


阳性的人:~性。~人。~孩。~女平等。儿子:长(zhǎng )~。封建制度五等爵位的第五等:~爵。……





汉语拼音:nán ér







  1. 犹男子汉;大丈夫。

    《东观汉记·公孙述传》:“男儿当死中求生,可坐穷乎?” 唐 高适 《燕歌行》:“男儿本自重横行,天子非常赐颜色。” 前蜀 花蕊夫人 《述国亡诗》:“君王城上竖降旗,妾在深宫那得知;十四万人齐解甲,更无一个是男儿。”《金瓶梅词话》第三六回:“博得锦衣归故里,功名方信是男儿。” 巴金 《家》三:“他不过觉得做一个‘男儿’应该抛弃家庭到外面去,一个人去创造出一番不寻常的事业。”

  2. 儿子。

    晋 陶潜 《责子》诗:“虽有五男儿,总不好纸笔。”《法苑珠林》卷二五:“日月满足,产得男儿。”

  3. 对夫婿的称呼。

    元 孟汉卿 《魔合罗》第二折:“小叔叔説妾身有姦夫。妾身是儿女夫妻,怎下的药杀男儿?” 元 杨暹 《西游记》第一本第一出:“等我分娩了身孕,男儿三年孝满,恰好孩儿三岁,我便和你做夫妻。”



  1. I'm writing a political satire about him at the moment, actually. It's called Yang in Disguise.


  2. Many critics said he brought humor and sensitivity to his portrayal of the Man of Steel.


  3. Eventhough we were all tired, we were so happy to be back in Wuhan where our "My Hero" journey began.


  4. It was also really fun to see all my friends from My Hero, since I haven't been able to see them for the weeks I have been gone in America.


  5. But I believe that the audience can see that the brotherhood and friendship between the Wuhan Heroes is real.


  6. As a powerful nation, France surrendered the Germany after years of fighting, should the Chinese people give in and live on in degradation?


  7. My personal motto for "My Hero" is "Follow your dreams, anything is possible" .


  8. I was very sad to see Chen Di leave the My Hero stage but I was also so happy that Yan An could enter the national top 10.


  9. Inventor wants to share this with all the gays in the world. The recognition form National patent enhances him to realize this.


  1. 男儿膝下有黄金!

    The golds are unther the boys knees!

  2. 无敌男儿电影海报

    Triumph of the spirit Movie Poster

  3. 男儿有泪不轻弹。

    The man and flip.

  4. 稻草男儿抵得上金玉女子。

    A man of straw is worth of a woman of gold.

  5. 男儿长大成年当须娶妻

    A man should get married on coming of age

  6. 我国得男儿已战死疆场。

    Our nation's manhood died on the battlefield.

  7. 我国的男儿已战死疆场。

    Our nation's manhood died on the battlefield.

  8. 立是希望好男儿顶天立地。

    Li is a man of indomitable spirit that good.

  9. 我们行军上战场, 男儿们, 我们去打仗。

    We are marching to the field, boys, we're going to the fight.

  10. 男儿事长征,少小幽燕客

    There once was a man, sent on military missions, A wanderer, from youth, on the You and Yan frontiers.

  11. 他是一个真正的好男儿。

    He is a true Hero.

  12. 男儿立志, 要建百世之功。

    A man should have the ambition to do something that changes the world for the better and benefits generations after him.

  13. 男儿立志,要建百世之功。

    A man should have the ambition to do something that changes the world for the better and benefits generations after him.

  14. 刚铎和洛汗的好男儿, 我的好兄弟。

    Sons of Gondor! Of Rohan! My brothers.

  15. 中华民族有成千上万的血性男儿。

    The Chinese nation possesses thousands upon thousands of men of courage and uprightness.

  16. 速水将如何演出这样的热血男儿!

    Rivalry with teammates, agonies of love and friendship.

  17. 昨晚我完成了上海好男儿演唱会。

    Last night we finally finished Shanghai's My Hero Live in Concert.

  18. 这个国家的最优秀男儿都死于战争。

    The flower of the nation's manhood was killed in the war.

  19. 上周末是好男儿的终极之战。

    Last weekend was also the finale of My Hero.

  20. 男儿有泪不轻弹, 只因未到伤心处。

    Men do not shed tears unless they are deeply grieved.

  21. 中华民族有着成千上万的血性男儿。

    The Chinese nation possesses thousands upon thousands of men of courage and uprightness.

  22. 男儿有泪不轻弹,只因未到伤心处。

    A man does not easily shed tears until his heart is broken.

  23. 男儿不展风云志,空负天生七尺躯。

    Hearty life gets empty with ones lofty aspirations unrealized.

  24. 沧海可填山可移, 男儿志气当如斯。

    Man shall have an ambition beliving that nothing is insurmountable just like the sea can be filled up and the mountain can be moved.

  25. 男儿有泪不轻弹,皆因未到伤心处。

    Men only weep when deeply grieved.

  26. 困龙也有上天日, 男儿岂无得志时?

    The weariest dragon will mount to Heaven sooner or later. Wht then should not man stumble upon good luck?

  27. 我是男儿, 我对我的主任有种爱, 很难说出口。

    Though I'm a guy, it's weird to tell how I love my master.

  28. 男儿欲遂平生志, 五经勤向窗前读。

    If a man wants to achieve what he wishes, Read the five sutras in front of the window.

  29. 在众人眼里,他是一个奋发有为的好男儿。

    He is regarded as a promising boy.

  30. 那么约克的好男儿都愿与我们并肩作战?

    So have the good men of York come to fight with us?


  1. 问:男儿拼音怎么拼?男儿的读音是什么?男儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:男儿的读音是nán'ér,男儿翻译成英文是 man

  2. 问:男儿本色拼音怎么拼?男儿本色的读音是什么?男儿本色翻译成英文是什么?

    答:男儿本色的读音是Nánérběnsè,男儿本色翻译成英文是 Invisible Target, a Hong Kong martial arts crime...




拼音:nán ér基本解释1. [man]∶男子汉男儿有泪不轻弹2. [husband] [近]∶指丈夫