




1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……



汉语拼音:zhē bù






  1. 尽管;任凭。




  1. The sky started to turn light again as the moon unveiled the sun after four minutes of near darkness.


  2. At the moment my students lost, I could see from a distance they were sobbing while running and shaking hands with the other team.


  3. Just as dark clouds cannot long hide the sun, so no lies can cover the fact.


  4. Sidenote: You might think this post a bit odd coming from someone who toils under a limited cloak of personal anonymity for The Economist.


  5. A mantis can't stop the wheel of history; the wings of a crow can't blot out the sun.


  6. The sun, dark skin to create the pumped-up sweat marks, straight never can't hide from uniforms look.


  7. She brings out a huge fig leaf. He says, "Still not big enough. "


  8. On the new workplace, expensive occupation suit nor shelter speech and deportment in green.


  9. it is not covering up the grown parts ! - what.


  1. 乌鸦翅膀遮不住太阳。

    The wings of a crow cannot blot out the radiance of the sun.

  2. 乌鸦的翅膀遮不住太阳。

    The wings of a crow can never cover up the sun.

  3. 大得一张床单都遮不住

    so big, a sheet couldn't cover them.

  4. 乌鸦的翅膀遮不住太阳的金光。

    The wings of the crow cannot blot out the golden rays of the sun.

  5. 这种香水遮不住那股难闻的气味。

    This perfume won't mask the unpleasant smell.

  6. 这种香水遮不住那股难闻得气味。

    This perfume won't mask the unpleasant smell.

  7. 窗帘太窄拉不拢,遮不住整个窗子。

    Thecurtains don't meet in the middle of the window.

  8. 你能不能遮一下你的台灯,我睡不着。

    Could you please shade you lamp. I couldn't sleep.

  9. 筛子遮不住太阳。

    The screen cannot shut out the sunshine.

  10. 切记,羞怯只是挡遮不洁之眼的盾牌。

    Forget not that modesty is for a shield against the eye of the unclean.

  11. 我要这天再遮不住我眼,要这地再埋不住我心。

    No more you blind me heaven, no more you bury me hell.

  12. 你们的衣裳掩饰了你们多数的美,却遮不住丑陋。

    Your clothes conceal much of your beautify, yet they hide not the unbeautiful.

  13. 淡化的情感,渐远的情意,虚伪的密语遮不住脆弱的心。

    The desalination emotion, the far cordiality, the false code cannot block from the frail heart.

  14. 淡化得情感,渐远得情意,虚伪得密语遮不住脆弱得心。

    The desalination emotion, the far cordiality, the false code cannot block from the frail heart.

  15. 只有他左边额头青黑色的老人斑,是遮不住的岁月痕迹。

    Only his left forehead young black age spots, is not hide the signs of aging.

  16. 手举的伞,遮不住雨的倾泻,肆意地打在女孩的身上。

    Holding the umbrella, can not cover the rain pours, wanton play on the girl.

  17. 你能不能先遮几个礼拜

    but can you keep it covered up for the next few days.

  18. 他对向我们行贿的意图并不遮遮掩掩。

    His attempt to offer us a bribe is not exactly subtle.

  19. 我不知道怎样把它遮起。

    I do not know how to hide it.

  20. 不,他只说旁遮普语

    No, he only speaks punjabi

  21. 不要遮住扩散的阳光。

    Diffuse the sunlight, do not block it out.

  22. 不要遮住扩散的阳光。

    Diffuse the sunlight, do not block it out.

  23. 不要保秘也不要遮遮掩掩。

    Don't keep secrets or hide behind spin.

  24. 房子被墙遮住看不见了。

    The house was out of sight behind a wall.

  25. 太阳被云遮住看不见了。

    The sun disappeared from view behind a cloud.

  26. 它被遮在森林之中,我们看不见。

    It is covered from our sight by a forest.

  27. 我们可不想遮住我们强健的肌肉

    But we don't wanna holster the guns.

  28. 我不会遮遮掩掩,我喜欢直言不讳。

    I'm not at all secretive, and I'm pretty good at calling a spade a spade.

  29. 或遮盖物下面,以便丝带不被弄湿。

    Or under some cover, so that the silk ribbon does not get wet.

  30. 云彩遮住了太阳,不过时间不长。

    The cloud blotted out the sun but not for long.