


1. 传 [chuán]2. 传 [zhuàn]传 [chuán]转(zhuǎn )授,递:~递。~输。~戒。~统。言~身教。推广,散布:宣~。流~。~名。~奇(a.中国唐代兴起的短篇小说;b.中国明、清两代盛行的长篇戏曲;c.指情节离奇或……





汉语拼音:chuán sòng







  1. 指被传扬称颂之事。


  2. 传扬歌颂。

    宋 曾巩 《移沧洲过阙上殿札子》:“﹝ 英宗 ﹞自践东朝,渊默恭慎,无所言议施为,而天下传颂称説,德号彰闻。” 明 李贽 《与焦弱侯》:“或以浮名传颂,而其实索然。” 鲁迅 《准风月谈·后记》:“但我以为作文人究竟和‘大出丧’有些不同,即使雇得一大群帮闲,开锣喝道,过后仍是一条空街,还不及‘大出丧’的虽在数十年后,有时还有几个市侩传颂。”



  1. They've been made into films, acted out on stage for decades, and remain some of the most popular novels of all time.


  2. His eye for detail was the stuff of Silicon Valley legend, as were his rages if things were not done to his satisfaction.


  3. Mazzello: Every single person that had to go through that deserves to be remembered, and their story deserves to be told.


  4. Their "standing in the spirit of Mexico" was the main thrust of future generations widely famous.


  5. as one of Grace Kelly's best friends, the American legend and VOICE Frank Sinatra, has been quoted numerous times.


  6. Gui Bin's energetic style in his soccer commentary has made him a well known personality with ESPN soccer fans in China.


  7. He therefore had become the prop, producing the type of evil prose no one would hope to ever proliferate.


  8. The broadest honey trap in intelligence history was probably the creation of the notorious East German spymaster, Markus Wolf.


  9. love the motherland and to our excellent tradition of the treasures of art and of the model, ringing artists'.


  1. 多年传颂的善行

    an act that resounded through the ages

  2. 克南的事迹被传颂。

    The story about Kernan was sounded.

  3. 你英武的名字应传颂。

    Your mighty names shall sound.

  4. 我们的故事被传颂至今。

    The tale is eulogized up to now.

  5. 整个亚洲都在传颂着他的成功。

    The whole Asia is ringing with his success.

  6. 未诞生的国家,你们英武的名字应传颂

    Nations unborn your mighty names shall sound

  7. 未诞生得国家,你们英武得名字应传颂

    Nations unborn your mighty names shall sound.

  8. 当地群众中传颂着他的英雄事迹。

    His heroic deeds are continually on the lips of the local inhabitants.

  9. 能让一方百姓永久传颂和怀念的!

    Can let what eulogize and yearn for one party common people is permanent!

  10. 在她的空闲时间传颂滋味有空闲时间。

    In her spare time she reminisces about what it was like to have spare time.

  11. 如今他的言论和事迹在全国广为传颂。

    Today his words and deeds are celebrated throughout land.

  12. 烈士们的英勇事迹在广大群众中传颂着。

    The heroic deeds of the martyrs are on the lips of the broad masses.

  13. 教堂得钟声洪亮地传颂着圣诞欢愉得信息。

    The church bells are pealing the message of Christmas joy.

  14. 教堂的钟声洪亮地传颂着圣诞快乐的信息。

    The church bells are pealing the message of Christmas joy.

  15. 教堂的钟声洪亮地传颂着圣诞欢愉的信息。

    The church bells are pealing the message of Christmas joy.

  16. 教堂的钟声洪亮地传颂着耶诞快乐的信息。

    The church bells are pealing the message of Christmas joy.

  17. 你知道瓦尔登已经开始传颂你的故事了吗

    Did you know the people of the Varden already tell stories about you

  18. 下面是人民传颂的众多有关他的故事中的一则。

    Here is one of the many stories people told about him.

  19. 其墨海中立定精神的主旨被后人广为传颂。

    Their standing in the spirit of Mexico was the main thrust of future generations widely famous.

  20. 就让那些故事大声地传颂,直到它们不再是秘密。

    Let them ring out loud till they unfold.

  21. 这些聚会也成为所有参会嘉宾传颂的大会特色。

    These parties also become the congress distinguishing feature that all ginseng meet a honored guest eulogize.

  22. 传奇故事传颂一位传奇大侠,他的功夫无人能敌的传奇。

    Legend tells of a legendary warrior whose kungfu skills were the stuff of legend.

  23. 现在,对于这棵树,我也产生了这种传颂它的冲动。

    That's what I felt like doing about the tree.

  24. 如果世人传颂我的故事,让他们说我曾与英雄同在。

    If they ever turn my story let them say that I walked with giants.

  25. 我迫切希望能变成个舞蹈传奇, 能在历史中为人传颂著。

    I aspire to be a dance legend that is remembered in History.

  26. 他以多个化名环游世界,他的冒险也在巴黎传颂一时。

    He travels the world using a number of names and his adventures are the talk of paris.

  27. 一方面,他正是教皇约翰·保罗所认可的那种圣徒:一位颇具神授天赐才能的人物,业已取得足够多的超凡功绩以作长时间如实的传颂。

    On the one hand, he is exactly the sort of saint Pope John Paul approves of: a person imbued with charisma who has achieved enough remarkable feats to keep the faithful talking for a very long time.


  1. 问:传颂拼音怎么拼?传颂的读音是什么?传颂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:传颂的读音是chuánsòng,传颂翻译成英文是 be on everybody's lips; to eulogize; to pass o...

  2. 问:传颂之物拼音怎么拼?传颂之物的读音是什么?传颂之物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:传颂之物的读音是,传颂之物翻译成英文是 Utawarerumono



传颂,(英文:to be eulogized everywhere; to be on everybody's lips)中国汉语词汇,传播颂扬的意思。