


1. 坏 [huài]2. 坏 [pēi]3. 坏 [pī]4. 坏 [péi]坏 [huài]品质恶劣,有害:~蛋。~人。~事。~水。人体、东西受了损伤,被 毁: 破~。败~。质量差,不完美:这所房子不~。表示程度深(用在动词后面):忙~……








汉语拼音:huài dōng xi







  1. 指坏人。如:对这样的坏东西,我们决不能心慈手软。



  1. He began to work hard in HP and doubted a quesiton all the time : if modesty is a bad thing , why so many people take it as a good quality?

  2. "Then you are the wicked cause of my sister's ruin? " said Jeanie, with a natural touch of indignation expressed in her tone of voice.

  3. He said that the final outcome may be that a good thing too, turned into a bad thing.

  4. It would be a shame if it lacked the courage to tax something bad for a change.

  5. "I don't want you to leave here with the impression that protein is a bad thing, " Campbell noted.

  6. When someone is terribly sick and might die without a surgery, the doctor can take out the bad things from his body and save his life.

  7. "Vile girl, shameless hussy ! " she said to her. "I won't hear a word! "

  8. She has caught more than is for her good from the settlers, and especially from the gallantly officers.

  9. That's pretty much the opposite of the truth: taxes are a bad thing only when you don't pay them.


  1. 东洋人!坏东西

    A bad lot, that Jap!

  2. 别跟坏东西沾上边。

    Don't get caught up in the bad things.

  3. 那条狗又在挖我的花坛,这坏东西!

    That dog's been digging in my flowerbed again, the wretched thing!

  4. 这是人类搞出来的最坏东西,有可能毁灭我们所有人。

    It is the worst thing developed by humankind, and has the potential to destroy all of us.

  5. 有什么东西坏了吗

    Is there anything particularly wrong

  6. 可能别的什么东西坏了。

    Maybe something else is wrong.

  7. 这里真的有什么东西坏了。

    Something's really gone bad here.

  8. 这只钟一定什么东西坏了。

    There must be something wrong with the clock.

  9. 什么东西坏了都能这样说?

    Sure. My computer is shot. You can say almost anything is shot.

  10. 什么东西坏了,不能用了,之类的。

    Things wear out.

  11. 活塞似乎没问题。可能别的什么东西坏了。

    The piston seems OK. Maybe something else is wrong.

  12. 活塞似乎没问题。可能别得什么东西坏了。

    The piston seems OK. Maybe something else is wrong.

  13. 如果什么东西坏了,我们就找人来修理。

    If something is broken, we get it fixed.

  14. 你好像说的是主卧的浴室有东西坏了。

    But I thought you said it was in the master bath.

  15. 不好不坏的东西,不好不坏的

    curate rs egg.

  16. 我好像吃了坏的东西。

    I think I ate something that was off.

  17. 没有被别人弄坏的东西

    that wasn't ruined by everyone else.

  18. 医生说是我吃坏了东西

    The doctor said it was something I ate.

  19. 医生说是我吃坏了东西。

    The doctor said it was something I ate.

  20. 最好得东西腐坏了, 就是最坏得东西。

    Corruption of the best becomes the worst.

  21. 最好的东西腐坏了,就是最坏的东西。

    Corruption of the best becomes the worst.

  22. 你能看见坏的东西被好的东西包围

    You see badness surrounded by goodness.

  23. 切掉坏的东西,世界就太平了

    Cut out the badness, all is right with the world.

  24. 生命赋与你好的东西还是坏的东西?

    Is life giving you good things, or is life giving you bad things?

  25. 跨国公司和全球化带来好的和坏的东西。

    Multinationals and globalization bring good and bad things.

  26. 如果弄坏这个东西,你归还给出售者

    And OK, if you break one of these things here, you return it to the carrier.

  27. 但是,声音嘶哑也可以是坏的东西迹象。

    But hoarseness can also be a sign of something worse.

  28. 我想我是吃了坏的东西了,不过我会好的。

    I think I ate something bad. But I'll be all right.

  29. 对某些人来说, 酒是个最坏的东西。

    Alcohol, to some people, is the wo'rst villain.

  30. 青少年是充满活力和快速学习好的坏的东西。

    Teenagers are energetic and quick to learn, both good and had things.


  1. 问:坏东西拼音怎么拼?坏东西的读音是什么?坏东西翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坏东西的读音是huàidōngxi,坏东西翻译成英文是 bastard; scoundrel; rogue


