











汉语拼音:yǐ chéng dìng jú








已成定局 [yǐ chéng dìng jú]
  1. 形成确定的不可改变的局面或形势。




  1. You are looking at a situation that seems to be fixed and final. You're not taking all possible options into account.


  2. When he took over at Merrill, most of the damage was already done.


  3. But the Togo international's future looked to be settled after his agent recently stated he would be staying at Emirates Stadium.


  4. Well, when you came to visit me in April, it looked like things were pretty much sewn up, if you know what I mean.


  5. The boat made of wood is a foregone conclusion . . .


  6. Those with fear of failure, meanwhile, stood either right on top of the peg or so far back that failure was almost certain.


  7. It became apparent that she had the best actress nomination locked up.


  8. In addition, the 11th night dollar index continued to punch up, the dollar's rebound in the short term is a foregone conclusion.


  9. Much of this stuff was a foregone conclusion when the U. S. invaded Iraq in 2003. It's a matter of demographics.


  1. 一切已成定局。

    the die is cast.

  2. 一切都已成定局。

    The dice is cast.

  3. 整个事情已成定局。

    The whole thing has been wrapped up.

  4. 选举结果已成定局。

    The result of the election is now cut and dried.

  5. 已成定局,无可挽回。

    The die is cast.

  6. 离婚在上周已成定局。

    The divorce became absolute last week.

  7. 民歌得灭绝已成定局吗?

    Are Folk Songs Doomed to Extinction?

  8. 民歌的灭绝已成定局吗?

    Are Folk Songs Doomed to Extinction?

  9. 她的归队现在似乎已成定局。

    Her return to the team now seems a certainty.

  10. 但同时, 亚洲的进步并非已成定局。

    Yet at the same time, Asia's progress is not guaranteed.

  11. 这场足球赛,谁胜谁负已成定局。

    The outcome of this football game is a foregone conclusion.

  12. 三轮赛程过后, 比赛结果已成定局。

    After three rounds of competition, the match was all over but the shouting.

  13. 战败已成定局, 许多士兵开小差跑了。

    Large numbers of soldiers deserted as defeat became inevitable.

  14. 当失败已成定局时, 什么都无所谓了。

    When defeat is beyond question, nothing matters.

  15. 到了午夜, 拿破仑失败的命运已成定局。

    By midnight Napoleon's fate was sealed.

  16. 我知道这本书已成定局,不管我喜欢与否

    I know this book is happening whether I like it or not.

  17. 显然,她被提名为最佳女演员已成定局。

    It became apparent that she had the best actress nomination locked up.

  18. 奥运会开闭幕式门票实行抽签确定已成定局。

    It is a finality to ballot to the Olympic Games opening and closing ceremony.

  19. 下周大选的结果似乎现在就已成定局了。

    The results of the general election next week now seem like a foregone conclusion.

  20. 此事已成定局,我们不能再去斟酌它了。

    It is settled and therefore we cannot go behind it.

  21. 到1897年,西方瓜分世界的形势似乎已成定局。

    To1897, the West divide up the world situation seems a foregone conclusion.

  22. 此时, 东北国民党军全军覆灭得命运, 已成定局。

    The complete collapse of the Kuomintang troops in the Northeast then became a foregone conclusion.

  23. 此时,东北国民党军全军覆灭的命运,已成定局。

    The complete collapse of the Kuomintang troops in the Northeast then became a foregone conclusion.

  24. 在呱呱落地那刻, 每个人最后的结局都已成定局。

    Born in the land that moment, everyone had the final outcome is a foregone conclusion.

  25. 发生了的事,永远都已成定局。再怎样,时光也不会倒流。

    Never look back in the past since time can never be reversed.

  26. 而从目前公布的消息来看, 提高个税起征点已成定局。

    The news release from the current point of view, to improve tax threshold is a foregone conclusion.

  27. 他似乎认为事情已成了定局。

    He seemed to look upon the matter as settled.

  28. 事情既已成了定局, 再提也属枉然。

    When the matter is settled, it is no use beating a dead horse.

  29. 已定局的事情

    a bird in the hand

  30. 我们都已成年。

    We all attained to maturity