




1. 好 [hǎo]2. 好 [hào]好 [hǎo]优点多或使人满意的,与“坏”相对:~人。~汉。~歹。~事多磨。身体康健,疾病消失,生活幸福:您~。安~。友爱,和睦:友~。相~。容易:~办。~使。~懂。完成,完善:办~了。表示应允、赞成……



汉语拼音:ròu hǎo







  1. 比喻乐音洪润悦耳。

    《礼记·乐记》:“宽裕肉好,顺成和动之音作,而民慈爱。”《史记·乐书》引此文, 司马贞 索隐引 三国 魏 王肃 曰:“肉好,言音之洪润。” 陈澔 集说:“此言肉好,则以璧喻乐音之圆莹通滑耳。” 清 钱谦益 《<徐季重诗稿>序》:“何谓 夏 声?宽裕肉好,顺成和动之音是也。” 康有为 《<味梨集>序》:“爰暨晚 唐 ,合三五七言古律,增加附益,肉好眇曼,音节泠泠,俯仰进退,皆中乎《桑林》之舞,《经首》之会。”

  2. 古代圆形玉器和钱币等的边和孔。肉,边;好,中间的孔。

    《尔雅·释器》:“肉倍好谓之璧,好倍肉谓之瑗,肉好若一谓之环。”《汉书·食货志下》:“﹝ 周景王 ﹞卒铸大钱,文曰‘宝货’,肉好皆有周郭。” 宋 梅尧臣 《饮刘原甫家原甫怀二古钱劝酒》诗:“精铜不蠹蚀,肉好鉤婉全。” 明 王廷相 《雅述》下篇:“日久法弛,贪利之徒,私自鼓铸,或铅铁伪为,甚至轻薄不成肉好、周郭、文字之制。” 清 易本烺 《云杜故事》:“ 项墨池 家白玉觥,是 汉 代物。其形如斝,三足有盖。足盖上并刻鬼面,旁有环,肉好停匀。” 潜鱼 《“国宝”逸闻》:“万紫千红的我国古泉苑中,‘国宝金匮直万’堪称名驰中外的奇葩。 清 代 李佐贤 《古泉汇》最先著录一枚残品,近似方孔圆钱,面背肉好周郭,篆书直读‘国宝金匮’。”



  1. Shall not fat, but her flesh! Meat good is true, does not sound fat, but it looks like . . . (do not say clearly Jiuhaola), after.


  2. May I help you to some more meat?


  3. Can I help you to some more meat?


  4. Shall we buy some meat?


  5. The meat is superb, and it also offers great fish 'n' chips or vegetarian options such as falafel.


  6. May I have some meat, please?


  7. Would you like some more meat?


  8. can i have a crabrneat salad and some dams?


  1. 嗯, 肉好好吃呀!

    Mmm, the meat is yummy!

  2. 嗯,肉好好吃呀!

    Mmm ,the meat is yummy !

  3. 肉好象缺点佐料。

    The meat seem to lack seasoning.

  4. 给你再来点肉好吗?

    Can I help you to some more meat?

  5. 再给你来点肉好吗?

    May I help you to some more meat?

  6. 让我再给你一些肉好吗

    May I help you to some more meat

  7. 果实小,以8安士。哈斯看上去很相象,绿色细长,肉好。

    Fruit small, to8 oz., a Hass look alike, elongated green, flesh good.

  8. 贪贱无好肉。

    The cheap buyer take bad meat.

  9. 我要一片好肉。

    I want a good cut of meat.

  10. 我烧好肉, 然后刷了锅。

    I cooked the meat and then I washed the pot.

  11. 好肉都被瓜分干净了,剩下的只有骨头。

    These are the bones left after the best meat has been taken.

  12. 罐头肉味道好吗?

    Does tinned meat taste good?

  13. 妻子哦, 已经脱手了。还好肉店老板拿去了。

    Wife Oh, Ive already got rid of it. Luckily, the butcher took it.

  14. 这就是我今天的主题,抢走上等好肉的人。

    And that's what I want to focus on, the one who takes the best part of the meat.

  15. 这块肉很好切。

    This piece of meat cuts well.

  16. 我们买一些肉,好吗?

    Shall we buy some meat

  17. 你看看肉炖好了没有?

    Have you probed the meat?

  18. 她母亲把肉洗好了。

    Her mother dressed the meat.

  19. 这人被打得边体鳞伤,全身没一块好肉。

    The man is beaten black and blue, that you can't see a white spot about him.

  20. 这块肉很好,又瘦又嫩。

    It is a beautiful meat, very lean and tender.

  21. 我听说你们的糖醋肉很好。

    I hear that your sweet and sour pork is very good.

  22. 肉刚刚好,既不太嫩又不太老。

    First, he said the flesh was just right, not too firm and not too soft.

  23. 长到那麽大的猪宰下的肉不好。

    Pigs do not kill well at that age.

  24. 他要先尽一些从平日受人款待好酒好肉而来的义务了。

    First he had to do his duty by some people who often treated him to good meals and drinks.

  25. 我要是能天天吃到新鲜的肉就好了。

    I wish I could afford to dine off fresh meat every day.

  26. 我提议吃些东西配啤酒。吃个肉馅饼好吗?

    Id like something to eat to go with our beer. Fancy a pasty

  27. 今天的火腿肉很好。你要是吃鱼的话, 有鲑鱼。

    The ham's very good today. or If you prefer fish, there be salmon.

  28. 哈利我提议吃些东西配啤酒。吃个肉馅饼好吗

    Harley Id like something to eat to go with our beer. Fancy a pasty

  29. 如果我早上把肉煮好,晚上我们就可以吃冷的了。

    If I cook the meat this morning we can have it cold this evening.

  30. 这肉味道真好。

    The meat tastes delicious.