




1. 熬 [āo]2. 熬 [áo]熬 [āo]烹调方法,把蔬菜等放在水里煮:~白菜。熬 [áo]久煮:~粥。~药。忍受,耐苦支持:煎~。~夜。~炼。古同“嗷”。……



汉语拼音:jiān aó








  1. 亦作“ 煎敖 ”。烹煮。

    《战国策·魏策二》:“ 齐桓公 夜半不嗛, 易牙 乃煎敖燔炙,和调五味而进之。” 宋 曾巩 《合酱作》诗:“调浇遵古书,煎熬需日力。”

  2. 熔炼;熬制。

    《高子遗书·答史玉池书》:“我若是真金,儘教他做烈火;儻还有些渣滓,却藉他做洪鑪,猛煎熬一过,添我多少精神。” 老舍 《茶馆》第一幕:“这里还可以听到某京戏演员新近创造了什么腔儿,和煎熬鸦片烟的最好的方法。”

  3. 比喻焦虑、痛苦;受折磨。

    汉 王逸 《九思·怨上》:“我心兮煎熬,惟是兮用忧。” 唐 李白 《古风》之二十:“名利徒煎熬,安得闲余步。” 明 冯梦龙 《挂枝儿·阻雨》:“不为你来迟了,心生焦躁。只因那风和雨,使我煎熬。” 郭沫若 《反正前后》第一篇一:“﹝ 秦先生 ﹞不能不留在堂里办移交,那真够他煎熬了。”



  1. How many youth have left, how much suffering miss.


  2. I here the word "boil" the meaning of the word is not suffering, not to say that as full house as make people unbearable.


  3. And I said, Romeo save me, I've been feeling so alone, I keep waiting for you but you never come.


  4. "If it is under siege for a long time that country's currency gets destroyed, so gold in that country's currency will take off, " he said.


  5. The two men were in the most harrowed state of affection. They scarcely heard the few remaining words with which the scene concluded.


  6. I began to see that others were also perplexed and suffering. Not only people, but animals as well.


  7. MV was burned to see the results of the house, just a symbol, a symbol of two people are in a lie and hurt in the ordeal.


  8. First open, but has purple grind induction. Otherwise, she may also unbearable that such a time of suffering.


  9. But I feel like any other fan. I'm like the rest of the team right now, I'm suffering.


  1. 我倍受煎熬。

    And it's been eating me up.

  2. 我觉得很煎熬

    I feel terrible.

  3. 伯莎在受煎熬。

    Bertha was in a torment.

  4. 煎熬,被我终结了。

    Torments have been terminated by me.

  5. 他饱受悔恨的煎熬。

    He suffered agonies of remorse.

  6. 煎熬是幸福的代价。

    Suffering is the cost of happiness.

  7. 煎熬是幸福得代价。

    Suffering is the cost of happiness.

  8. 他承受了许多煎熬。

    He's experienced a lot of suffering.

  9. 人们身心都在煎熬。

    People suffer mentally and physically.

  10. 没有接受战火的煎熬

    The Netherlands is not at war.

  11. 我受腰痛的煎熬。

    I suffer from lower back pain.

  12. 每个黑夜都是煎熬

    The night are so unkind

  13. 只能苦苦煎熬了吗?

    Just going to sweat it out?

  14. 她正受噩梦的煎熬。

    She's been having bad dreams.

  15. 她最近过得很煎熬

    who's been going through a tough time.

  16. 地狱中受煎熬的灵魂

    Souls burning in hell.

  17. 而且 他们不得不自我煎熬。

    Plus, they have to live with themselves.

  18. 我和你一样饱受煎熬

    I am suffering just as much as you are.

  19. 时间会一直煎熬着你

    And in between it always seems too long

  20. 在外国统治下受煎熬。

    languishing under foreign domination

  21. 我备受煎熬,差点自杀

    They tormented me,almost drove me to suicide.

  22. 我备受煎熬,差点自杀。

    They tormented me, almost drove me to suicide.

  23. 经过黑暗和孤独的煎熬

    Through the darkest alleys and loneliest valleys

  24. 疑虑, 恐惧, 忌妒等的煎熬

    the tortures of suspense, fear, jealousy, etc

  25. 鲸的脂肪被煎熬成油。

    The whale blubber is rendered down to make oil.

  26. 鲸得脂肪被煎熬成油。

    The whale blubber is rendered down to make oil.

  27. 让我煎熬痛苦的挣扎着

    Set me on fire and watched as I floundered

  28. 我在礼拜六忍受漫长煎熬

    I Endure Long Torture on Saturday

  29. 她在承受着病魔的煎熬。

    Was that she was suffering from a terminal illness.

  30. 由于长期生病, 他受尽煎熬。

    He suffered severely from the lingering illness.


  1. 问:煎熬拼音怎么拼?煎熬的读音是什么?煎熬翻译成英文是什么?

    答:煎熬的读音是jiān'áo,煎熬翻译成英文是 suffer



“煎熬”是个多义词,它可以指煎熬(李佳薇演唱歌曲), 煎熬(汉语词语), 煎熬(王心凌、孙协志演唱歌曲)。