







汉语拼音:zhěn shì






  1. 医生诊治病人之室。

    冰心 《晚晴集·我的童年》:“它的东厢房是病房,西厢房是诊室。”



  1. The portly sales manager was getting ready to leave his doctor's office after a routine examination.


  2. There's not much I can do at the doctor's office , but I'll come with you to give you moral support .


  3. There was a woman and many men waiting for a doctor at the gate of the doctor's.


  4. If they do not, doctors' surgeries may be flooded with what have come to be known as the worried well, and regulation is sure to follow.


  5. There were many men and a woman waiting for a doctor at the gate of the doctor's.


  6. I took him to Philip's office yesterday for a checkup. You should have seen the look on his face when Molly gave him the injection.


  7. One afternoon when I was running later than usual, I recognized a familiar face among the patients waiting to see me.


  8. In the office he wore also a linen duster with huge pockets into which he continually stuffed scraps of paper.


  9. Finally, when her was called in to the office, he rushed toward the doctor with outstretched arms.


  1. 一号外伤诊室

    trauma room one.

  2. 请在候诊室外候诊

    Please Wait Outside the Consulting Room

  3. 请在诊室外候诊。

    Please wait outside consulting room.

  4. 他坐在候诊室等候。

    He sat here in the waiting room.

  5. 他坐在候诊室等候。

    He sat here in the waiting room.

  6. 他们在候诊室坐着。

    They are sitting in the waiting room.

  7. 又一次在候诊室等待。

    Again I had to wait in the waiting room.

  8. 有紧急事件的话 我在诊室

    Um, if there's anythingemergent, page me in the pit.

  9. 我们可以堪称牙医的候诊室。

    We call it the dentist's waiting room.

  10. 头部有明显外伤,一号诊室

    With evidence of head trauma. Trauma one.

  11. 她还好吗,先生,请去候诊室

    Is she okay? Sir, there's a waiting room.

  12. 在候诊室等待会让我火气大。

    Waiting in doctors' offices makes me grouchy.

  13. 诊室外病人焦急地等待着。

    Panorama Outside the hospital room the patients are waiting anxiously.

  14. 能呆在医院候诊室之外的地方

    somewhere other than a hospital waiting room.

  15. 为什么患者必需在候诊室等那么久?

    Why do patients hae to sit so long in the waiting room ?

  16. 听到叫您名字时,请到5号诊室就诊。

    Please come to room No. 5 when your name is called.

  17. 我们轮流到候诊室参加这个圣诞晚会。

    We took turns joining the Christmas party in the waiting room.

  18. 空气消毒机对口腔诊室空气消毒的效果评价

    Evaluation on effect of air disinfection machine to disinfect air of stomatoloy consulting room

  19. 在候诊室收表格是我看到了她。

    I glimpsed her in the waiting room as I picked up her chart.

  20. 在医生的候诊室, 病人们坐在椅子上等候。

    In the doctor's waiting room, sick people were sitting on their chair.

  21. 自从1998年, 我的姑母就在一个诊室工作。

    My aunt has worked in clinic since 1998.

  22. 儿子又在狭小的候诊室里喊了起来。

    His son shouted again from the little waiting room.

  23. 凯伊你来错了候诊室,兽医在隔壁。

    Kate Youre in the wrong waiting room. The vets office is next door.

  24. 李小姐和其它得病人在候诊室等候着。

    Li waits with others in the waiting room.

  25. 李小姐和其它的病人在候诊室等候着。

    Li waits with others in the waiting room.

  26. 就好像是在医生诊所的候诊室里一样。

    It was like the waiting room in the doctor's office.

  27. 她转身带着微笑, 带着她的一家子走进候诊室。

    She turned and, with a smile, guided her brood into the waiting room.

  28. 两位医生从医院候诊室的门前走过。

    The two doctors walked by the door of the hospital waiting room.

  29. 情况基本稳定 主要问题是右膝疼痛 3号诊室

    Vitals stable. Chief complaint, right knee pain. Curtain three.

  30. 当时她母亲和两个兄弟就在候诊室里。

    While her mother and two brothers sat in the waiting room.


  1. 问:诊室拼音怎么拼?诊室的读音是什么?诊室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诊室的读音是zhěnshì,诊室翻译成英文是 clinic; consulting room