







汉语拼音:zāi zāng







  1. 把赃物或违禁物等暗放在别人处,然后诬告其犯法。

    清 林则徐 《会谕尖沙嘴英国各船货具结进埔告示稿》:“至搜查之时,俱係官员亲身督验,断不至栽赃陷害,累及无辜。” 老舍 《四世同堂》六四:“然后他们再从多少方面设法栽赃,造证据,把 大赤包 置之死地。” 严阵 《卷葹》诗:“他谋杀了 卷葹 的丈夫,又在别人的身上栽赃。”



  1. And you will tell the truth that you planted this and you set this up , and I'm gonna go home .

  2. The gun the prosecutors used must have been a plant.

  3. Today, alcohol also plays as significant a factor in blaming women and excusing men as the short skirt used to do.

  4. Unexpectedly, when Jack Hawley been planted in the name of the theft of diamonds framed and kept in the lower cabin.

  5. No. I think somebody's trying to pin the murder on him.

  6. The accused person alleged that the jewels that were found in his possession haft been planted on him by someone.

  7. Shenurseda viper in her bosom. Her best friend Lucy framed her in. Lucy first seduced her husband and then trapped her.

  8. He claimed that the stolen jewellery found in his house was a plant.

  9. That seems a little like a CIA front. Framing a company man. Bold stroke.


  1. 栽赃于某人

    plant stolen goods on sb.

  2. 他栽赃陷害好人。

    He planted stolen goods on innocent people.

  3. 恶莫如栽赃。

    How evil is he who throws his own guilt upon another!

  4. 你是说警察栽赃你的?

    Are you saying the officers planted the money on you?

  5. 有人想栽赃嫁祸于我。

    Someone wants to incriminate me.

  6. 我想他们要栽赃给我们两个。

    I'm sure they'd tie him and me together in the robbery.

  7. 以便给一位无辜的人栽赃。

    To convict an innocent man.

  8. 这无疑是对金钱的污蔑与栽赃。

    This is no doubt meant to slander and defile money.

  9. 所有武器都是他们死后栽赃的。

    All of the weapons were planted on them after they died.

  10. 如果不是镇三环叫我们栽赃嫁祸。

    LF Chun didn't ask us to plant the pendant on you.

  11. 他们在谷仓库里栽赃了个蒸馏器。

    They planted a still in our barn.

  12. 他们看见他把枪栽赃给了死者。

    They saw him plant the gun on the body.

  13. 那些商品不是他偷的。这是栽赃。

    He didnt steal the goods. It was a setup.

  14. 她可能准备偷溜进我们家,栽赃嫁祸。

    She would probably sneak in and plant them in our house.

  15. 就为了你的朋友栽赃给一个毒贩子。

    Just so your good friend Roy could nail a drug dealer.

  16. 我相信在约翰房里发现的证据是栽赃的。

    I'm convinced the evidence was planted in John's flat.

  17. 我相信在约翰房里发现的证据是栽赃的。

    I'm convinced the evidence was planted in John's flat.

  18. 朱蒂说钱是栽赃给她的并且她已经归还了。

    Judy claims the money was planted on her and returns it.

  19. 朱蒂说钱是栽赃给她的并且她已经归还了。

    Judy claims the money was planted on her and returns it.

  20. 朱蒂说钱是栽赃给她得并且她已经归还了。

    Judy claims the money was planted on her and returns it.

  21. 肯定是有人把那支枪栽赃到他头上了。

    Someone must have planted the gun on him.

  22. 他企图把偷来的钱栽赃到这个小男孩身上。

    He tried to plant the stolen money on the boy.

  23. 不。我觉得有人想要把谋杀的罪名栽赃给他。

    No.I think somebody's trying to pin the murder on him.

  24. 小偷打算把偷来的手表栽赃给同住的房客手上。

    The thief had planned to plant the stolen watch on a fellow lodger.

  25. 一个贼把偷来的电视机栽赃给这位无辜的老太太。

    A thief planted the television set he had stolen on this innocent old woman.

  26. 她是一个肯切掉两根手指 去栽赃别人的女人。

    The woman hacked off two of her fingers to frame someone else.

  27. 别忘了是谁为了保护财产 栽赃奥森入室盗窃。

    Let's not forget who had no problem Staging a fake burglary to protect her stuff from Orson.

  28. 警察将白粉栽赃于迈克,并以携带毒品罪将其逮捕。

    The cops planted snow on Mike and then arrested him for carrying it.

  29. 她坚持说在她不知道的情况下,有人把毒品栽赃于她。

    She insisted that the drugs had been planted on her without her knowledge.

  30. 他声称在他家中发现的那些失窃的珠宝是有人给他栽赃。

    He claim that the steal jewellery find in his house is a plant.


  1. 问:栽赃拼音怎么拼?栽赃的读音是什么?栽赃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:栽赃的读音是zāizāng,栽赃翻译成英文是 frame


