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小,细小:细~。轻~。~小。~型。~观。~雕。~积分。~电脑。~量元素。谨小慎~。~乎其~。少;稍:稍~。~笑。~调(tiáo )。衰落;低下:卑~。~贱。精深;精妙:~妙。精~。~言大义。隐约;不明:~茫。~词(隐晦的批评)。隐匿:“白公……
汉语拼音:luè wēi
巴金 《秋》一:“ 觉民 的愤怒略微平静下去。” 曹禺 《雷雨》第二幕:“ 周繁漪 :我请你略微坐一坐。” 柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第三章:“此外就剩下一个 石永公 ,倒是个党员,还略微能写能算。”
Slightly over half (56percent) of the respondents said they did not believe that to be the case.
略微超出一般的医生(56%)表示他们不认为事实如此。He said 'short-term head winds' were one reason for a 'slight downward revision' to its 2008 earnings estimate.
他说,近期的不利因素是“略微向下修正”携程2008年收益预期的原因之一。The lips, as you can see, uh, they come out a little bit, and the corners come in just a little bit.
至于唇形,正如你所见,,嘴唇稍稍往外张,嘴角也略微往中间收。The physical appearance of these controllers is somewhat similar and each responds to a slightly different set of programmed code.
这些控制器的外表都有些相似。每个有略微不同的程序代码。The only exception was the year of 1991, when there was a slight decline as compared with the previous year.
唯一例外的是1991这一年,与前一年相比略微有所降低。And even - we are beginning to see slightly less anti-Americanism in Europe at the popular level.
我们甚至开始看到欧洲普通老百姓的反美情绪已经略微减弱。Considering that nobody was so high within a ten-mile radius, she did not take any notice to the light openings any more.
略微想了一下,方圆十里没有这样的“高材生”,于是便不去管那缝隙了。For the moment, however, injections of seawater appear to have created a modicum of stability inside the cores of the two reactors.
但目前海水的注入似乎使两个反应堆的堆芯内部略微稳定下来。Each body was a slightly different bit of code trying to solve the same problem as its million siblings.