




两个以上的人在一起计划、讨论:~量。~讨。~议。~定。~榷。~酌(商量斟酌)。相~。磋~。洽~。协~。买卖,生意:~业。~店。~界。~品。~标。古指行商(坐商为“贾”,后泛指做买卖的人,亦用以指从事私营工商业的人):~人。~贩。~贾(gǔ ……



汉语拼音:fù shāng







  1. 拥有大量钱财的商人。

    《国语·晋语八》:“夫 絳 之富商,韦藩木楗以过於朝,唯其功庸少也,而能金玉其车,文错其服,能行诸侯之贿,而无寻尺之禄,无大绩於民之故也。” 南朝 梁 沉约 《齐故安陆昭王碑文》:“风尘不起,囹圄寂寞,富商野次,宿秉停菑。”《宋史·洪迈传》:“﹝ 迈 ﹞谓宜募濒海富商入船予爵,招善操舟者以补水军,上嘉之。”



  1. When he was a student, his brother had already established the trade in a good way in London.


  2. "I've had rich businessmen say to me, 'You can be a tiger, but there is always a hunter somewhere, " ' he said.


  3. If you were lucky enough to be a wealthy businessman or an influential journalist, or a doctor, or something, you might have a telephone.


  4. He was the son of a well-to-do tradesman, had been to college in London, and was to devote himself to business.


  5. I beheld her in a splendid ballroom: she was the beautiful bride of a rich merchant.


  6. On January 12, socialite Zhao Xinyu revealed to the media that Zhang was being punished for her involvement with a married businessman.


  7. The current president has, until recently, been a lot more popular than the family troika and its business friends among ordinary Syrians.


  8. e. g. For thirty years, this wealthy American businessman was the backer of this enormously expensive project of photographing.


  9. It may be preferable to including either the radical-right Latvian party or one of the tycoon-backed outfits.


  1. 周转快, 成富商。

    Quick returns make rich merchants.

  2. 富商沮丧到心凉。

    The merchant's heart sank and turned cold.

  3. 在伦敦有个富商。

    There was a wealthy merchant, in London he did dwell.

  4. 她和一位富商结了婚。

    She married a rich businessman.

  5. 她和一位富商结了婚。

    She married a rich businessman.

  6. 安东尼奥再度成为一位富商。

    Antonio became a rich merchant again.

  7. 一位富商为他做了保证人。

    A wealthy businessman has stood bail for him.

  8. 罗宾汉曾抢劫富商和教士。

    Robin Hood used to rob rich merchants and priests.

  9. 这位女士打算嫁给一位富商。

    The girl is to be get married to a rich businessman.

  10. 从前,有个富商生了三个儿子。

    There were once three sons of a wealthy businessman.

  11. 罗宾汉总是抢劫富商和教士。

    Robin Hood used to rob rich merchants and priests.

  12. 山西曾是一个出富商的地方。

    Shanxi province used to produce many rich merchants.

  13. 山西曾是一个出富商的地方。

    Shanxi province used to produce many rich merchants.

  14. 高利贷者,犹太富商,为人刻毒,贪婪。

    Usurer, jewish merchant, the manner is virulent, greed.

  15. 富商抬起头发现是他的大老婆。

    The merchant looked up and there was his first wife.

  16. 这个政治家试图掩盖自己的富商背景。

    The politician tried to hide his white-shoe background.

  17. 石油富商帕克先生是位政界要人。

    Mr Park, the rich oil man, is a political brass hat.

  18. 她的父母要把她嫁给一个富商。

    Her parents want to marry her to a rich businessman.

  19. 那个岛已成为城里富商的度假胜地。

    The island has become a playground for the rich businessmen of the city.

  20. 那个岛已成为城里富商得度假胜地。

    The island has become a playground for the rich businessmen of the city.

  21. 这句话犹如晴天霹雳, 富商彻底绝望了。

    The answer came like a bolt of thunder and the merchant was devastated.

  22. 这条街上尽是富商及名人的豪宅。

    The street is lined with enormous mansions where the rich and famous live.

  23. 他的父亲是一个富商具有强大的连接。

    His father was a wealthy businessman with powerful connections.

  24. 许多富商将他们的家人移民去了美国。

    Many rich businessmen have moved their families to America.

  25. 布朗先生抢了一位富商,得了不义之财。

    Mr Brown lined his pockets by robbing a rich merchant.

  26. 新娘是当地一名纺织业富商的千金。

    The bride was the daughter of a local businessmen who made his money in textiles.

  27. 伯克则是经常光顾这家餐馆的富商。

    Burke is frequented this house restaurants and wealthy businessmen.

  28. 你认为她能扮演一个富商的女儿吗?

    Do you think if she is able to play the daughter of a rich businessman?

  29. 他们试图把自己的女儿嫁给一个富商。

    They tried to marry their daughter off to a wealthy businessman.

  30. 这个富商把人的一半财产捐赠给了医院。

    The rich businessman endowed the hospital with half his fortune


  1. 问:富商拼音怎么拼?富商的读音是什么?富商翻译成英文是什么?

    答:富商的读音是fùshāng,富商翻译成英文是 A merchant with a lot of money and property....

  2. 问:富商大贾拼音怎么拼?富商大贾的读音是什么?富商大贾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:富商大贾的读音是fùshāngdàgǔ,富商大贾翻译成英文是 the giant in business

  3. 问:富商巨贾拼音怎么拼?富商巨贾的读音是什么?富商巨贾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:富商巨贾的读音是fù shāng jù gǔ,富商巨贾翻译成英文是 wealthy trader

