lashed at it in panic, tensing up with the importance of the moment.


  3. Alice stood right in front of me, on her tiptoes to better stare me in the eye, and gripped my wrists in her hard hands.


  4. Cause: When trying to explain foot and ankle injuries, Price starts at the top of the body.


  5. If she were really innocent , he knew she would have jumped to her feet in her defiant way .


  6. I was behind him when he took the shot and it was a beautiful goal.


  7. He climbed onto the roof and dropped three bags of gold through the hole in the roof where the smoke from the fire came out.


  8. Graciously he bestowed it upon the woman who towered over him , then leaned up to give her two kisses while she beamed.


  9. Brandy left the defender for dust, controlled the ball with his knee and lashed an unstoppable 20-yard volley into Leighton 's top corner.


  1. 躺下来,抬起脚。

    Lie down and elevate your feet.

  2. 玛丽踮起脚转向我。

    Mary pivoted on her toe and faced me.

  3. 不耐烦了,渐渐跺起脚来。

    The audience began to shuffle impatiently.

  4. 他的心踮起脚在跳舞。

    His heart danced on point.

  5. 公狗撒尿时会抬起脚。

    Male dog lifts its leg when it pees.

  6. 她抬起脚,把黄蜂踩扁。

    She lifted her foot and squashed the wasp into the ground.

  7. 他大发雷霆,跳起脚来骂我。

    He flew into a rage and jumped up and shouted at me.

  8. 踮起脚,享受更接近阳光的味道。

    Stand on tiptoe, enjoy closer to the taste of the sun.

  9. 他当时正准备起脚近距离射门。

    He was about to pull the trigger and shoot from close range.

  10. 观众已经不耐烦了, 渐渐跺起脚来。

    The audience began to shuffle impatiently.

  11. 他在遭阻截铲断前起脚射门。

    He shot the ball before he was tackled.

  12. 再次背靠墙, 踮起脚, 划下记录

    Back on the wall again, stand on tiptoe, register again

  13. 他很冷,就在地板上跺起脚来。

    He was so cold that he kept stamping his feet to the floor.

  14. 他很冷,就在地板上跺起脚来。

    He was so cold that he kept stamping his feet to the floor.

  15. 他垫起脚,去够在书架上的字典。

    He tiptoed to reach for the dictionary on the shelf.

  16. 第一次踮起脚, 准备承受初吻得时候。

    She stood tiptoe with her face turning up to meet her first kiss.

  17. 第一次踮起脚,准备承受初吻的时候。

    She stood tiptoe with her face turning up to meet her first kiss.

  18. 过了一会儿, 一个女店员让我抬起脚。

    After a while, a salesgirl asked me to raise my feet.

  19. 他可是非常优美地立起脚尖儿跳的哟。

    He danced very prettily on the tips of his toes.

  20. 抬起脚后, 我发现鞋底粘着一个价签。

    I did as she had told me. There was a label on the bottom of my shoe.

  21. 没等有机会起脚射门, 他就被对方阻截了。

    He was tacked before he had a chance to shoot.

  22. 有时我踮起脚好越过高篱笆去观赏花园。

    Sometimes I stand on tiptoe to look over tall fences.

  23. 满满的心愿,踮起脚,闪烁的许愿星就能触到。

    Full of hope, stand on tiptoe, twinkle star be able to touch.

  24. 他们踮起脚以便把游行场面看得更清楚些。

    They stood on tiptoe to get a better look at the parade.

  25. 我盯着对方守门员大力起脚射门, 皮球应声入网。

    I looked at the keeper and I shot hard, the ball entered the net.

  26. 群树犹如大地的渴望, 踮起脚窥望着天空。

    The trees, like the longings of the earth, stand at toe to peep at the heaven.

  27. 那矮人踮起脚把纸条用钉子按在墙上。

    The short man nailed the message to the wall on tiptoe.

  28. 群树犹如大地得渴望,踮起脚窥望着天空。

    The trees, like the longings of the earth, stand at toe to peep at the heaven.

  29. 击球手踮起脚将这记上旋球击到场地中。

    The batsman rose on his toes and played the rising ball down into the ground.

  30. 你的帽子在桌子上,汤姆,踮起脚来够它吧。

    Your cap is on the table, Tom. Stand on tiptoe and get it.