







汉语拼音:jīn hòu








  1. 从今以后。

    宋 苏轼 《登州召还议水军状》:“今后宣命,抽差本城兵士往诸处,只於威边等指挥内差拨。” 元 张养浩 《登泰山》诗:“向来井处方知隘,今后巢居亦觉宽。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第一部二:“我们厂长今后吃不开了,要靠你们工人了。”



  1. More useful would be to use the next seven years to coax the violent young men of the favelas to take up sport, or to get construction jobs.


  2. The British prime minister said he wants to double the amount of trade between Britain and Turkey in the next five years.


  3. If I continue to play a lot of concerts over the next five year, I may be able to start a small school.


  4. But foolish as it was to write him off a few weeks ago, it would be equally mistaken to imagine all is plain sailing from now on it.


  5. They estimate China's private aircraft market could grow by up to 25 percent a year over the next 10 years.


  6. This was an early test of a chemical warfare program against the clone troopers of the Republic.


  7. This problem must be solved before it's too late. Otherwise, it would be a great obstacle to the work of both sides.


  8. The figure represents a possible opening for future climate-change negotiations, as China envisions some sort of global climate tax.


  9. McCormack also said he expected the talks to reconvene "in the next week or two. "


  1. 将来,今后

    In a future time.

  2. 今后请准时。

    Please be punctual in future.

  3. 你今后应该会

    You're going to go on to.

  4. 你今后如何打算?

    What are your plans for the future?

  5. 今后应千万小心。

    Great care should be exercised in the future.

  6. 今后几天/ 几个月

    the days/ months ahead

  7. 从今以后, 在今后

    For the future

  8. 今后你不必来了

    You're off the schedule.

  9. 在今后几天期间

    in the course of the next few days

  10. 今后请好好儿处理。

    Please do better in the future.

  11. 今后尚希源源定购。

    Trusting to be favored with your further orders.

  12. 今后你应该更勤奋。

    For the future, try to be more diligent in your work.

  13. 今后我会去接她。

    I will pick her up from now on.

  14. 在今后的二十年内

    with in the next two decades

  15. 今后不会再发生了

    It's not going to happen again.

  16. 今后选拔干部要严格。

    From now on we must be very careful in the selection of cadres.

  17. 今后我会多加注意。

    I'll be more careful in the future.

  18. 它给您推动去今后。

    It gives you the impetus to go forward.

  19. 今后你就别妄想了!

    You shall wish in vain for the future!

  20. 我今后一定要加小心。

    I shall is careful hereafter.

  21. 今后我学习要用功些。

    I shall work harder hereafter.

  22. 我今后未必还认得你。

    I may not evermore acknowledge thee.

  23. 今后几个星期是关键。

    The next few weeks are going to be crucial.

  24. 今后要注意你的发音。

    In future, be careful with your pronunciation.

  25. 今后,我要精细地生活。

    I am going to have intensive living after this.

  26. 今后废家电器怎样打发

    How to Dispose of the Scrap Domestic Appliances

  27. 希望今后再来我们商店。

    Hope you will visit our store again some day.

  28. 今后,要保证准时来这里。

    In future, make sure you get here on time.

  29. 祝你今后吉星高照。

    May Fortune smile upon you in the future.

  30. 我希望你今后准时到会。

    Henceforth I expect you to be punctual for meeting.


  1. 问:今后拼音怎么拼?今后的读音是什么?今后翻译成英文是什么?

    答:今后的读音是jīnhòu,今后翻译成英文是 from now on

  2. 问:今后两年拼音怎么拼?今后两年的读音是什么?今后两年翻译成英文是什么?

    答:今后两年的读音是Jīnhòu liǎngnián,今后两年翻译成英文是 2 years hence



定义 今后 jīnhòu [future]:将来 今后的一代 [from now on]:此后;从这以后 今后我要照着她自己的看法去做 解释 从今以后。 宋 苏轼 《登州召还议水军状》:“今后宣命,抽差本城兵士往诸处,只於威边等指挥内差拨。” 元 张养浩 《登泰山》诗:“向来井处方知隘,今后巢居亦觉宽。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第一部二:“我们厂长今后吃不开了,要靠你们工人了。”