


1. 从 [cóng]2. 从 [zòng]从 [cóng]依顺:顺~。盲~。~善如流。采取,按照:~优。跟随:愿~其后。跟随的人:侍~。仆~。参与:~业。~政。投笔~戎。由,自:~古至今。~我做起。次要的:主~。~犯。宗族中次于至亲的亲属……





汉语拼音:cóng cǐ








  1. 从此时或此地起。

    《史记·高祖本纪》:“公等皆去,吾亦从此逝矣!” 晋 干宝 《搜神记》卷十六:“恩爱从此别,断肠伤肝脾。” 唐 李益 《写情》诗:“从此无心爱良夜,任他明月下西楼。” 宋 苏轼 《石鼻城》诗:“北客初来试新险, 蜀 人从此送残山。” 明 张居正 《乞崇圣学以隆圣治疏》:“若从此再加学问之功,以讲求义理,开广聪明,则太平之业,可计日而待也。” 清 恽敬 《答伊扬州书三》:“舍弟蹉跎二十年,不得已请书於先生,从此或有遇合以成其用,皆先生之赐也。” 巴金 《灭亡》第八章:“但不到半年,她底丈夫抛弃了她,从此音讯杳无。”

  2. 从这一道理或事实基础出发。

    汉 司马相如 《上林赋》:“务在独乐,不顾众庶,忘国家之政,贪雉兔之获,则仁者不繇也。从此观之, 齐 楚 之事,岂不哀哉!” 晋 干宝 《<搜神记>序》:“ 卫朔 失国,二传互其所闻; 吕望 事 周 , 子长 存其两説。若此比类,往往有焉。从此观之,闻见之难,由来尚矣。” 明 李贽 《寄焦弱侯》:“是以天资虽或鲁钝,而从此真积,或可几于一唯之 参 ( 曾参 )。” 清 顾炎武 《日知录·厥弟五人》:“若乃 孔子 所谓大道既隐,天下为家,各亲其亲,各子其子者,亦从此(指 夏 少康 封其庶子于 会稽 )而可知之矣。”



  1. "She's not so inexperienced as she looks, " he thought, and thereafter his respect and ardour were increased.

  2. They continued to see each other around school, had lunch together once or twice, then both graduated from junior high school.

  3. The girl on whom he took a crush turned around and walked away from him.

  4. She had a good job near home after university. Several years later her mother died of overwork. Since then gardenia was never received.

  5. fanning the flames of a protest that has since spread into a more generalized criticism of Muslim institutions in the United States.

  6. "The Sphinx has thus emerged into the landscape out of shadows of what seemed to be an impenetrable oblivion, " the New York Times declared.

  7. Stricken by illness at the tender age of nineteen months, Helen lost her ability to see, hear, and speak.

  8. If he found that he would not hesitate to stop, henceforth abandon the wandering soul and thinking stray.

  9. You will know how much it hurt and will never fear him again.


  1. 从此人间蒸发。

    Just dropped off the face of the earth.

  2. 时光从此驻

    And the time has standing still.

  3. 从此就记住了。

    Never forgot it.

  4. 从此就记住了。

    Never forgot it.

  5. 从此她停止荤食。

    She said, and since then has stopped eating meat.

  6. 我从此点开始。

    I commence from this point.

  7. 他们从此不再贫穷。

    After that they were no longer poor.

  8. 从此之后就销声匿迹

    and hasn't been in touch since.

  9. 从此,外科手术诞生了

    And thus, surgery was born.

  10. 从此/ 那一天以后

    from now/ that day on

  11. 从此我就看透了。

    Certainly opened my eyes.

  12. 从此我就看透了。

    Certainly opened my eyes.

  13. 我从此跟她绝交。

    I would never talk to her again.

  14. 游泳池工程从此下马。

    The swimming pool project has since been dropped.

  15. 我从此更爱夹竹桃。

    I therefore love more oleander.

  16. 从此他一直支持我

    He's been standing up for me ever since.

  17. 从此, 隔着天涯, 隔着海。

    Since then, across the skyline, away from the sea.

  18. 从此,母女俩相依为命。

    From then on, mother and daughter have depended on each other for survival.

  19. 我从此被迷住了。

    And I was permanently hooked.

  20. 从此太空竞赛拉开帷幕。

    It began the space race.

  21. 似乎他从此将飞黄腾达。

    It seemed he was going to get on.

  22. 从此不要再犯罪了。

    From now on sin no more.

  23. 从此,栀子花不再来了。

    That was the year the gardenias stopped coming.

  24. 从此,他着迷于林肯。

    He became obsessed with Lincoln.

  25. 实际上雅芳从此一蹶不振。

    Avon never really recovered.

  26. 从此我们开始获利翻番

    And this is where it becomes true triple bottom line.

  27. 两家从此结下世仇。

    The two families have been feuding ever since.

  28. 从此我们成了好朋友。

    We have since become friends.

  29. 从此以后,将由我负责。

    From now on, I will be in charge.

  30. 从此事情要有个改观

    Things are gonna be different from here on in.


  1. 问:从此拼音怎么拼?从此的读音是什么?从此翻译成英文是什么?

    答:从此的读音是cóngcǐ,从此翻译成英文是 after that