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元 朱凯 《黄鹤楼》第二折:“庄家快活,枕着甜瓜睡。”《古今小说·张古老种瓜娶文女》:“可煞作怪!大雪中如何种得这甜瓜?” 清 潘荣陛 《帝京岁时纪胜·时品》:“甜瓜之品最多,长大黄皮者为金皮香瓜,皮白瓤青者为 高丽 香瓜,其白皮緑点者为脂麻粒,色青小尖者为琵琶轴,味极甘美。”
To practice your eyes, and try your prospective first, a look at the time, you can defeat the number of melon.
练练你的眼神,试试你的准头,看看在规定的时间里,你能打掉多少个甜瓜。In fact, he said Stefanski would warrant the regal moniker even if he made the trade and 'Melo only played one minute in a Sixers uniform.
他说,事实上,如果斯特范斯基达成了这单交易,那么哪怕是甜瓜仅仅为76人出战一分钟,斯特范斯基都将保证获得那华丽的绰号。Happiness is not a strong pick of the bitter gourd, melon rain in the sun are naturally long-cooked.
幸福不是强摘的苦瓜,甜瓜都是在阳光下雨露中自然长熟的。I thought he was going to say, you know, mango or melon or strawberry. I.
我本来阿,以为他要比喻成,你知道的,芒果啦、甜瓜啦或是草莓之类的!Denver has been trying to pawn off some of its bad contracts in any deal for Anthony.
无论做出任何甜瓜的交易,掘金都想把一些烂合同随著甜瓜一起送出去。Passengers from Greece, where peanut allergy is rather rare, might have been more concerned about the melon in the fruit salad.
在希腊,花生过敏就非常少见,来自希腊的乘客更担心的也许是水果色拉中的甜瓜。Hollow out a melon. Make a small hole in the side. Suspend it from the ceiling and swing it from side to side.
挖空一个甜瓜,在上面挖一个小洞,把它挂在天花板上荡来荡去。Missandei returned with a melon and a bowl of hard-cooked eggs, but Dany found she had no appetite.
弥桑黛拿着一个甜瓜和一碗凝固的鸡蛋回来了,但是丹尼发现她没有胃口。He tried to sue the retailer for profiteering in a local court last month, presenting a picture of the melon plus the receipt.