如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 熟 [shú]熟 [shú]食物烧煮到可吃的程度:饭~了。植物的果实或种子长成,又特指庄稼可收割或有收成:成~。瓜~蒂落。程度深:~睡。~思(经久而周密地思考)。深思~虑。做某种工作时间长了,精通而有经验:~练。娴~。~习。~能生巧。……
汉语拼音:shú xī
三国 魏 嵇康 《与山巨源绝交书》:“足下昔称吾於 潁川 ,吾常谓之知言。然经怪此意尚未熟悉於足下,何从便得之也。”《新唐书·儒学传下·施敬本》:“帝詔中书令 张説 引 敬本 熟悉其议。” 邹韬奋 《萍踪寄语》六十:“第二天下午继续讨论,并由旅伴中熟悉各国‘法西斯’真相者,作相当的报告。”
How much I would like to see that you are familiar with the faces. even if I was floating in the hospital over.
我多么想再一次看见你那熟悉的面容。哪怕是我漂浮在医院的上空。The rule of Quest Physics goes something like this: if you're brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting.
探索的物理性原则大致可以这样说,如果你能够勇敢到可以放下所有你感到舒适又熟悉的一切。He is online fall to know you originally, you are truthless he searches to be not worn instead you, he did not know.
他在线下本来就熟悉你,你不真实他反而找不着你了,他倒不知道了。He learned to watch for her blue eyes to go dark, nearly black with temper, and to get out of the way if they did.
他熟悉了她生气的时候,蓝眼睛会慢慢变暗,几乎成了黑色,好像一有可能,就要发作起来。A pair of little eyes, his eyes Look East Seibo, as if to say: I am familiar with the environment more familiar with it!
一双小眼睛炯炯有神的东望西望,好像在说:我还要熟悉熟悉环境呢!My behavioral script was sending a strong signal that said, "The world you see before you is a familiar one. Relax. You've got this wired. "
我的行为脚本发出一个强烈信号说,“你面前的环境是你熟悉的,放松,这个奇妙的东西属于你!”comprehend foundry technics, familiar with the casting defects in the form of easy to produce.
对铸造工艺有一定了解,熟悉铸件易产生的缺陷形式。As flawed as it is, the user interface to the file system is at least familiar to most end-users.
尽管有缺陷,但文件系统的用户界面至少是多数最终用户所熟悉的。Clara: I think I know my way around the store, but I'm not tall enough to reach some of the things on high shelves.