




1. 葛 [gé]2. 葛 [ɡě]葛 [gé]多年生草本植物,茎可编篮做绳,纤维可织布,块根肥大,称“葛根”,可制淀粉,亦可入药(通称“葛麻”):~布。~巾(葛布做的头巾,古人不分贵贱常服)。~履。表面有花纹的纺织品,用丝做经,棉线或麻线……



汉语拼音:jiū gé








  1. 葛蔓纠结;难于分解。比喻纠缠不清之事。

    《上海小刀会起义史料汇编·吉尔杭阿致上海英领事照会》:“惟该处与各国洋房贴近,诚恐彼此尚有纠葛,今将再行约定事宜具列于后。” 鲁迅 《<伪自由书>后记》:“只为了一点小纠葛,他便匿名向小报投稿,诬陷老朋友去了。” 陈毅 《满庭芳·感事书怀》词:“回溯廿年纠葛,知早有伏迹藏踪。”



  1. She's accused of trying to kill another woman in a romantic dispute. She was charged with attempted murder in Florida.

  2. pictures and designs should be registered, and to be the only legitimate users , to avoid as food unnecessary disputes security issues.

  3. It's hoped that this would avoid the usual wrangling and emotional turmoil experienced by families going through a divorce.

  4. She did not mean to have her own affections entangled again, and it would be incumbent on her to avoid any encouragement of his.

  5. However, I find doing some of these things early on can really help you solve the problem faster and with less struggle and pain.

  6. They do not want political entanglements, or concentrated bets of the sort in which Mr Soros used to specialise.

  7. If the heart into dust, disputes due to feeling; like a dream like clouds, smile happily.

  8. Issues with your father or your father figure may need to be resolved. You may often have difficulty relating to men due to this conflict.

  9. The company cited business-conduct violations related to a relationship with a contractor.


  1. 与某人有纠葛

    have a crow to pull with sb.

  2. 爱情上的纠葛。

    romantic complications

  3. 啊, 这人生的纠葛!

    Oh, the tangle of human life!

  4. 啊,这人生的纠葛!

    Oh, the tangle of human life!

  5. 纠葛于爱情的漩涡。

    Disputes in the whirlpool of love.

  6. 与某人有纠葛对某人不满。

    Have a crow to pull with sb.

  7. 他们之间发生了一点纠葛。

    There's a dispute between them.

  8. 没有感情纠葛,我该走了

    No romantic complications. I should go.

  9. 使自己摆脱不快的爱情纠葛。

    extricate oneself from an unhappy love affair

  10. 这部戏充满了纠葛和悬念。

    The play is full of intrigue and suspense.

  11. 这种新的纠葛使他很难过。

    He was so distressed by this new complexity

  12. 可能是有感情纠葛的人做的。

    Probably from someone emotionally involved.

  13. 我不愿跟州长发生任何纠葛。

    I don't want to have any difficulties with the Governor.

  14. 这起法律纠葛从来没有真正解决。

    The legal tangle was never really unravelled.

  15. 家庭纠葛是她小说的显著特点。

    Problems of family relationships feature prominently in her novels.

  16. 这种纠葛弄得嘉莉急于改变一下。

    This entanglement made Carrie anxious for a change of some sort.

  17. 没有感情纠葛的蓝颜也挺好的

    companion without any romantic complications.

  18. 这样, 私人方面得纠葛暂时消除了。

    Thus the personal difficulty was smoothed over for the moment.

  19. 心烦意乱的极其烦恼的, 如因感情纠葛

    Deeply agitated, as from emotional conflict.

  20. 这样,私人方面的纠葛暂时消除了。

    Thus the personal difficulty was smoothed over for the moment.

  21. 他的业务未与任何人发生纠葛。

    His affairs were not fettered with any incumbrance.

  22. 这时, 他又想起白天的全部纠葛。

    The lock has not been sprung.

  23. 这时, 他又想起白天得全部纠葛。

    The lock has not been sprung.

  24. 保罗,我们得将过去的纠葛一笔勾销。

    Paul, we need to move past. the past.

  25. 你有没有被逮捕过与警局有过纠葛?

    Have you ever been arrested or been in trouble with police?

  26. 这是我第一次和领导发生严重纠葛。

    This was the first time I had serious trouble with my leader.

  27. 那次离婚令人痛苦而又纠葛不清。

    The divorce was painful and messy.

  28. 我从没想过要跟他产生感情纠葛。

    I never wanted to get emotionally involved with him.

  29. 是感情的恩恩怨怨的纠葛绊住了脚。

    It is imbroglio of feeling's kind And enmity holding up his feet.

  30. 他还在上学时就与警方发生过纠葛。

    He got into trouble with the police while he was still at school.


  1. 问:纠葛拼音怎么拼?纠葛的读音是什么?纠葛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纠葛的读音是jiūgé,纠葛翻译成英文是 dispute



纠,为三股纱线所合成的绳子,有缠绕之意; 葛,为藤本植物,茎皮似麻富含纤维素纤维,可织布。 “纠葛”合在一起意味缠绕不清。

【引申】 紧紧深陷、纠缠或卷入似乎难以挣脱的困难 纠缠不清的事情;纠纷