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1. 囊 [náng]2. 囊 [nāng]囊 [náng]口袋:药~。探~取物。~空如洗。~括。〔~生〕藏语,中国西藏农奴主家的奴隶。亦称“朗生”。像口袋的东西:胆~。胶~。~肿。囊 [nāng]〔~膪〕猪的乳部肥而松软的肉。〔~揣〕a.……
汉语拼音:luǎn náng
The female stores the sperm until she is ready to lay eggs. She may lay 100 at a time, protecting them in a silken egg sac.
母蜘蛛会贮存这些精液直到它为产卵做好了准备。它可以一次产100枚卵,然后将它们保护在一个丝质卵囊内。The chef collects the so-called sea-urchin jus in a bowl and washes the individual sacs inside the water so the flavors are not diluted.
这位主厨将他说的这些海胆汁液搜集在一个碗里,将卵囊单独放在水里清洗,以使味道不被冲淡。Estimate the anti-coccidioidin index by weight, clinical observation, score of bloody stools, feces egg counting and caecum lesion changing.
根据体重、临床观察,血便记分、粪便卵囊计数和盲肠病变等,判断抗球虫指数。Because the cutting of the cord for the child leaves separated from him droppings (chutes) which are called the envelopes.
对于婴孩,脐带的切割留在垂带跟身体分开。这被称为卵囊。The team concluded that the interaction between laminin A and integrins ensures that FSCs remain in place, primed to divide.
这个研究小组推断,层粘连蛋白A和粘合素之间的相互作用使卵囊干细胞固定在龛位上以待分裂。The recovery and purity of the oocysts obtained using different purification methods was compared.
比较不同纯化方法得到的卵囊回收率和纯度;The details of the procedures on isolation and storage of coccidial oocysts in chickens were summarized in this paper.
本文着重对鸡球虫的分类地位、卵囊的分离方法以及保存条件等方面进行介绍。And the bread? 'How else are you going to sop up the runny yolk and creamy sea-urchin sauce at the bottom? ' he asks.
至于面包嘛,他反问道,除此之外,你还能用什么来蘸海胆壳底部浓稠的蛋黄和奶油状的海胆卵囊呢?After a meiotic reduction in chromosome number sporozoites are formed within the oocyst.