







汉语拼音:lèng zhù








  1. Something held Old Phoenix very still. The deep lines in her face went into a fierce and different radiation.


  2. I was so astonished about him , but I said sorry to him , and then we reading the ghost story together that day .


  3. When I first saw her, she was walking across the school quad. I stood motionless as if stunned, following her with my eyes.


  4. "No, I'm not tell you for a reward. . . " Feng raises his eyes and suddenly stopped.


  5. Roger and I turn around and are shocked to see the witch lady peeking her head over the schoolyard's fence.


  6. Ben shouted again, but this time the hunter did not stop and Ben started to move toward him.


  7. But I was stunned to see that they knew each.


  8. For a fraction of time the world froze as she took this in. Then she laughed. Easily, merrily.


  9. I cringed. So I wasn't the only one who had noticed. And, apparently, that wasn't Edward Cullen's usual behavior. I decided to play dumb.


  1. 我愣住了。

    As I swung around, I froze.

  2. 因恐怖而愣住

    to freeze with terror

  3. 我听了,我试了,我愣住了。

    I listened, I tried, I froze.

  4. 他瞪着我,愣住了。

    He stared at me, thunderstruck.

  5. 他的微笑很快愣住。

    His smile soon modified to a wince.

  6. 你简直使他愣住了。

    You could have knocked him down with a feather.

  7. 我愣住了,我怕说错话

    I froze, you know? I didn't want to say the wrong thing.

  8. 她们一下子全都愣住了。

    It quite took their breath away.

  9. 他不禁吓住了, 愣住了, 瘫痪了。

    He was stultified, shocked, paralyzed.

  10. 听到这个消息,大家愣住了。

    Everyone was staggered at the news.

  11. 发现他们已经离去,她愣住了。

    She was bewildered to find them gone.

  12. 他抬头看见了她,不由得愣住了。

    He looked up and saw her, froze for a moment.

  13. 听到这消息,她一下愣住了。

    She was struck dumb by the news.

  14. 等到他醒来的时候,他愣住了。

    BABS When he awoke, the chap was shocked!

  15. 我当时就感到很震惊,愣住了。

    I was shocked so much that I froze.

  16. 查理站在行李堆中愣住了。

    Charles stood against amid his trunks.

  17. 他愣住了。一脸怀疑地盯着我。

    He was astonished. He stared at me in disbelief.

  18. 突然一声可怕得喊叫吓得他愣住了。

    A sudden terrible cry froze him to the spot.

  19. 我听到她的话后一下子愣住了。

    Her remark pulled me up short.

  20. 小饼干找到了蛋糕盒,打开一看愣住了。

    Little cookie is shocked when she opens the cake box.

  21. 在向自己提出那个问题之后,他愣住了。

    After putting this question to himself, he paused.

  22. 当时我们都愣住了,都目不转睛地看着他。

    At that time we were shocked, and all looked at him intently.

  23. 突然一声可怕的喊叫吓得他愣住了。

    A sudden terrible cry froze him to the spot.

  24. 脚步声愣住了,我也什么都听不到了。

    The footsteps stopped, and I could hear nothing at all.

  25. 盈盈哭了,文轩也愣住了,同学们也议论起来了。

    Yingying crying, Wenxuan also shocked, and students also talk up.

  26. 怕茜愣住了,感到有些失望,但没有提出异议。

    Pensy stared, disappointed, yet not protesting.

  27. 她先是惊奇得愣住了, 后来又欢喜得发呆。

    She was first transfixed with surprise, and then electrified with delight.

  28. 她盯着自己流血的双手,呆呆地愣住了。

    She stared at her own bloodied hands, unable to think or move.

  29. 所以,当老师叫我名字的时候,我真是愣住了。

    So when the teacher called my name, I was frozen.

  30. 如果你说你是女权主义者,好多人都会愣住。

    A lot of people's eyes glaze over if you say you are a feminist.



愣住 lèng zhù [dumbfound] 通常表示较强烈的状态,因为惊讶而暂时未能作出反应,表示停滞的状态. 例:看到他不顾一切的从车前把她一把推开,老三一下愣住了.

