




1. 见 [jiàn]2. 见 [xiàn]见 [jiàn]看到:看~。罕~。~微知著。~义勇为。~异思迁。接触,遇到:怕~风。~习。看得出,显得出:~效。相形~绌。(文字等)出现在某处,可参考:~上。~下。会晤:会~。接~。对事物观察、认……



汉语拼音:chū jiàn








  1. 初次见面。

    南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·纰漏》:“ 元皇 初见 贺司空 ,言及 吴 时事。” 宋 文同 《送通判喻郎中》诗之二:“群居五百日,日日如初见。” 清 严有禧 《漱华随笔·通家子弟》:“前辈遇通家子弟,初见请纳拜者,既受之。” 郭沫若 《归去来·浪花十日》:“一个 L君 我认识的,其他的两位却是初见。”



  1. Against apartheid in South Africa and an embryonic nuclear programme in Libya, they seem to have encouraged change.


  2. Brown then finds something that throws the case wide open. Plutarch actually acknowledges that he does not know exactly how Cleopatra died.


  3. When it peaked at the beginning of this year, using MSCI data, India's multiple was almost double that of the All Country-World index.


  4. it was like an oasis garden with beautiful surroundings , well - developed amenities , an even pace of life and honest citizens.


  5. Just like in the long run, in the dark on the sun is a adapt to the same process.


  6. She is always reduction to sweat river of appearance, JiJi time; a sound mowgli brother, life if it is only as first.


  7. "Inevitably investment [from China] will catch up with trade and we are now starting to see signs of that, " he says.


  8. He's always asking girls, he's just met to go out with him.


  9. The American housing bubble peaked in early 2006, followed by an abrupt and rapid retreat over the past two years.


  1. 若只如初见。

    Life, if only as in the beginning sees.

  2. 亼玍,若只如初见。

    Life, if only as in the beginning sees.

  3. 人生若只如初见。

    When you see life as if.

  4. 江畔何人初见月。

    Who by the riverside first saw the moon arise.

  5. 我们已经初见端倪了。

    We've already seen it start.

  6. 变革已经初见成效了。

    The changes have been slow to take effect.

  7. 兰江河道疏浚初见成效

    Good effect for river dredging of Lanxi

  8. 公司的措施已初见成效。

    The companys measures are beginning to bite.

  9. 不凡的气势已经初见端倪。

    Has already shown its initial grandeur.

  10. 滇池污染治理初见成效。

    The control on Dianchi Lake pollution reaps preliminary fruit.

  11. 那些试验总算初见成效了。

    The experiments have given initial results eventually.

  12. 若只初见,便少了哀恸。

    If only strike through, then less would be mourning.

  13. 朱莉初见她的新邻居。

    Julie met her new neighbor.

  14. 朱莉初见她的新邻居。

    Julie met her new neighbor.

  15. 迁移的养蜂人不是初见的。

    Migratory beekeeping is nothing new.

  16. 因为初见你的感觉是前所未有的。

    Because the feeling of seeing you for the first time never existed before.

  17. 注意初见和稳定水位的量测。

    Survey shall be performed of initial and permanent water levels.

  18. 你还是一如我们初见时那般美丽。

    You're as beautiful as the day we met.

  19. 直到那时问题的解答才初见端倪。

    Only then did we have an inkling of the solution to the problem.

  20. 全军文职人员首聘工作初见成效

    Employment of nonmilitary personnel in the army begins to show effects

  21. 已经采取的重大步骤已初见成果。

    Significant steps that have already been taken have started yielding results.

  22. 初见痴心,再见痴心,终日费心,欲得芳心。

    Initial fond, fond goodbye the day, spirits, specifying heart.

  23. 国家对于沙尘暴的治理已经初见成效。

    The country's measures to prevent sandstorms have begun to show their effects.

  24. 初见大草原, 心情一下子开阔了许多。

    My mind was immediately widened, as soon as I saw the prairie.

  25. 初见大草原,心情一下子开阔了许多。

    My mind was immediately widened, as soon as I saw the prairie.

  26. 她初见金字塔时, 敬畏之感油然而生。

    Her first view of the pyramids filled her with awe.

  27. 我的所有人生, 我都在回忆着那个初见。

    All through my life I have relived that very first day.

  28. 人生若只如初见, 何事西风悲画扇。

    Life if only as strike through, what has drawn westerly sad fan.

  29. 人生若只如初见。何事秋风悲画扇。

    If the life only like initially sees. what autumn wind sad picture fan.

  30. 北京阜成门万米绿色廊道建设初见成效

    The Positive Effect of the Fu Cheng Gate Green Corridor


  1. 问:初见拼音怎么拼?初见的读音是什么?初见翻译成英文是什么?

    答:初见的读音是chūjiàn,初见翻译成英文是 To meet for the first time.; To begin to show...



“初见”是个多义词,它可以指初见(杨千嬅、林峯演唱的歌曲), 初见(兰波执导2011年公开的静电影)。