







汉语拼音:chā zú








  1. 犹言厕身其间。

    陈三立 《次韵答王义门内翰枉赠》:“吾衰愚智宁寻丈,插足江湖心倔彊。” 黄葆桢 《杨哲商烈士悼歌》之四:“一例党人艰插足, 匡庐 山下蛇蝎顽。” 鲁迅 《热风·随感录五十九》:“现在的外来思想……在我们这单有‘我’,单想‘取彼’,单要由我喝尽了一切空间时间的酒的思想界上,实没有插足的余地。”



  1. And the other main character, is referred to as a third party participate Zhang Mao, she is also the news flow coming out of the network.


  2. Public-health campaigns, better education and more hands-on parenting have no doubt had some effect.


  3. Other criminals have been trying to muscle in on the place.


  4. Just at that time, an old woman with an eight-year-old boy got on the bus but there was no room for them to stand at all.


  5. An online degree can prepare you for this field by providing accounting coursework and career training.


  6. even though i find it reprehensible for any man to interfere in an ongoing romance .


  7. There is no involvement of a third party in the marriage filled up with harmony and warmth.


  8. It could also save Adobe from slipping into irrelevance as mobile devices increasingly take over functions from desktop browsers.


  9. Apart from regulation, the two big areas for concern about Democratic over-reach in business matters are taxes and trade.


  1. 这儿几乎没有插足的地方。

    There's not even standing room.

  2. 就没有你插足的余地了

    You're supposed to be on a plane.

  3. 因为第三者插足,他们分手了。

    They split up because of an affair.

  4. 你千方百计地插足我的家庭。

    You wormed your way into my family.

  5. 我猜测一定是有第三者插足。

    I gather there must be a third person involved.

  6. 我可不想插足你们的争论。

    I don't have a dog in this fight.

  7. 这位黑人回避直接插足政治。

    The blackman shrank from any direct participation in politics.

  8. 第三者插足侵害配偶权的法律问题

    On Legal Issues that the Third Party Violates the Right of Spouse

  9. 由于第三者插足, 这对夫妻离婚了。

    The couple divorced because of the other woman.

  10. 他们婚姻的破裂仅仅因为有第三者插足。

    Their marriage has broken just because of the other man.

  11. 苏联会作为阿拉伯一方的律师插足进来。

    The Soviet Union would inject itself as the lawyer of the Arab side.

  12. 噢你没有。你没有插足, 别担心罗斯的事, 真的。

    Oh you're not. you're not getting in the middle of anything, don't worry about Ross really, really.

  13. 其他罪犯一直想用强制手段插足这块地盘。

    Other criminals have been trying to muscle in on the place.

  14. 充满和谐与温馨的婚姻不会有第三者插足。

    There is no involvement of a third party in the marriage filled up with harmony and warmth.

  15. 第二个大厅里只剩下仅可插足之地了。

    There was standing room only in the second hall.

  16. 小的贸易商在对日的焦煤出口中不好插足。

    Small traders find it hard a foothold in the export of coal to Japan.

  17. 在他们两个之间, 你无法插足捞到太多油水。

    Between the two of them, there ain't much you can't get hold of.

  18. 我才不信,如果真有外人插足我肯定有所耳闻了。

    I don't believe it. If there were some bimbo in the picture, I'd have heard about it.

  19. 因为第三者插足那对夫妇离婚了。他离了婚, 我也离了婚。

    The couple divorced because there was another person came between them.

  20. 不要试图插足他们的空间,因为他们先天有幽闭恐惧症。

    Do not try to invade their space because they are claustrophobic in nature.

  21. 在苏丹, 阿拉伯的衰落导致外国插足干涉其事务。

    In the Sudan, Arab lethargy has led to foreign intervention in its affairs.

  22. 真好笑,我一直都把时间浪费在担心麦克会插足上。

    It's funny, all that time I wasted worrying Mike would come between us.

  23. 丈夫被更年轻的女人插足造成婚姻破裂, 她深感耻辱。

    She had been humiliated by her husbands involvement with a younger woman and the breakdown of their marriage.

  24. 第三者插足构成侵权行为并不以婚外性行为为必要条件。

    An action for alienation of affection does not require proof of extramarital sex.

  25. 尽管我认为,对任何插足于别人的恋情当中的人,都应该谴责

    Even though I find it reprehensible for any man to interfere in an ongoing romance


  1. 问:插足拼音怎么拼?插足的读音是什么?插足翻译成英文是什么?

    答:插足的读音是chāzú,插足翻译成英文是 involve oneself in

  2. 问:插足技术拼音怎么拼?插足技术的读音是什么?插足技术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:插足技术的读音是chāzújìshù,插足技术翻译成英文是 foot-in-the-door technique



插足出自中国古文,意思是犹言厕身其间。 参与。