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关于军事或技击的,与“文”相对:~装。~器。~警。~林。~坛。~生。~旦。~丑。~净。~举。勇猛,猛烈:英~。威~。~断。~士。~夫。半步,泛指脚步:步~。踵~。行(xíng )不数~。姓。……
汉语拼音:wǔ bèi
《穀梁传·定公十年》:“因是以见,虽有文事,必有武备, 孔子 於 颊谷 之会见之矣。”《汉书·食货志上》:“车骑者,天下武备也。” 宋 曾巩 《本朝政要策·贼盗》:“ 宋 兴,既敛兵於内,盗贼輒发,而州郡无武备,急则吏走匿自存。” 郭沫若 《羽书集·和平的武器与武器的和平》:“我们对于这个堡垒,是只有加强它的武备,以期达到集体的安全,和平的恢复,人性的改造。”
It could play out for a long time, even as China grows more aggressive with more lethal weaponry (e. g. , what to do with surplus males? ).
中国的衰落会是一个长期的过程,这期间,中国因为拥有了更致命的武备(例如,过剩的男性)可能会更加咄咄逼人。The armaments which thunderstrike the walls Of rock-built cities, bidding nations quake, And monarchs tremble in their capitals.
此中thunderstrike武备的墙壁岩石制作的都会,国度地动招标,战君主哆嗦的都城。Brother Han: Hello! ! This spear now is collected in the Imperial Palace Museum! ! ! It's an exhibit in military item exhibition! ! !
韩兄:您好!!此枪现藏于故宫博物院!!!为武备展的展品!!!this boat is characterized by great endurance and strong resistance against wind , cw certain weapons.
本艇具有续航力大,抗风性强的特点,并配备一定的武备。In the middle of Qing dynasty, eight flag defense preparations have loosen and the combat capacity have descended.
清朝中期,八旗武备已逐渐废弛,八旗兵战斗力下降。Any agreement would put pressure on Britain, which has 160 nuclear warheads, and other nuclear powers to reduce their stockpiles.
双方达成的任何协议都会对拥有一百六十枚核弹头的英国及其他有核国家造成减少核武备的压力。In fact it's not so strange. Without such fine equipments emperor of Han dynasty could not defeat his enemies.
其实也不奇怪,没有这么精良的武备,汉武大帝怎么能横扫强大的匈奴。Contemporary military encyclopaedias, of which the most famous is Mao Yuan-i's Wu Pei Chih of 1621, are another indispensable source.
当时的最著名的军事百科全书,其中最为著名的是1621年茅元仪的《武备志》,是另一个不可或缺的资源。Examination and Correction of Mount Level Degree for Warship's Electronics and Weapons