


1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……





汉语拼音:yào shi







  1. 主要是。

    宋 范成大 《读白傅洛中老病后》诗:“谓言老将至,不饮何时乐?未能忘煖热,要是怕冷落。”

  2. 大概是。

    清 周亮工 《书影》卷八:“此妇要是 隐娘 、 红线 之流。”

  3. 连词。如果;如果是。

    《儿女英雄传》第二十回:“要是叫她记住了,他肚子里可就装不住了,就这么个傻心肠儿。” 巴金 《家》四:“要是大小姐还在的话,那么还有个关心我的人。”



  1. 3 How much should you charge to wash all the windows in Seattle?


  2. Well, I'd say "Hug the walls, " If I could see them. Goat trails seem to be our only option. Unless you're into Dumpster diving.


  3. The coaches told me to dunk, but I would lay the ball in. Finally, the coaches made everyone else on my team run laps when I didn't dunk.


  4. If I could manage to take away the clothes, it would be easy to go through the coming cold winter.


  5. The only exception to this cliche proposal is if you forget to get a gift and need to think of something in a hurry.


  6. If they didn't want him to return, they were to do nothing, and he would remain on the train as it traveled onward.


  7. She would have been proud to see Kanchi putting the blue shawl to such good use on such a momentous day.


  8. "I was distracted during a lecture, thinking about what would happen if I appeared on TV advertising my university, " he said.


  9. I wish that were the case, but to tell the truth, I break out in a cold sweat just thinking about speaking in front of all those people.


  1. 要是不够呢?

    What if it's not enough?

  2. 我要是知道

    Uh, if I had known.

  3. 要是不够呢?

    What if it's not enough?

  4. 要是妮基不回来

    If Nikki's not coming home.

  5. 你要是死了

    if you're dead.

  6. 要是下雨怎么办?

    What if it rains?; Suppose it rains?

  7. 要是没摸到的话

    If you miss.

  8. 要是没有人娶我

    If no one marries me.

  9. 要是老天爷一直下雨。

    If it rains all the time.

  10. 要是你不愿意。

    Well,if you don't want to.

  11. 快付钱,要是不付!

    Pay up or else!

  12. 要是你不愿意。

    Well, if you don't want to.

  13. 要是我知道的话

    had I but known

  14. 鹿山伯爵,要是叫

    The Duke of Mount Deer

  15. 一定要是男人吗

    Does it have to be a man?

  16. 艾萨克,要是手术中

    Isaac, if I get in there.

  17. 我们要是不同意呢

    What if we don't want to?

  18. 我不知道,要是的话

    I don't know. If we were.

  19. 要是今天你害怕了

    Today if you become frightened.

  20. 要是你弄不清

    And if you get stuck.

  21. 要是我逮到他!

    If I ever catch him!

  22. 要是不来电怎么办?

    What if the power doesn't go back on?

  23. 要是不来电怎么办?

    What if the power doesn't go back on?

  24. 要是有人找我。

    If anyone needs me.

  25. 要是我逮到他!

    If I ever catch him!

  26. 您要是爱吃辣。

    If yo like hot dishes.

  27. 要是没有胃口怎么办

    What if i dont have an appetite

  28. 但你要是想试试。

    But if you want to try.

  29. 但你要是想试试。

    But if you want to try.

  30. 要是我们赢了呢

    And if we win?


  1. 问:要是拼音怎么拼?要是的读音是什么?要是翻译成英文是什么?

    答:要是的读音是yàoshi,要是翻译成英文是 if



基本信息词目:要是 拼音:yào shì 注音:ㄧㄠˋ ㄕㄧˋ 近义词:如果 基本解释[in case;if] ——用在偏正复句的偏句中,表示假设,相当于“如果”,正句有时用“就”跟它呼应 你要是没有时间来的话,我可以去找你 引证解释1. 主要是。

宋 范成大 《读白傅洛中老病后》诗:“谓言老将至,不饮何时乐?未能忘煖热,要是怕冷落。” 2. 大概是。

清 周亮工 《书影》卷八:“此妇要是 隐娘 、 红线 之流。” 3. 连词。如果;如果是。