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替:~替。~办。~销。~序。~表。历史上划分的时期:时~。世~。古~。近~。现~。当(dāng )~。年~。世系的辈分:下一~。姓。……
汉语拼音:dài mǎ
He was part of the group that worked on the original Geronimo code drop, because he felt that there had to be a better way of doing things.
当时他是Geronimo原始代码优化小组的一员,因为他觉得实现优化应该有更好的方法。IDEs are unaware that code needs to be generated unless you configure them to build with Ant or install some sort of XDoclet-aware plug-in.
IDE并不知道需要生成的代码,除非我们配置使用Ant来编译它们,或者安装了一些可以认识XDoclet的插件。If a particular line of code is causing an error, include enough code to make it clear what that line is trying to accomplish.
如果是某行代码导致了问题,应附上足够的代码以让人明白这行代码需要完成什么任务。NetBSD's attention to detail, well-written code, and vast portability make it a solid choice for a number of deployment scenarios.
NetBSD细致入微的、编写良好的代码和高度的可移植性使得它成为许多部署方案的最佳选择。In this article, I discuss how code generation works in Ruby, and I delve into a more radical component-based approach in Seaside.
在本文中,我讨论了Ruby中代码生成是如何工作的,并且深入讲解了Seaside中一种更加根本的基于组件的方法。But Hansel assured me that all my code was being executed by the original JUnit tests, so why didn't this problem show up in those tests?
但Hansel让我可以确信,通过最初的JUnit测试,所有代码都将得到执行,那么为什么在那些测试中这个问题没有暴露出来呢?Now the code is down to three lines, almost all of it expressing some important aspect of the result we are trying to achieve.
现在代码缩减为三行,几乎所有代码都表示了我们试图实现的结果的某个重要方面。Though the code can be a bit long, it's a good way to launch any complex tasks where the user needs to see the results right away.
虽然这样代码可能有一点长,但是在用户需要马上看到结果的地方执行任何复杂任务是一个好办法。This will alert to the CodeDom tree builder of any place in their code where they don't meet subset conformance.