


去,到:~返。~复。~还(huán )。~来。交~。向~。勇~直前。过去:~昔。~日。~事。~古。~常。以~。一如既~。同“望”。……





汉语拼音:wǎng hòu








  1. 以后。

    《红楼梦》第六四回:“今儿要遇见二姨儿,可别性急了,闹出事来,往后倒难办了。” 张天翼 《儿女们》二:“这回 廉大爷 得对他说些什么呢,往后还把不把他当朋友看待呢?” 杨朔 《蓬莱仙境》:“再往后,我离开家乡……不知道 婀娜 姐姐的命运究竟怎样了。”

  2. 朝后面。




  1. No waiver of any breach of this Agreement shall be considered or held to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach.


  2. A year or two from now, the Internet is going to be so saturated with online sellers, you'll have hard time fitting in.


  3. As I leaned back in the comfortable though not elegant conveyance, I meditated much at my ease.


  4. The woman sank back to a sitting posture on the floor, and, covering her eyes with her hands, gave way to heart-broken sobs and wailings.


  5. For the later one year, she did not dare to walk alone on the street in the city.


  6. Continue cueing as long as you want him to move back, taking care to note the restriction from the lead rope.


  7. This was a time when the energies would start to reverse and spiral backwards merging with the time of Atlantis.


  8. Stay tuned over the next few days for more on the upcoming holidays, and another little exclusive you might find interesting as well!


  9. you know what i used to tell my racers ? " don ' t look back , leave it all on the track . "


  1. 用脚跟往后踢

    back heel

  2. 让开!往后退!

    Make place!Bear back there!

  3. 再往后退一点。

    Back up a little further.

  4. 女士,请往后站。

    Ma'am,I need you to step back.

  5. 女士,请往后站。

    Ma'am, I need you to step back.

  6. 请你们往后挪。

    Will you move toward the back please?

  7. 她回头往后看。

    She looked backward over her shoulder.

  8. 别过去,往后站,往后站!

    No, no, no, stay back! Stay back!

  9. 别过去,往后站,往后站!

    No, no, no, stay back! Stay back!

  10. 往后推几天

    postpone for a few days.

  11. 他们受命往后退。

    They were ordered to stand back.

  12. 我吓得往后缩。

    I cringed in horror.

  13. 往后坐 好戏开始喽。

    Now just sit back and get ready for takeoff.

  14. 让我往后的时光

    In the rest time of my life

  15. 把某事往后拖延

    to leave something until later

  16. 他们吓得往后退。

    They fell back in horror.

  17. 往后看是无益的。

    It boots not to look backwards.

  18. 往后站 保护好自己。

    Stand back! Protect yourself.

  19. 侏儒吓得往后倒退。

    The frightened dwarf drew back.

  20. 往后你应该更细心。

    For the future, try to be more careful.

  21. 往后站, 让队伍通过。

    Stand back to allow the procession to pass.

  22. 往后站,让队伍通过。

    Stand back to allow the procession to pass.

  23. 我往后退了一步。

    I took a pace backwards.

  24. 从今往后, 比翼齐飞。

    Henceforward, fly wing to wing.

  25. 我一点儿一点儿地往后挪动。

    I inched backward.

  26. 她往后退了几步。

    She stepped back a few paces.

  27. 往后我们要加倍努力。

    From now on we'll redouble our efforts.

  28. 警察命令人群往后退。

    The police ordered the crowd to stand back.

  29. 请把车往后开一点。

    Back up a little.

  30. 他往后一靠,眉开眼笑。

    He lay back, his face wreathed in smiles.


  1. 问:往后拼音怎么拼?往后的读音是什么?往后翻译成英文是什么?

    答:往后的读音是wǎnghòu,往后翻译成英文是 from now on; in the future

  2. 问:往后定价拼音怎么拼?往后定价的读音是什么?往后定价翻译成英文是什么?

    答:往后定价的读音是wǎnghòu dìngjià,往后定价翻译成英文是 back pricing

  3. 问:往后添加拼音怎么拼?往后添加的读音是什么?往后添加翻译成英文是什么?

    答:往后添加的读音是wǎng hòu tiān jiā,往后添加翻译成英文是 add after

  4. 问:往后移步拼音怎么拼?往后移步的读音是什么?往后移步翻译成英文是什么?

    答:往后移步的读音是wǎng hòu yí bù,往后移步翻译成英文是 step back; bicycle; back pedal

  5. 问:往后点名的军官和飞行员拼音怎么拼?往后点名的军官和飞行员的读音是什么?往后点名的军官和飞行员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:往后点名的军官和飞行员的读音是wǎnghòu diǎnmíng de jūnguān hé fēixíngyuán,往后点名的军官和飞行员翻译成英文是 following-named officers and airmen




【读音】wǎng hòu

【释义】形容:事物时间段或位置的延续推移,有关问题以后再说,推后等一等在解决。 从今以后;向后,朝后面,往后边等待,往后边走走。



【基本解释】: [From now on] 从今以后 往后的日子越过越好啦

【详细解释】: 1.作为口语,与“ 以后”同义。 《红楼梦》第六四回:“今儿要遇见二姨儿,可别性急了,闹出事来,往后倒难办了。” 张天翼 《儿女们》二:“这回 廉大爷 得对他说些什么呢,往后还把不把他当朋友看待呢?” 杨朔 《蓬莱仙境》:“再往后,我离开家乡……不知道 婀娜 姐姐的命运究竟怎样了。” 2.不单独使用,与动词连用,是 朝后面的意思。通常会说往后面走,往后面看 《儿女英雄传》第七回:“不曾听他一声儿,咕咚往后便倒。”