








1. 好 [hǎo]2. 好 [hào]好 [hǎo]优点多或使人满意的,与“坏”相对:~人。~汉。~歹。~事多磨。身体康健,疾病消失,生活幸福:您~。安~。友爱,和睦:友~。相~。容易:~办。~使。~懂。完成,完善:办~了。表示应允、赞成……



汉语拼音:yuè yuán huā hǎo








  • 【解释】:花儿正盛开,月亮正圆满。比喻美好圆满。多用于祝贺人新婚。
  • 【出自】:宋·晁补之《御街行》词:“幽期莫误香闺恨,罗带今朝褪。月圆花好一般春,触处总堪乘兴。”


  1. Full moon and blooming flowers


  1. 三月多风四月雨, 赢得五月好风景。

    A windy March, and a rainy April makes a beautiful May.

  2. 提前六个月修好。

    in that person getting their home repaired.

  3. 前几个月挺好玩的

    The first few months were fun.

  4. 二月天气好, 全年气候糟。

    All the months in the year curse a fair February.

  5. 他的伤口还几个月才好。

    It took several months for his wounds to heal.

  6. 那些必须在下个月准备好的账目有些混乱。

    The acconuts, which are in a bit of a mess, have to be ready for next month.

  7. 当地官员说他们的灭犬计划这个月做好。

    Officials there said their extermination plan was scheduled to begin later this month.

  8. 老实说,我认为他是今年一月最好的一笔引援。

    Honestly, I think that he is the best player who arrived this January.

  9. 他们花了6个月收拾好屋里的东西然后出国去了。

    Theyve packed their house up for six months, andgone abroad.

  10. 在监狱有6个月的好品行后, 她有资格获得有条件的释放。

    After six monthsgood conduct in prison she was eligible for parole.

  11. 在监狱有6个月的好品行后,他有资格获得有条件的释放。

    After six months good conduct in prison she was eligible for parole.

  12. 瞧他那样子,好像几个月没好好吃过一顿饭似的。

    He looks as though he hasn't had a square meal for months, ie looks underfed.

  13. 瞧他那样子, 好像几个月没好好吃过一顿饭似得。

    He looks as though heh asnt had a square meal for months, ie looks underfed.

  14. 月是很好的月份。

    April and May are good months.

  15. 这个月几乎没有好天气。

    We've had practically no fine weather this month.

  16. 五月份比三, 四月份要好。

    May was nicer than March and April.

  17. 我们再等几个月吧,好么

    We probably should wait a few weeks, don't you think.

  18. 她经过几个月训练身体好了。

    Shes in good shape after months of training.

  19. 我估计是一个月以前修好的。

    And I estimate it was fixed about a month ago.

  20. 我们得产品在可在月日前准备好。

    We certainly expect our product to be available by October.

  21. 我们的产品在可在月日前准备好。

    We certainly expect our product to be available by October.

  22. 那家公司保证五月份造好房子。

    The company engaged to finish the building by May.

  23. 我花了一个月才治好我的咳嗽。

    It took me a month to get rid of my cough.

  24. 我们可以在六到九个月内修好它。

    We should be and running in, say, six to nine months.

  25. 我们说好一个月不上床的。

    We agreed no sex for a month.

  26. 你最好每个月存起点钱来。

    You'd better put some money aside every month.

  27. 有他们的帮助我们将能在几个月内修好水库。

    With their help, we shall be able to complete the reservoir in a few months.

  28. 我喜欢预先安排好一个月的工作。

    I like to map out the whole month in advance.

  29. 千好万好事事好, 月圆情圆人团圆。

    Thousands of good Wan good things good, happy moon people round the situation.

  30. 我想知道下个月的你好,化学的录象是怎么安排的。

    I was wondering how next month's Good Chemistry video is coming along.