







汉语拼音:chuō pò








  1. 刺破。

    沙汀 《航线》:“眼睁睁这肥皂泡一般的希望,是被人戳破了!” 赵树理 《登记》:“她怎么睡得着呢?五婶那两句话好像戳破了她的旧伤口,新事旧事,想起来再也放不下。”



  1. Sorry to break your bubble bbz, but the West has no sort of positive legacy in India.


  2. The government is trying to pop that bubble as you know and I presume that they (will) pop the bubble.


  3. It was the failure of these efforts that convinced him a central bank should not try to burst bubbles.


  4. I had a puncture so it was just as well I was carrying a spare wheel.


  5. Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan warned of "irrational exuberance, " but that did not deflate the dot-com stock market bubble.


  6. I'm sorry to break this to ya, buddy: but if you pick whoever's around then it is very likely NOT the best person you could have.


  7. Because it doesn't make logical sense on the surface, skunk poking notwithstanding, it tends to get dismissed.


  8. Certain compounds can enter and spread throughout the interior of the cell only after the surface has been punctured.


  9. The channels that ran through the nearer caves were well-known, but shallow, and it didn't pay to risk tearing out the bottom of your boat.


  1. 她戳破了气球。

    She burst the balloon.

  2. 戳破某人的假面具

    Cut someone down to size

  3. 刀戳破了橡皮球。

    The knife pierced the rubber ball.

  4. 针戳破了她的手指。

    The needle pierced her finger.

  5. 他用针戳破了气球。

    He popped the balloon with a pin.

  6. 她用叉子戳破了一个气球。

    She popped a balloon with her fork.

  7. 那件夹克让铁丝网给戳破了。

    The jacket was torn to shreds by the barbed wire.

  8. 那个孩子用别针把气球戳破了。

    The child burst the balloon with a pin.

  9. 戳破这窗户纸就一文不值。

    Let out the secret and it is worthless.

  10. 她脸色通红, 好象谎言已被戳破。

    Her face turned red as if the lie was transparent.

  11. 她脸色通红,好象谎言已被戳破。

    Her face turned red as if the lie was transparent.

  12. 当然, 那天不是每个秘密都戳破了。

    Of course, not every secret was told that night.

  13. 这个星期我的汽车轮胎被戳破两次。

    My car has had two punctures this week.

  14. 你的指甲太尖了, 书都被你戳破了。

    Your fingers are so pointed that they have scratched through the paper of this book.

  15. 你的指甲太尖了,书都被你戳破了。

    Your fingers are so pointed that they have scratched through the paper of this book.

  16. 他们最近的一起露面戳破了离婚的谣言。

    Their recent appearance together has scotched rumours of a divorce.

  17. 新世代潮男小鬼, 戳破你的传统想法。

    The new generation tide male kid, burst your traditional thinking.

  18. 新世代潮男小鬼,戳破你得传统想法。

    The new generation tide male kid, burst your traditional thinking.

  19. 戳破面皮, 滑溜溜的汁水一下子流出来。

    Prick dough, slippery juice flow out all at once.

  20. 你用刀把枕头戳破了吗神父问道。

    Did you gut the pillow with a knife?'he says.

  21. 我的车胎被戳破了,幸好我还带了个备用车胎。

    I had a puncture so it was just as well I was carrying a spare wheel.

  22. 我得车胎被戳破了,幸好我还带了个备用车胎。

    I had a puncture so it was just as well I was carrying a spare wheel.

  23. 更令人担忧的是旨在戳破房地产泡沫的政策。

    More worrying are policies designed to prick the real estate bubble.

  24. 最近几年价格陆续上涨, 直到房价泡沫戳破。

    Prices went up and up in recent years before the housing baboon burst.

  25. 次级抵押贷款危机会否戳破全球资产泡沫?

    Would the time class collateral loan crisis deny Chuo break a world property a foam ?

  26. 拿我出气也没用, 即使轮胎戳破了我也没有办法。

    It's no good taking it out on me, I can't help it if we had a puncture.

  27. 在不伤害经济的情况下戳破泡沫则更难。

    Pricking them is even harder without wrecking the economy.

  28. 你的车戳破了吗?没问题, 我即刻为你补好。

    You've got a puncture? No problem! I'll soon mend that for you.

  29. 男人大多喜欢吹牛,你别戳破他得这个小把戏。

    Most likes bragging Man, you do not burst his little trick.

  30. 男人大多喜欢吹牛,你别戳破他的这个小把戏。

    Most likes bragging Man, you do not burst his little trick.


  1. 问:戳破拼音怎么拼?戳破的读音是什么?戳破翻译成英文是什么?

    答:戳破的读音是chuōpò,戳破翻译成英文是 To pierce.; puncture



【注音】:chuō pò

【解释】:刺破。戳:用硬物尖端触击,刺,戳穿。 破:不完整、破绽(衣服裂开,指事情或说话的漏洞或矛盾)。 选自曹文轩《草房子》:他知道,这是头年的旧茬儿戳破了他的脚。