


1. 假 [jiǎ]2. 假 [jià]假 [jiǎ]不真实的,不是本来的,与“真”相对:~山。~话。~冒。~释。~死。虚~。真~。弄虚作~。借用,利用:~借。~货。~道(借路)。~手(利用他人为自己办事)。~公济私。不~思索(用不着想)。……





汉语拼音:jiǎ bàn







  1. 化装。装扮成跟本人不同的另一种人或另一个人。如:他假扮成难民混在人群之中。



  1. Yang flower told the nail on the head, if she likes the boy come on her to disguise as a girlfriend, that she will be very angry!

  2. She set the time at 6. 30 pm so that the dark would keep out snooping eyes, and reportedly hired false brides to look like her.

  3. Ms Chua is trying to protect her immoderate ambition from scrutiny and judgment by misrepresenting it as an ethnic peculiarity.

  4. For two years, she attended a girl's school during the day, came home, and pretended to be a boy on the badminton court, she said.

  5. It is a fictional account of how a clever and accomplished thief, posing as an accountant, gain access of the computer of a large bank.

  6. He wanted me to go to Paris with him on a mission to pose as his wife.

  7. A man impersonating a police officer was arrested after he tried to pull over a motorist -- who turned out to be a real cop.

  8. It is at least the second occasion on which the Afghans have been duped by people posing as Taliban envoys.

  9. Thus, on the network derive a new meaning, is often used to describe "disguised as a man who appears. "


  1. 假扮,改装

    Disguise as.

  2. 假扮成警察

    masquerade as a policeman.

  3. 假扮一位警官

    Impersonate a police officer.

  4. 国王假扮做农民。

    The king was disguised as a peasant.

  5. 孩子们假扮成海盗。

    Children dressed up as pirates.

  6. 让我们假扮成猫。

    Let's pretend we're cats.

  7. 我们来假扮海盗吧。

    Let us play pirates.

  8. 总统假扮成农民。

    The president was disguised as a peasant.

  9. 把自己假扮成某人

    to disguise o.s. (as somebody)

  10. 我为什么要假扮律师?

    Why would I pretend to be a lawyer?

  11. 我为什么要假扮律师?

    Why would I pretend to be a lawyer?

  12. 他假扮警卫被抓获。

    He was caught trying to impersonate a security guard.

  13. 男孩儿们假扮成航天员。

    The boys made believe they were astronauts.

  14. 他不只是在假扮我。

    He's not just impersonating me.

  15. 我们来假扮红番吧。

    Let's make believe that we're Red Indians.

  16. 让我们假扮成女警察。

    Lets dress up as policewomen.

  17. 让我们来假扮成医生。

    Let's make believe we are doctors.

  18. 你是假扮天使的恶魔!

    You are Belial which disguise an Angel.

  19. 侦探将假扮为一乞丐。

    The detective will appear in the person of beggar.

  20. 他企图假扮警卫被抓获。

    He was caught trying to impersonate a security guard.

  21. 所以我们故作坚强,假扮清高

    So we act strong, we remain stoic.

  22. 你们连假扮服务员都不会。

    You can't even pretend to be waitresses.

  23. 假扮英格兰教会神职人员

    impersonating a cleric of the church of england

  24. 所以我假扮成模特来到这儿。

    So I came here pretending to be a model.

  25. 如果你同意假扮我们的律师。

    We'll do the jobs you already pay us for

  26. 他们假扮成家徒四壁的无辜者。

    Playing the victim gome nowhere.

  27. 她假扮他的妻子已经20年了。

    She lived a lie for20 years by pretending to be his wife.

  28. 是想假扮成黑人的人,因为。

    I'm some wigger who just tries to be black cause I talk.

  29. 是想假扮成黑人得人,因为。

    I'm some wigger who just tries to be black cause I talk.

  30. 却得假扮成那个可怕的怪物?

    When I have to pretend I'm that dreadful ogre?


  1. 问:假扮拼音怎么拼?假扮的读音是什么?假扮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假扮的读音是jiǎbàn,假扮翻译成英文是 dress up as


