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1. 阿 [ā]2. 阿 [ē]阿 [ā]加在称呼上的词头:~大。~爷。~爹。~罗汉。~毛。~婆。~弟。~姊。阿 [ē]迎合,偏袒:~附。~其所好。~谀逢迎。凹曲处:山~。……
汉语拼音:ā men
瞿秋白 《乱弹·菲洲鬼话》:“基督教的上帝多么仁爱呵,阿们!” 冰心 《寄小读者》二五:“樱唇眼波,终是梦痕,温柔智慧中,愿你永存,阿们!”
For of him, and by him, and in him, are all things: to him be glory for ever. Amen.
因为万物都出于他,依赖他,而归于他。愿光荣归于他至于永世!阿们。Cursed be he that makes the blind to wander out of his way: and all the people shall say: Amen.
领瞎子走错路的,是可咒骂的。全体人民应答说:阿们。Cursed be he that lieth with his sister, the daughter of his father, or of his mother: and all the people shall say: Amen.
与同父异母,或同母异父的姊妹同寝的,是可咒骂的。全体人民应答说:阿们。For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.
因为万有都是本于他,倚靠他,归于他。愿荣耀归给他,直到永远。阿们。Life cannot come from your obedience. Life comes from Christ our covenant head. Let us by faith feed upon Him for everlasting life. Amen.
生命不会来自你的顺服。生命是从我们的约的头而来的。让我们以信心来领受基督的喂养,得到永远的生命。阿们。It is only as our life becomes the unceasing expression of a longing for His humility and meekness that we shall find rest to our souls.
惟有我们不断的渴慕那柔和谦卑的生命,我们才能找到灵里真正的安息。奉主耶稣圣名,阿们!Thank you, Holy Spirit, for filling me with the joy of the Lord, when I open my heart to you. Amen.
感谢您,圣灵。当我向您打开我的心门,请将和耶稣基督一起的快乐充满我!阿们!Help us to see the needs of others, and move us to be willing to help meet those needs in your name. Amen.
求祢帮助我们看见别人的需要,又感动我们乐意奉祢的名帮助有需要的人,阿们。S. to his prayer: "And oh, Lord, thank you so much for the Toyota Camery, beige, four doors, with a sunroof . "