







汉语拼音:péng shā






  1. 矿物名。中药叫月石。白色柱状晶体,溶于热水,用于制造光学玻璃、医药、焊剂、试剂、搪瓷等。

    明 李时珍 《本草纲目·金石四·蓬砂》:“硼砂生西南番,有黄白二种:西者白如明矾,南者黄如桃胶,皆是炼结成,如硇砂之类。”



  1. Borax powder was added at the end of the 18th Century to produce a favourable foaming effect.


  2. Composite materials of glass-ceramics was prepared through using feldspar, quartz, talcum, borax, calcium fluoride, chromic oxide, ect.


  3. The ingredients of the product comprise zircon sand, limestone, calcium phosphate, calcium fluoride and borax.


  4. The conclusions provide a foundation for choosing the material of crucible and fixture used in borax bath .


  5. Boron concentrate and boron - rich slag were used to produce borax and boric acid.


  6. Adding triethanolamine oleate to the solution can obviously inhibit the leaching of cobalt from cemented carbide.


  7. The procedures are fixation, entire staining, isolation with acid, denudating ovule, transparence, pressuring cover glass and observation.


  8. The corrosion of heat-resistant stainless steel is mainly on the interface between borax bath and air, other parts with less corrosion.


  9. Borax is the compound commonly applied to the soil to correct boron deficiency.


  1. 复方硼砂漱口片

    Compound Borax for Gargle Tablets.

  2. 装满一车硼砂

    to load a wagon with borax

  3. 硼砂助熔剂

    borax fluxing agent.

  4. 复方硼砂洗眼液

    collyrium boracis compositum

  5. 硼砂治疗急性腰扭伤

    Using Borax in Treating Acute Sprain of Loin.

  6. 硼砂在食品中禁止使用。

    Its prohibited to use borax in food.

  7. 硼砂是一种天然的盐。

    Borax is a natural salt.

  8. 硼砂常被用来做玻璃制品。

    Borax is always used in making glass.

  9. 所述增黏剂也为硼砂

    the tackifying agents are also borax.

  10. 硼砂在珠宝首饰加工中的应用

    Application of Borax in Jewelry Cutting and Making.

  11. 出口硼酸和硼砂。钴含量的测定

    boric acid and borax for export. determination of cobalt content

  12. 出口硼酸和硼砂。铬含量的测定

    boric acid and borax for export. determination of chromium content

  13. 硼砂型固体渗硼剂的应用

    Study and Application of Pack Boriding Agent with Borax

  14. 粮食制品中掺有硼砂的检测

    Inspection of borax adulterated in grain products.

  15. 这种化学品是通过硼砂生产的。

    This chemical is created from borax.

  16. 碳碱法加工硼镁矿制硼砂

    Borax from szaibelyite by carbon dioxide soda process

  17. 出口硼酸和硼砂。铜含量的测定

    boric acid and borax for export. determination of copper content

  18. 出口硼酸和硼砂。锰含量的测定

    boric acid and borax for export. determination of manganese content

  19. 欲购买土耳其五水硼砂。

    Want to buy borax pentahydrate from Turkey.

  20. 硼泥是生产硼砂产生的废弃物。

    Boron slurry is the waste of borax manufacture.

  21. 硼泥是生产硼砂产生得废弃物。

    Boron slurry is the waste of borax manufacture.

  22. 复方硼砂溶液含量测定方法的探讨

    Study on the Content Determination of Compound Borax Solution.

  23. 硼砂型膏剂渗硼剂的研制

    Development of the Pasted Boronizer with Borax.

  24. 硼砂泡腾片的制备与临床应用

    Preparation and Clinical Effect of Borax Effervescent Tablets.

  25. 硼砂是矫正土壤缺硼的常用硼化合物。

    Borax is the compound commonly applied to the soil to correct boron deficiency.

  26. 硼砂必须研成细粉才能供婴儿使用。

    Borax must be reduced to powder for infants.

  27. 四硼酸钠四硼酸钠,无水无水四硼酸钠无水硼砂香港

    Boron sodium oxideSodium tetraborateboric acid, disodium saltanhydrous boraxboraxfused boraxfused sod.

  28. 硼化物系列主要产品有硼酸,硼砂等。

    Boride series of main products boric acid, borax, and so on.

  29. 或是在院子四周撒上硼砂粉溶液。

    Or sprinkle a solution of flour and borax around the yard.

  30. 硼砂是矫正土壤缺硼得常用硼化合物。

    Borax is the compound commonly applied to the soil to correct boron deficiency.


  1. 问:硼砂拼音怎么拼?硼砂的读音是什么?硼砂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硼砂的读音是péngshā,硼砂翻译成英文是 borax; sodium borate; sal sedatirum

  2. 问:硼砂溶液拼音怎么拼?硼砂溶液的读音是什么?硼砂溶液翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硼砂溶液的读音是péngshāróngyè,硼砂溶液翻译成英文是 borax solution

  3. 问:硼砂熔融拼音怎么拼?硼砂熔融的读音是什么?硼砂熔融翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硼砂熔融的读音是péng shā róng róng,硼砂熔融翻译成英文是 borax fusion

  4. 问:硼砂玻璃拼音怎么拼?硼砂玻璃的读音是什么?硼砂玻璃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硼砂玻璃的读音是péng shā bō lí,硼砂玻璃翻译成英文是 borax-glass

  5. 问:硼砂珠反应拼音怎么拼?硼砂珠反应的读音是什么?硼砂珠反应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硼砂珠反应的读音是péng shā zhū fǎn yìng,硼砂珠反应翻译成英文是 borax bead reaction

  6. 问:硼砂珠技术拼音怎么拼?硼砂珠技术的读音是什么?硼砂珠技术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硼砂珠技术的读音是péng shā zhū jì shù,硼砂珠技术翻译成英文是 borax-bead technique

  7. 问:硼砂珠试验拼音怎么拼?硼砂珠试验的读音是什么?硼砂珠试验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硼砂珠试验的读音是péng shā zhū shì yàn,硼砂珠试验翻译成英文是 borax-bead test

  8. 问:硼砂胭脂红拼音怎么拼?硼砂胭脂红的读音是什么?硼砂胭脂红翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硼砂胭脂红的读音是péng shā yān zhī hóng,硼砂胭脂红翻译成英文是 borax carmine

  9. 问:硼砂熔珠反应拼音怎么拼?硼砂熔珠反应的读音是什么?硼砂熔珠反应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硼砂熔珠反应的读音是péng shā róng zhū fǎn yìng,硼砂熔珠反应翻译成英文是 borax bead reaction

  10. 问:硼砂胭脂红染剂拼音怎么拼?硼砂胭脂红染剂的读音是什么?硼砂胭脂红染剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硼砂胭脂红染剂的读音是péng shā yān zhī hóng rǎn jì,硼砂胭脂红染剂翻译成英文是 boraxcarmine stain

  11. 问:硼砂卡红水液染剂拼音怎么拼?硼砂卡红水液染剂的读音是什么?硼砂卡红水液染剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硼砂卡红水液染剂的读音是péng shā kǎ hóng shuǐ yè rǎn jì,硼砂卡红水液染剂翻译成英文是 aqueous boraxcarmine stain


