







汉语拼音:hòu cǐ






  1. In leaving behind 60 years of diplomatic relations, this has created a great deal of critical comments, as well as of support.


  2. After millions of years in this position the new moon was drawn into a collision at a speed of less than three kilometres per second.


  3. The judge said payments would likely be dispersed in a year or so, after neutral parties reviewed the individual claims.


  4. Nor would such a discussion happen unless the Rio board approached Chinalco, having accepted some shareholders' complaints.


  5. When overridden in a derived class, returns the number of profiles in which the last activity date occurred on or before the specified date.


  6. And meanwhile, as was not surprising after the fuss Roucolle had made, the affair had been noised all over the quarter.


  7. That means that this folder will disappear once the configuration dialog is closed.


  8. it may be possible to remove the individual transaction records from the system shortly after the transaction is completed.


  9. After completing the last step, this axis should be located at the top of the chart plot area.


  1. 后此,故因此。

    after which therefore because of which.

  2. 其后此申请表及所附文件将从档案中移除。

    Thereafter, your application together with all materials you have provided will be removed from our files.

  3. 在此场地反弹后离开此场地的球

    A leg break, ie a ball bowled so as to move away from this side

  4. 自从他们的母亲去世后 来此照料他们。

    To look after my children since their mother died.

  5. 您注册后, 此玉卡账户链接方可有效使用。

    This jade account link only works AFTER you registered.

  6. 债权人收到这些资产或服务后,此义务则消除。

    A creditor's receipt of these assets or services cancels the obligations.

  7. 收银员发现后将此情况报告给了老板李某。

    After the cashier found this report to a boss Lee.

  8. 双方当事人达成一致同意后, 此协议有效期可延长。

    The validity can be prolonged on mutual consent by the Parties.

  9. 以下几行添加在标题部分的电子邮件后, 此配置。

    Following lines are added in header section of email after this configuration.

  10. 在开始对等名称注册后更新此属性没有任何作用。

    Updating this property after peer name registration has started has no effect.

  11. 请在到大使馆后将此信函出示给使馆得接待人员。

    Please present this letter to the receptionist upon arrival at the Embassy.

  12. 请在到大使馆后将此信函出示给使馆的接待人员。

    Please present this letter to the receptionist upon arrival at the Embassy.

  13. 将扎进某物的钉子拔出来后在此物体上留下的孔。

    a hole left after a nail is removed.

  14. 要等持卡人搭车后, 此部分的预收收入才变成车资收入。

    Revenue is considered realized only after the bus service is provided and consumed.

  15. 在二年期限届满后,此协议可随时取消而不予先通知。

    After the period of two years the agreement may be canceled at any time without prior notice.

  16. 当验收测试达到某条给定需求后, 此需求就认为已经完成了。

    When all the acceptance tests pass for a given user story, that story is considered complete.

  17. 填妥后请保留此表格副本。

    Please photo copy one application form as copy.

  18. 我在发誓保密后才获知此计划的。

    The plan was told me under pledge of secrecy.

  19. 这是安装对接服务后第一次使用此对接站。

    This is the first time you have used this docking station since installing the docking services.

  20. 医生可以征得亲属的同意后再施行此项手术。

    The doctor may seek the concurrence of a relative before carrying out the procedure.

  21. 这次胜利使美国队自1985年后第一次重获此杯。

    With the win, the US reclaimed the cup for the first time since 1985.

  22. 在此分析后一个方面。

    In a respect after this analysis.

  23. 得知此消息后, 他心花怒放。

    His heart sang with joy after he learned the news.

  24. 收到此信后请回信告知。

    Would you mind, please, acknowledging the receipt of this letter ?

  25. 关于此处理方式的相关协议获批准后将在此网站上公布。

    Specific protocol for this process will be posted at this site when approved.

  26. 运行了此查询后, 可以打印结果。

    After you run the query, you can print the results.

  27. 虽然听起来很酷 我的家人知道后却对此不大感冒

    Now as cool as that sounds, my family was not that thrilled with this.

  28. 洗漱后直接在此化妆整理仪容,不必返回卧室的梳妆台前。

    After washing gargle, make up here directly arrange appearance, before the dresser that need not return a bedroom.

  29. 如果您安装新软件后才收到此错误, 你可以去卸载这些软件。

    If you receive this error after installing new software, you may try to remove it.

  30. 填写完毕后请将此表出示给美国移民局边防检查官员。

    When all items are completed present this form to the U.S.Immigration and NaturalizationService Inspector.



后此 hòucǐ [afterwards;henceforth] 在此以后 前此后此皆属过。——清·李渔《闲情偶寄·种植部》