




人或事物的称谓:~字。~氏。~姓。~义。~分(fèn )。~堂。~落孙山。~存实亡。起名字:“秦氏有好女,自~为罗敷”。做某事时用来作依据的称号:这些人以“办学”为~,行骗钱之实。叫出,说出:不可~状。声誉:~誉。~声。~优(a.出名的,优……



汉语拼音:qǐ míng








  1. 取名号;命名。

    《汉书·高帝纪上》“ 高祖 , 沛 丰邑 中阳里 人也,姓 刘 氏” 颜师古 注引 三国 魏 张晏 曰:“《礼》諡法无‘高’,以为功最高而为 汉 帝之太祖,故特起名焉。”《儒林外史》第二回:“开蒙的时候,他父亲央及集上新进 梅 朋友替他起名。” 萧红 《生死场》十三:“对!招集小伙子们,起名也叫‘革命军’。”

  2. 得名;获取名望。

    晋 伏义 《与阮籍书》:“若弃圣背贤,必不离乎狂狷;凌荣起名,则不免乎穷辱。”《醒世恒言·汪大尹火焚宝莲寺》:“后 汪大尹 因此起名,遂钦取为监察御史。”



  1. And Jabez was honoured more than his brothers; but his mother had given him the name Jabez, saying, Because I gave birth to him with sorrow.


  2. And Ephraim went in to his wife, and she conceived and bore a son. And he called his name Beriah, because disaster had befallen his house.


  3. This text should bo written yesterday, but for some reason did not write, so the subject was yesterday named the date of it.


  4. And afterward came out his brother, that had the scarlet thread upon his hand: and his name was called Zarah.


  5. And He said, Call his name Lo-ammi, For you are not My people, And I will not belong to you.


  6. She was telling me how fortunate it was that she had named me Mireya, because the President of Panama was Mireya Moscoso.


  7. 30Afterwards his brother came out, on whose hand was the scarlet thread: and she called him Zara.


  8. To Seth, to him also a son was born; and he called his name Enosh. Then men began to call upon the name of the LORD.


  9. And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.


  1. 企鹅经典儿童起名手册

    The Penguin Classic Baby Name Book

  2. 他们给孩子起名大卫。

    They named their son David.

  3. 我们给她起名阿尔巴。

    We named her Alba.

  4. 维也纳熊猫起名福龙

    The panda cub in Vienna is named Fu Long

  5. 妈妈给新孩子起名为莎拉。

    Mom named the new baby Sarah.

  6. 他把他的池塘起名为放生池。

    He called his pond the Free Life Pond.

  7. 他们给这个男孩起名为查理。

    They named the boy Charlie.

  8. 只要别让孩子们给它起名,准能奏效。

    If only I can keep the kids from naming him. That would be the trick.

  9. 他们给自己的第一个孩子起名为罗兰。

    They gave the name Roland to their first child.

  10. 这小孩按他祖父得名字被起名为汤姆。

    The boy was named Tom after his grandfather.

  11. 这小孩按他祖父的名字被起名为汤姆。

    The boy was named Tom after his grandfather.

  12. 我以前老是记不住器官名,就干脆自己起名

    I could never remember their real name, so I made up name.

  13. 他们给他起名里查德,但我们叫他迪克。

    They named him Richard, but we call him Dick.

  14. 该隐也给他得一个儿子起名为以诺。

    Cain had also named one of his sons Enoch.

  15. 他们给他们的儿子起名威廉,但我们叫他比尔。

    They named their son William, but we call him Bill.

  16. 然而, 宠物主人在给宠物起名时还受到了名人的影响。

    However, people have also been influenced by celebrities.

  17. 所有人都想要一个自己亲自给起名的新动物

    Everybody likes to have their own animal that they named.

  18. 他们给他们的女儿起名伊丽莎白,但我们叫她贝蒂。

    They named their daughter Elizabeth, but we call her Betty.

  19. 推特上的人把我最新的香水起名为紫罗兰色眼睛。

    People on Twitter named my new fragrance, Violet Eyes.

  20. 小行星是唯一可以由发现者起名并得到国际公认的天体。

    The planet is the only star that can name after the finder and recognized by the international society.

  21. 天使告诉马利亚她要生一个婴孩并给他要起名为耶稣。

    The angel Gabriel tells Mary that she will have a baby and to call him Jesus.

  22. 那么, 下一轮十年, 属于棘手的少年期, 起名自然是非同一般。

    But the next decade, with its awkward teen years, presents a special challenge.


  1. 问:起名儿拼音怎么拼?起名儿的读音是什么?起名儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起名儿的读音是qǐmíngr,起名儿翻译成英文是 To name; to give a name to a person or a thing....