







汉语拼音:shān qún






  1. 短衫和裙子。亦泛指衣服。

    郁达夫 《青烟》:“无聊的时候,把我自家剪裁,自家缝纫的纤丽的衫裙,打开来一看,我的郁闷,也定能消杀下去。”



  1. They turned their pinafores back to front, and went up with a skip and a jump; Moppet's white tucker fell down into the road.


  2. to see color, cashmere sweater (dress) and softer colors, bright and not bright with the color of cashmere products.


  3. The dress needs taking in a bit at the waist.


  4. I don't consider that short dress to be proper for going to church.


  5. the pinafores and all the rest of Tom's clothes came off on the way down.


  6. Sacrifice: Thick bulky cloth in summer, thin tiny shirt in winter, you have to endure the weather some times for the art.


  7. Can you make this dress into a skirt?


  8. She went to the party in her silk dress and pumps.


  9. Thus, in the purchase cashmere sweater (dress), you must carefully distinguish.


  1. 他的太太叫他去纽约时给她买件衫裙。

    His wife asked him to purchase a shirtwaist for her while in New York.

  2. 所属行业背心,吊带衫中裙短裙男式衬衫西服男式夹克

    Industry Vest, halter top The skirt Skirt Mens Shirts Suit Mens Jacket.

  3. 罩裙式人造丝塔府绸长外衣她的连衫裙是用薄绸做成的。

    Rayon taffeta frock in draped overskirt Her dress was of silk tissue.

  4. 女式无袖连衫裙

    chemise frock

  5. 她把连衫裙染成红色。

    She dyed the dress red.

  6. 她穿一件丝绒连衫裙。

    She wore a velvet dress.

  7. 她穿一件艳丽的连衫裙。

    She wore a loud dress.

  8. 这件连衫裙脏了,该洗一洗了。

    This dress is getting dirty, it needs washing.

  9. 她的连衫裙是用薄绸做成的。

    Her dress was of silk tissue.

  10. 这件连衫裙腰身需要改小一些。

    The dress needs taking in a bit at the waist.

  11. 你可以把这件改成连衫裙吗?

    Can you make this dress this dress into a skirt?

  12. 所有漂亮得女士都穿着最漂亮得连衫裙。

    All the pretty women wore their smartest dresses.

  13. 所有漂亮的女士都穿着最漂亮的连衫裙。

    All the pretty women wore their smartest dresses.

  14. 所有漂亮的女士都穿著最漂亮的连衫裙。

    All the pretty women wore their smartest dresses.

  15. 你穿着那件新连衫裙真是好看极了。

    You look devastating in that new dress.

  16. 所属行业其他女上装背心,吊带衫无袖上衣长裙

    Industry Other blouse Vest, halter top Sleeveless shirt Skirt.

  17. 她整个上午缠着她妈妈要一件新的连衫裙。

    She has been teasing her mother all morning for a new dress.

  18. 她穿着绸的连衫裙和浅口轻便鞋参加宴会。

    She went to the party in her silk dress and pumps.

  19. 我带来了衣料, 想请你给我做两件连衫裙。

    I have brought material for two dresses which I want you to make for me.

  20. 她穿著绸的连衫裙和浅口轻便鞋参加宴会。

    She go to the party in her silk dress and pump.

  21. 一个不喷香水的女人是蓝色的连衫裙阅读没有未来的。

    A woman should be two things classy and fabulous.

  22. 你可以穿这件衬衫配裤子, 或者换个花样, 配件连衫裙。

    You can wear the shirt with trousers, or ring the changes wear it with a dress.

  23. 她的连衫裙用褶边装饰。

    Her dress was adorned with ruffles.

  24. 裁缝拆开下摆将连衫裙收短。

    The tailor ripped the hem and shortened the dress.

  25. 这连衫裙是用光滑的丝绸做成的。

    The dress is made of neat silk.

  26. 这连衫裙是用光滑得丝绸做成得。

    The dress is made of neat silk.

  27. 她的连衫裙用褶边装饰。用花边来点缀或装饰。

    Her dress was adorned with ruffles. trimmed or decorated with lace.

  28. 我认为穿着那件短连衫裙去做礼拜并不合适。

    I don't consider that short dress to proper for going to church.

  29. 他告诉女店员他想买衫裙,女店员就拿出了好几件给他挑。

    After telling the sales girl what he was after, she displayed a number.

  30. 绣花衫连裙

    embroidered frock.