







汉语拼音:cāi jì








  1. 怀疑别人对自己不利而心怀不满。

    《后汉书·申屠刚传》:“ 平帝 时, 王莽 专政,朝多猜忌。” 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·指瑕》:“近代辞人,率多猜忌。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·青凤》:“由此如家人父子,无復猜忌矣。” 柔石 《为奴隶的母亲》:“她知道这个老妇人是猜忌多心的。”



  1. " Professor Robinson wisely pointed out that, " Conscientiousness and Insight seem suspicious of one another, and yet they might be friends.


  2. So he may be depressed to run into the beginnings of an old-fashioned territorial spat between jealous countries.


  3. Sure it helps to have your eyes open and not be totally naive but being overly suspicious is unhealthy for you and your relationship too.


  4. lt was time to stop all this speculation and infiltrate the enemy camp.


  5. This confrontation shows clearly that hatred for her daughter outweighed suspicion of her husband.


  6. It is true that we seem to be experiencing a new sense of paranoia about these extremists and the threats they pose.


  7. The etymological origins of the word druid are varied and doubtful enough that the word may be pre -Indo- European.


  8. The first was to heed the proverb: "It is better to be quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. "


  9. Javert was like an eye constantly fixed on M. Madeleine. An eye full of suspicion and conjecture.


  1. 她落落寡合,饱受猜忌。

    She was prone to isolation, prey to doubt.

  2. 爱不与猜忌同生。

    Love cannot dwell with suspicion.

  3. 消除猜忌,用信任取而代之。

    Dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust.

  4. 巧于化解同级的猜忌

    Dissolving Cleverly the Suspicion and Jealousy from the Same Level

  5. 譬如对于清白与否的猜忌。

    Like the doubts over his innocence.

  6. 譬如对于清白与否的猜忌。

    Like the doubts over his innocence.

  7. 我腻烦了这些猜忌和争吵。

    I'am tired of all these jealousies and quarrels.

  8. 选择充满压抑和猜忌的生活?

    A life filled with repression and denial?

  9. 猜忌使我痛苦,有时羞怯躲避。

    What jealous pangs, what shy despairs I knew!

  10. 猜忌的心理开始来折磨他了。

    Jealousy began to torment him.

  11. 因为没有暴力没有忌妒没有辱骂和猜忌

    Cause there is no violence, envy , abuse and envious.

  12. 他阴险狡诈,残暴猜忌,极端利己。

    He is villainy in treachery and deceit, suspicion and tyranny and extreme selfishness.

  13. 猜忌使我痛苦,有时羞羞怯躲避。

    What jealous pangs, what shy despairs I knew!

  14. 如妻疑夫猜忌, 则断难听命矣。

    which she will never do, if she find him jealous.

  15. 猜忌总叫邪恶的孩子心神不宁

    Suspicion depression child of devil

  16. 自己没有私心,就不会猜忌别人。

    If you have no selfish motives, you will not be suspicious and envious of others.

  17. 不要鄙视,不要猜忌,我们同样需要关怀。

    Do not despise, do not suspect, we all need to be cared.

  18. 他们致力于消除双方的猜忌和疑虑。

    They had to work hard to allay the fears and dispel suspicions on both sides.

  19. 它会让家庭充满怨恨, 猜忌和欺骗。

    But Pittman says couples can take preventive steps.

  20. 她是个猜忌心很重的女人。

    She was a very jealous woman.

  21. 你会注意到他们对我们心存猜忌。

    You could see they mistrusted us.

  22. 相反地,互相之间的猜忌正在不断上升。

    On the contrary, mutual mistrust is now rising.

  23. 然而, 猜忌仍挥之不去并且难以消除。

    Yet suspicions endure and will be hard to shift.

  24. 山姆对他的妻子很猜忌,因为她很漂亮。

    Sam be very jealous of his wife, as she is very pretty.

  25. 他猜忌自己的妻子,怀疑她与人通奸。

    He was jealous of his wife and suspected her of adultery.

  26. 有能力处理好个人的猜忌和嫉妒情绪。

    Able to manage personal jealousy and feelings of envy.

  27. 他毫不自私, 没有一点猜忌和怨恨之心。

    He is unselfish, and above small jealousy and hatred.

  28. 没有营私舞弊行为, 反而因故使人怀疑猜忌

    Be vulnerable to suspicion even without corrupt practice in a troubled place

  29. 该是停止猜忌渗透敌方阵营的时候了

    lt was time to stop all this speculation and infiltrate the enemy camp.

  30. 我们总会本能地去评估,猜忌,揣测彼此。

    Instinctively, we assess, undress and bestguess each other.


  1. 问:猜忌拼音怎么拼?猜忌的读音是什么?猜忌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猜忌的读音是cāijì,猜忌翻译成英文是 be suspicious




【拼音】cāi jì
