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1. 喷 [pēn]2. 喷 [pèn]喷 [pēn]散着射出:~出。~涌。~发。~饭(形容极其可笑)。~薄(形容气势壮盛,激荡喷涌而出,如“一轮红日~~而出”)。~洒。~泉。~壶。井~。喷 [pèn]香气扑鼻:~香的热馒头。蔬菜、鱼虾、瓜……
汉语拼音:pēn dēng
Blowtorch: a portable burner for mixing gas and oxygen to produce a very hot flame, used for soldering, welding, and glass blowing.
喷灯:使混合气体和氧气产生更炽热火焰的便携助燃剂,常用于接合、焊接和玻璃吹制。The basic characters of ionization current are studied by means of the steady flame of blowtorch .
利用喷灯的稳定火焰,对离子电流的特性进行了研究。And miners use blowtorches to burn off the bits of mercury that do find gold, infecting both the air and themselves.
矿工还用喷灯去烧掉金子中的水银,这还污染了空气损害了他们自身的身体健康。Before we whip out the blowtorches and jackhammers, here's a look at the entire tracking system.
在我们拿出喷灯和手提钻之前,先来看一下整个追踪系统。the Bare Blaster is essentially a blowtorch on a ski-pole, is severely under designed, but is an actual product you can buy.
光秃秃的冲击波基本上是一个喷灯在一次滑雪杆,严重没有充分设计,但这个是一种可以买到的实际产品。Using a blowtorch blowtorch should comply with the rules for safe operation.
使用喷灯应遵守喷灯安全操作规程。A backfire or flashback occurs when mixed gases are ignited in the torch, hose or regulator.
当混合气体在喷灯,软管或调节器处被点燃时,就会发生回火。They then vaporise the mercury using a blowtorch, leaving gold behind.
之后,他们用喷灯蒸发水银,最终提取黄金。Well, I guess it tunes out that a blowtorch to your face may have more down sides than upsides.