







汉语拼音:lǜ qì






  1. “氯”的通称。



  1. You know -- the little carbon filters that take the chlorine out of the water before it gets to the ice maker.


  2. So when those things end up in pools, they end up reacting with, among other things, chlorine to produce some interesting chemicals.


  3. The material is impermeable to air and fluids and can withstand at least eight hours of exposure to corrosive chlorine and ammonia gas.


  4. In his view, the production of caustic soda over to Taiwan every year, 70% of the chlorine can be recycled to make plastic PVC powder.


  5. Cycling economy of chlorine element would be achieved by the efficiency route of recycling chlorine from by-product hydrogen chloride.


  6. Open all faucets while the system is being filled. Do not close the spigot until a definite smell of chlorine is evident.


  7. Chlorine, sodium hypochlorite and bleaching powder used to be used as disinfectors in waterworks.


  8. Chlorine gas can also be produced by the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of sodium chloride (saltwater).


  9. Chlorine gas was used as a chemical weapon during the first World War, under the name bertholite.


  1. 氯气消毒装置

    a chlorination plant.

  2. 氢气和氯气化合反应

    hydrogen and chlorine chemical reaction

  3. 氯气被广泛用于杀菌。

    Chlorine is widely used to kill germs.

  4. 氯气能使植物遭受损害。

    Chlorine may cause plant damage.

  5. 本工段主要进行氯气的干燥。

    This work segment mainly carries on the aridity of the chlorine gas.

  6. 滨化氯气处理装置运行特点。

    The operation features of the chlorine gas treatment facility in Binhua Co.

  7. 国产氯气小透平机的应用

    Application of homemade mini chlorine gas turbo compressor

  8. 表示钠与氯气反应生成氯化钠。

    Sodium reacts with chlorine to form sodium chloride.

  9. 勿使用氯气漂白粉, 勿给丝绸上浆。

    Don't use chlorine gas bleach powder, don't give the silk the last syrup.

  10. 氯气透平机中冷器使用探讨

    Discussion on the intercooler used for chlorine gas turbine

  11. 氢气和氯气化合反应实验的改进

    Experiment Improvement on the Chemical Reaction of Hydrogen and Chlorine

  12. 甲烷与氯气取代反应实验的改进

    Improvement of the experiment of the substitution reaction between methane and chlorine

  13. 氯气压缩和液氯生产的节能问题

    Saving energy problem of chlorine compress and the production of liquid chlorine

  14. 液氯, 氯气, 碱液, 各种酸液及强氧化剂。

    Chlorine liquid cholrine gas, alkaline liquid, various kinds of acid liquids and strong oxide agent.

  15. 小透平机在氯气输送方面的应用

    The application of small turbine in the transfer of chlorine gas

  16. 目前当局未能确认泄漏气体是否为氯气。

    There is currently unable to confirm whether the chlorine gas leakage.

  17. 一氧化碳,氯气,二氧化硫就是这些气体的代表。

    Carbon monoxide, chlorine, and sulfur dioxide are examples of these gases.

  18. 介绍了几种用于事故氯气的吸收剂。

    Several kinds of absorbent for chlorine gas accident were introduced.

  19. 氯气处理中湿氯设备的腐蚀与防护

    Corrosion and protection of facilities in the process of chlorine gas treatment

  20. 小型透平机在氯气输送过程中的应用

    Application of small scale turbomachine in chlorine transportation

  21. 一起发生在废品收购站的氯气中毒事故

    Chorine poisoning occurred in a wastes purchasing station

  22. 为何送到家里的食水有轻微的氯气味道?

    Why does the tap water contain a smell of chlorine ?

  23. 氯气透平机保护气用干燥空气的制备

    Preparation of dry air for protection of chlorine compressor

  24. 氯气在第一次世界大战中被卑鄙地使用。

    Chlorine gas was despicably used during WW1.

  25. 氢气和氯气光化反应的三种演示方法

    Three Demonstrative Methods of Hydrogen and Chlorine Photochemical Reaction

  26. 在最低的北极平流层活跃的氯气变率

    Variability of active chlorine in the lower most Arctic stratosphere

  27. 比常用的氯气,次氯酸等具有更大效力。

    Thus it is more efficiency than chlorine and hypochlorous. 1.

  28. 公共游泳池的水通常用氯气消毒,以保持干净。

    Water is usually chlorinated in public swimming baths to keep it pure.

  29. 在本报告所述期间,有2499公吨的氯气运抵。

    During the period under review,2,499 metric tons of chlorine gas arrived.

  30. 也可以通过电解氯化钠水溶液制取氯气。

    Chlorine gas can also be produced by the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of sodium chloride.


  1. 问:氯气拼音怎么拼?氯气的读音是什么?氯气翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氯气的读音是lǜqì,氯气翻译成英文是 chlorine; chlorination

  2. 问:氯气中毒拼音怎么拼?氯气中毒的读音是什么?氯气中毒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氯气中毒的读音是lǜ qì zhòng dú,氯气中毒翻译成英文是 chlorine gas poisoning

  3. 问:氯气消毒室拼音怎么拼?氯气消毒室的读音是什么?氯气消毒室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氯气消毒室的读音是lǜ qì xiāo dú shì,氯气消毒室翻译成英文是 chlorine contact chamber

  4. 问:氯气脱汞法拼音怎么拼?氯气脱汞法的读音是什么?氯气脱汞法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氯气脱汞法的读音是lǜ qì tuō gǒng fǎ,氯气脱汞法翻译成英文是 Odda process