




液体移动:~水。~汗。~血。~泪。~程。~泻。~质。~水不腐。汗~浃背。随波逐~(随着波浪起伏,跟着流水漂荡,喻没有主见,随着潮流走)。像水那样流动不定:~转(zhuǎn )。~通。~寇。~浪。~离。~散。~失。~沙。~露。~萤。传播:~言……



汉语拼音:rén liú








  1. 指有某种社会地位的同类人。

    三国 魏 刘劭 《人物志·流业》:“盖人流之业,十有二焉。” 北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·后娶》:“ 河 北鄙於侧出,不预人流。是以必须重娶。” 王利器 集解:“人流之流,与士流,学流、文流,某家者流之流义同。” 唐 张鷟 《游仙窟》:“岂敢在外谈説,妄事加诸?忝预人流,寧容如此!”

  2. 谓评论人物。

    《三国志·蜀志·庞统传论》:“ 庞统 雅好人流。” 卢弼 集解:“人流,犹人伦也,谓流叙人物也。”

  3. 连续不断的人群。

    杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第三章三:“他扭头看后面那长长的人流。”

  4. 人工流产的省称。



  1. Do now how much to need without charge of painful stream of people?


  2. He finally left me, with the crowd back to his seat, and then he turned around and smiled at me.


  3. However, the large influx of people did not cause traffic jams or other problems, as Hangzhou had prepared well for this.


  4. After pregnancy had better not flow in a year of less than, if there is any need, at least poured recovery after six months pregnant again.


  5. He disappears into a crowd on Broadway and I head to a sandwich shop, looking for a bite to eat.


  6. He stared at a stream of people coming from the stores, trying to pierce the mask of their serious, complacent faces.


  7. For the children also to adult health, poured again after pregnancy must choose painless poured the best time after pregnancy.


  8. Several pedestrians out of the hurrying throng which filled the sidewalks passed about her as she paused, hesitating.


  9. Down in the lobby, a woman pointed at the entourage and said, "Who's that? "


  1. 人流活产比

    Ratio of induced abortion and live birth.

  2. 罗马人流落天涯。

    Everywhere Romans are in exile.

  3. 人流, 车流的外部导向

    Human and Vehicular Traffic External Direction

  4. 步行街上, 人流如潮。

    The stream of people on the walking street is like the tide.

  5. 步行街上,人流如潮。

    The stream of people on the walking street is like the tide.

  6. 一股人流走进影院。

    A stream of people was going into the cinema.

  7. 药流好还是人流好啊?

    Has medicine flowed or is stream of people good ?

  8. 他随着人流混进会场。

    He mixed with the crowd and slipped into the meeting place.

  9. 现在人流一般花多少钱?

    How many money does stream of people spend commonly now ?

  10. 这香味就让人流口水啊。

    It smells delicious.

  11. 一股人流从剧场涌出。

    A stream of people issued from the theatre.

  12. 人行道上是熙熙攘攘的人流。

    The sidewalks are bustling with people.

  13. 一股人流从终点站涌出。

    A stream of people emptied from the terminal.

  14. 上海做人流要多少钱啊?

    Does Shanghai make stream of people needing to how much be?

  15. 这味道真美,使人流口水。

    It tastes delicious, and makes one run at the mouth.

  16. 楼梯间内人流合并特性研究

    Characteristics of merging occupants in a staircase

  17. 药物人流需要注意哪些问题啊?

    Does medicaments stream of people need what to problem note ?

  18. 他们一头扎进了咆哮的人流。

    They lunge into a roaring stream.

  19. 司机在车辆和人流中曲折前进。

    The driver was weaving his way through the traffic.

  20. 行色匆匆的人流和永不停止的喧嚣。

    And full of noise and busy people.

  21. 她从人流中慢慢地挤了回来。

    Slowly she threaded her way back through the moving mass of bodies.

  22. 怀孕快2个月了,还可以做人流么

    Be pregnant fast 2 months, can you still do stream of people

  23. 音乐会结束后人流从大厅中涌出。

    After the concert the people flowed out of the hall.

  24. 因此, 无痛人流前禁食非常必要的。

    Therefore, painless before people fast very necessary.

  25. 氯胺酮与安定在人流术中的应用

    Application of ketamine and tranquilizer to artificial abortion

  26. 蛋黄油亮鲜红,看了直教人流口水。

    The bright red egg yolk is rich in oil which makes the mouth water.

  27. 我感觉非常累。车辆和人流使我头疼。

    AI feel really tired.I've got a headache from all that traffic.

  28. 这是让小矮人流口水的苹果派。

    It is apple pies make the men folks'mouths water.

  29. 这是让小矮人流口水得苹果派。

    It is apple pies make the men folks'mouths water.

  30. 主要用途供早期妊娠作人流手术用。

    Main Uses Applicable for artificial abortion of early pregnancy.


  1. 问:人流拼音怎么拼?人流的读音是什么?人流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人流的读音是rénliú,人流翻译成英文是 flow of people

  2. 问:人流河流拼音怎么拼?人流河流的读音是什么?人流河流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人流河流的读音是rén liú hé liú,人流河流翻译成英文是 inflowing stream

  3. 问:人流理论拼音怎么拼?人流理论的读音是什么?人流理论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人流理论的读音是rén liú lǐ lùn,人流理论翻译成英文是 theory of crowd passage

  4. 问:人流速率拼音怎么拼?人流速率的读音是什么?人流速率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人流速率的读音是rén liú sù lǜ,人流速率翻译成英文是 people flow rate

  5. 问:人流集管拼音怎么拼?人流集管的读音是什么?人流集管翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人流集管的读音是rén liú jí guǎn,人流集管翻译成英文是 influent header

  6. 问:人流水文学拼音怎么拼?人流水文学的读音是什么?人流水文学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人流水文学的读音是rén liú shuǐ wén xué,人流水文学翻译成英文是 inflow hydrology

  7. 问:人流过程线拼音怎么拼?人流过程线的读音是什么?人流过程线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人流过程线的读音是rén liú guò chéng xiàn,人流过程线翻译成英文是 inflow hydrograph




拼音:rén líu英文:stream of people