


聚合,聚在一起:~之。~数。~体。~结。汇~。概括全部,主要的:~纲。~则。为首的,最高的:~司令。~裁。~经理。~统。束系,束头发:~角(jiǎo )。经常,一直:~是这样。一定,无论如何:~归。“万紫千红~是春”。……


1. 论 [lùn]2. 论 [lún]论 [lùn]分析判断事物的道理:~断。~点。~辩。~据。~者。议~。讨~。辩~。分析阐明事物道理的文章、理论和言论:理~。舆~。专~。社~。学说,有系统的主张:系统~。看待:一概而~。衡量,评定:~……



汉语拼音:zǒng lùn







  1. 全面而概括的论述。

    《文选·干宝<晋纪总论>》 唐 吕向 题注:“此论自 宣帝 至 愍帝 ,合其善恶而论之,是名总论也。”

  2. 犹绪论。多用于书籍文章。如 罗惇曧 《文学源流》第一段的标题即为“总论”。



  1. The General Theory of Verbal Humor has achieved prominence as an encompassing and formalized way of understanding humor.


  2. GENERAL STATEMENTS The General Notices apply to all monographs and other texts of the European Pharmacopoeia.


  3. "Chinese muscle injury study" points and the general theory of two local.


  4. It should be a summary and reflection upon changes over time within the site, their causes and significance.


  5. The basic concepts of both pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics (PP) and PP related factors are illustrated in general principles.


  6. The article includes four parts, preface, introduction elaboration and conclusion.


  7. concepts, constitutions and special forms of crimes, legal defense and emergency avoidance etc.


  8. And the general part which is the foundation of commercial law is crucial to guide and regulate the future construction of commercial law.


  9. Chaper one discusses the soul of the popularity of network literature and its form.


  1. 法国民法总论

    Traite de Droit Civil Introduction.

  2. 总论复分表

    general compound table.

  3. 民法总论逻辑结构

    civil law general remarks logical organization

  4. 外科护理学总论

    pandect of surgical nursing

  5. 总论复分表探微

    Analysis of general compound table

  6. 第一章,十才子总论。

    The first chapter is the general introduction of the ten talents.

  7. 孔望山摩崖造像研究总论

    The General Introduction To The Study of Sculptures On The Cliff of Kongwangshan

  8. 总论, 纲要详细的摘要或整个论文

    A comprehensive digest or complete treatise.

  9. 其中,总论部分是合同法学的核心。

    The general part is the core of contract law.

  10. 本文总论沧浪诗话的诗学体系。

    It researches the poetics system of Notes On Poets and Poetry by CangLang.

  11. 他的书从全面总论写到具体细节。

    His book moved from the general to the particular.

  12. 它用于综合报告和方法报告的总论章节。

    It is used for the synthesis report and overview chapters of methodology reports.

  13. 交通工程总论双语教学的实践与探讨

    Researches and Practices on Bilingual Teaching of Introduce to Traffic Engineering

  14. 总论,黄生语义学研究的贡献和不足。

    General, Sheng contribution to the study of semantics and inadequate.

  15. 自然科学总论西南师范大学学报自然科学版。

    Journal of Southwest China Normal University Natural.

  16. 目的提高外科护理学总论课教学效果。

    Aim To improve the effect of Surgical Nursing Pandect teaching.

  17. 文章分为引言,总论,分论,结语四个部分。

    The article includes four parts, preface, introduction elaboration and conclusion.

  18. 目得提高外科护理学总论课教学效果。

    Aim To improve the effect of Surgical Nursing Pandect teaching.

  19. 第二部分为企业价值收益法评估总论。

    Second part is the pandect on the income approach of Business Value.

  20. 第一篇是总论,重点是回顾与学习泡沫经济理论。

    The first part is introduction, focusing on looking back on and studying bubble economy theory.

  21. 多元教学法在外科护理学总论教学中的应用

    Application of Diversified Teaching in Pandect of Surgical Nursing

  22. 第一部分为阳羡文化家族总论,共设两章。

    The first part is a survey of YangXian cultural family, which is consist of two chapters.

  23. 正文部分分为三篇十章, 三篇分别是总论, 权利篇和保障篇。

    This thesis is composed of three parts Preface, text and the Concluding.

  24. 第四部分即第七章,总论扬雄文学作品的文化走向。

    In the forth part, namely seventh chapter, I generally analyze cultural trend of Yang Xiong's literary works.

  25. 文字幽默总论以一种广泛且正式的理解幽默方式而突出。

    The General Theory of Verbal Humor has achieved prominence as an encompassing and formalized way of understanding humor.


  1. 问:总论拼音怎么拼?总论的读音是什么?总论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总论的读音是zǒnglùn,总论翻译成英文是 introduction

  2. 问:总论性著作拼音怎么拼?总论性著作的读音是什么?总论性著作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总论性著作的读音是zǒng lùn xìng zhù zuò,总论性著作翻译成英文是 insetitutiones


