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1. 见 [jiàn]2. 见 [xiàn]见 [jiàn]看到:看~。罕~。~微知著。~义勇为。~异思迁。接触,遇到:怕~风。~习。看得出,显得出:~效。相形~绌。(文字等)出现在某处,可参考:~上。~下。会晤:会~。接~。对事物观察、认……
汉语拼音:hǎn jiàn
《礼记·少仪》:“罕见曰闻名,亟见曰朝夕。” 郑玄 注:“罕,希也。” 晋 左思 《吴都赋》:“中夏比焉,毕世而罕见。” 清 李渔 《慎鸾交·计竦》:“一科鼎甲之中,倒有两个青年玉笋,这也是罕见之事。”
rendered it a fit theatre for duels and rencontres among the fiery youth of the period .
由于这地方崎岖不平,人迹罕见,就成为这个时期暴躁的青年们决斗的舞台。It was one of those rare December days when the sun was almost as warm as Indian summer.
那是十二月里一个罕见的日子,阳光几乎暖和得像小阳春天气。Doctors diagnosed her with a rare form of sudden memory loss known as transient global amnesia, or TGA.
医生对她的临床诊断为TGA,即短时性完全失忆症,一种罕见突发性记忆丧失症。TMAdV's rarity in humans could make it a potentially powerful tool as a viral vehicle for delivering gene therapy, Chiu adds.
Chiu补充说,伶猴腺病毒(TMAdV)在人类身上罕见,这让它可能成为一个潜在的强大工具,在基因治疗中充当病毒载体。This abstinence, so remarkable in an Indian, when he possessed the means of satisfying hunger, at length attracted the notice of Heyward.
有食物可以充饥的时候,竟忍着不吃,这在一个印第安人来说,实属罕见,因此这事终于引起了海沃德的注意。A little more than halfway through my third pregnancy, my husband and I learned that our baby had a rare tumor on her tailbone.
在我第三次怀孕期间,我和我丈夫被告知在我们未出世的宝宝的尾骨上长了一个罕见的瘤。I can't remember what sparked the rare, deep smile that spread across his face that day, but I'm thrilled that I got to capture it.
那一天是什么让你在脸上绽放出实属罕见的笑容,我已经记不清了,不过想到这个镜头被我抓拍到了,我至今仍然激动不已。On Earth, iron is extremely rare in its free natural form and is only found in a few places around the world.
在地球上,铁是极其罕见的自然形态在它的自由,是世界上唯一发现地周围的几个。doctors have been trying to find out whether the woman died of a rare disease.