







汉语拼音:fán xià






  1. 平庸低下。

    宋 岳飞 《奏辞招讨使第三札子》:“伏念臣才术空疎,智识凡下,方恳辞检校少保之恩。” 宋 周煇 《清波杂志》卷九:“或得一焉,不问色艺如何,虽资至凡下,必极美称。” 周素园 《贵州民党痛史》第四篇第九章:“ 孔鹏 、 吴冠 、 倪克荣 等实力微弱,人才凡下。”



  1. All the rich of the earth will feast and worship; all who go down to the dust will kneel before him- those who cannot keep themselves alive.


  1. 这个法术从天庭召唤出一对天犬下凡。

    The spell summons a pair of hounsfrom the Celestial Sphere.

  2. 凡跌倒的, 耶和华将他们扶持。凡被压下的, 将他们扶起。

    The Lord upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all those that be bowed down.

  3. 在任何情况下,凡在光被吸收的地方,就有光压。

    In any circumstance where light is being absorbed, there is a pressure.

  4. 降凡指天神,尤指印度教毗湿奴神下凡为人或动物形象。

    The incarnation of a Hindu deity, especially Vishnu, in human or animal form.

  5. 艾凡下车走到那家餐馆。

    Evan gets out of the car and goes into the restaurant.

  6. 凡简章的宗旨条款下没有包括的项目,公司不得经营。

    The company may do nothing that isn't covered by the objects clause in the Memorandum.

  7. 太好了, 玉帝。那我现在可以下凡去了?

    Great, dad. So can I go down now ?

  8. 凡动刀的。必死在刀下。

    All who draw the sword will die by the sword.

  9. 因为凡高举自己的, 将被抑下, 凡抑下自己的, 将被高举。

    For who exalts himself will be humbled and the man who humbled himself will be exalts.

  10. 凡军好高而恶下, 贵阳而贱阴,

    All armies prefer high ground to low and sunny places to dark.

  11. 凡能够作战,能拿起武器的人,跪下!全部跪下!

    Every man at arms or capble of bearing them, kneel! On your knees!

  12. 凡跪下喝水的, 也要使他单站在一处。

    Likewise, every one who kneels down to drink.

  13. 凡尔顿世纪广场是公司旗下房地产开发的项目。

    Fullerton Square is where the company's real estate development projects.

  14. 有些本属凡人的神明,因曾立下大功而受人崇拜。

    Deified mortals are revered in recognition of their feats.

  15. 通知要求, 凡低俗, 淫秽色情音像制品一律下架, 收缴和销毁。

    Announcement requirement, next sound of every low common, bawdy pornography is same like goods wearing, capture and destroy by melting or burning.

  16. 民主政治中的民众心理与凡尔赛体系下欧洲秩序的解体

    Mass Psychology in Democratic Politics and the Collapse of the European Order under the Versailles System

  17. 在伊凡的帮助下,一家医院为凯特做了免费的唇裂修复手术。

    With Ivan's help, one hospital did a free harelip operation for Kate.

  18. 他买下高尚富丽的纽约第五大街上邻近第凡内的一处房产。

    He bought the property next to Tiffany's on New York's swanky Fifth Avenue.

  19. 适逢足下佳辰,诸凡顺遂,为欣为祝,聊助。

    Accompanying trifle as a mark of my sincere affection.