


中央有孔的圆形佩玉:~佩。圈形的东西:~形。连~。铁~。花~。耳~。围绕:~视。~顾。~拜。~海。~球。~行(xíng )。日~食。相互联系的许多事物中的一个:重要的一~。险象~生。量词,用于记录射击环靶的成绩:今天打了十~。姓。……





汉语拼音:huán wèi







  1. 宫廷禁卫。也指禁卫官。

    唐 陆贽 《论叙迁幸之由状》:“重门无结草之御,环卫无谁何之人。” 唐 白居易 《神策军推官田铸加官制》:“ 田铸 官列环卫,职参禁军。” 元 无名氏 《连环计》第四折:“ 李肃 曾是 卓 家奴,晚能自拔来归义,可以驃骑大将军,仍领羽林作环卫。” 清 钱谦益 《吴祖洲八十序》:“大金吾 山阴 祖洲 吴 兄,谢环卫事,归卧 东山 者,凡十有二年。”

  2. 拱卫,护卫。

    林建征 《莺歌海》:“ 莺歌海 也是山的朋友。象屏风似的从后面环卫着它,那就是拔海1400公尺的 尖峰岭 等山。”

  3. “环境卫生”的略语。如环卫工作、环卫工人。



  1. Strengthen responsibility , strengthen environmental sanitation of the resident of a city consciousness.

  2. Normal maintenance can significantly improve the service life of the sanitation sprinkles.

  3. If it didn't have the kind of sanitation of water sprayer influence?

  4. I have an apartment, but it's really just a place to store my clothes and old work papers that the garbage men won't even take.

  5. Environment Sanitation , city administration , and quality supervision, safety supervision.

  6. To address the challenge, the IBRD set out to promote greater private sector participation to improve the sector.

  7. His father, a retired sanitation worker on disability, refuses to support Mike's attempts for financial aid out of pride.

  8. Part three is status review and analysis for the public participation and city management within environmental sanitation.

  9. Often have sanitation sprinkles users friends call seek advice, why sanitation sprinkles used in a period of time, water will be reduced.


  1. 环卫科研所

    sanitation research institution.

  2. 环卫机械修造厂

    Environmental sanitary machine repairing works

  3. 也渴望展示环卫工人的风采

    and are eager to bring forth our mien

  4. 最后一点,环卫工人被污名化。

    And then there's the stigma.

  5. 环卫工人被誉为是城市美容师。

    City sanitation workers are called"city beauticians".

  6. 我个人想去了解这些环卫工人

    I wanted to get to know them as individuals.

  7. 负担得起的水和环卫技术中心

    Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology

  8. 在学校里提供清洁水和环卫设施。

    Provision of clean water and sanitation facilities in schools.

  9. 对环卫工人来说,这实在太糟糕了。

    That's really bad for the worker.

  10. 于是我真的找了份环卫工人的工作。

    So I took the job as a sanitation worker.

  11. 环卫工人对主枝浓密的松树进行了修剪。

    The cleaning workers have pruned the thick-branched pine trees.

  12. 环卫系统与物资回收部门, 应搞好实施方案。

    Sanitary and reclamation offices must effectively carry them out.

  13. 清洁部专业环卫车清理化粪池, 化油池。

    Clean Division Professional Sanitation trucks cleaning of septic tanks, chemical oil pool.

  14. 所以我开始了一项关于环卫工人的研究课题。

    So I started a research project with them.

  15. 正常维护可显著提高环卫洒水车的使用寿命。

    Normal maintenance can significantly improve the service life of the sanitation sprinkles.

  16. 正常维护可显著提高环卫洒水车得使用寿命。

    Normal maintenance can significantly improve the service life of the sanitation sprinkles.

  17. 地方政府规划和提供水和环卫服务的能力不足

    Insufficient capacity at the local government level to plan and deliver water and sanitation services.

  18. 下面烈山环卫洒水车销售部为你一一解答。

    The fierce mountain water sprayer sales for you the sanitation one answer.

  19. 如果没有它对环卫洒水车有什么样的影响呢?

    If it didnt have the kind of sanitation of water sprayer influence

  20. 各种健康、营养、食品援助、供水和环卫方案继续展开。

    Health, nutrition, food aid, and water and sanitation programmes continue.

  21. 环卫和废水处理在扶贫规划中也常常被忽略。

    Sanitation and wastewater treatment have also been generally neglected in poverty planning.

  22. 执行了关于水和环卫问题的若干国际协定和目标

    Implementation of several international agreements and goals on water and sanitation.

  23. 穿上环卫服 承担起这份责任的感觉是什么样?

    What's it like to wear the uniform and bear that burden?

  24. 饮用水不充足以及环卫服务不足,对穷人的影响最大。

    The impact of inadequate drinking water and sanitation services is greatest on the poor.

  25. 高压车疏通大型管道。专业环卫车清理化粪池,化油池。

    Professional Sanitation trucks cleaning of septic tanks, chemical oil pool.

  26. 很少有国家建立专门用于环卫的规章制度和政策框架。

    Few countries have introduced dedicated regulatory and policy frameworks for sanitation.

  27. 本厂分部主要生产环卫设备,主要有垃圾压块机,推实机。

    Our main production division sanitation equipment, the main garbage Press, is pushing for.

  28. 儿童基金会常常是农村供水和环卫的主要外部合作伙伴。

    UNICEF was often among the leading external cooperating partners for rural water supply and sanitation.

  29. 环卫处理车由洗浴间、卫生间和粪便快速干燥装置构成。

    The environmental sanitation vehicle comprises a bath room, a toilet and an excrement rapid drying device.

  30. 环卫工人抱怨说在西瓜旺季,我们几乎不能清运完垃圾。

    Barely were we able to keep up with garbage collection during the watermelon season, the sanitation workers complained.


  1. 问:环卫拼音怎么拼?环卫的读音是什么?环卫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:环卫的读音是huánwèi,环卫翻译成英文是 environmental sanitation


