


1. 殷 [yīn]2. 殷 [yān]3. 殷 [yǐn]殷 [yīn]富裕,富足:~实。~阜。~富。深厚,恳切:情意甚~。~切。~勤。众,多:“士与女,~其盈矣”。盛,大:~祭。中国朝代名,商代的后期,由盘庚起称“殷”:~墟。姓。殷 [……


两个以上的人在一起计划、讨论:~量。~讨。~议。~定。~榷。~酌(商量斟酌)。相~。磋~。洽~。协~。买卖,生意:~业。~店。~界。~品。~标。古指行商(坐商为“贾”,后泛指做买卖的人,亦用以指从事私营工商业的人):~人。~贩。~贾(gǔ ……



汉语拼音:yīn shāng





朝代名。其始祖 契 封于 商;汤 有天下,遂号为 商。后来屡次迁都,到 盘庚 迁 殷 地后,改为 殷,亦称 殷商。



  1. 朝代名。其始祖 契 封于 商 ; 汤 有天下,遂号为 商 。后来屡次迁都,到 盘庚 迁 殷 地后,改为 殷 ,亦称 殷商 。

    《诗·大雅·大明》:“自彼 殷商 ,来嫁於 周 。” 宋 王应麟 《诗地理考》:“ 盘庚 復治 亳 之 殷 地, 汤 之故居,故兼称 殷商 。”



  1. Song state, as an offspring of Shang Dynasty, is a more special state in Spring and Autumn Period.


  2. The custom of Mid-Autumn Festival can be traced back as far as the Xia and Shang dynasties.


  3. As early as the Shang period, we have established the ancestors of the Chinese east, south, west, north, in five directions.


  4. From Yinshang to Qing dynasties, traditional humanistic thought has, in theory, developed, integrated, sublimed, and matured in time.


  5. The Plain Dealer says the fabric was chosen to address a concern that patients were too warm in the hospital.


  6. Gets up from the Shang Dynasty, month segment of is in January, first day is the new moon, 15 for looks.


  7. Therefore, from Yin people we can see one side of the social concept of "dragon" during Yinshang times.


  8. As far as is known and the data to see the Shang characters, the characters have a lot of categories of vector.


  9. Guo Xudong , Professor , devoted to the research on oracle- bone inscriptions and Yinshang culture .


  1. 殷商废墟下的帝国

    Empire Beneath the Ruins

  2. 谈殷商甲骨文的空间构筑

    Taking about Space Stucture of Oracle Bone Inscription

  3. 殷商五代帝王建都沙丘考

    A Textual Research of Shaqiu a Capital of Five Emperors in Yin and Shang Dynasty

  4. 论殷商时代的母权制遗风

    On the Matriarchal Customs Which Have Been Handed Down from the Shang Dynasty

  5. 殷商是青铜器龙纹发展的黄金时期。

    Shang dynasty is the golden period for the development of dragon patterns on bronze.

  6. 最初的汉字是甲骨文,盛行于殷商时期。

    The original characters are Oracle, popular in the Shang period.

  7. 秋节的汗青长久,它来源于殷商期间。

    Spring Festival has a long history and it originated in the shells period.

  8. 剑,属双刃短兵,最早出现在殷商以前。

    Sword belongs to dual blade short arts, which firstly emerged before Yinshang.

  9. 试论母系社会遗俗对殷商贵族及其后裔的影响

    About the Influence of Matrilineal Commune Customs on Yin Shang Aristocrats and Their Descendents

  10. 我国对伪证行为的规定早在殷商时期就有记载。

    The perjury has been recorded since Yin and Shang Dynasty.

  11. 我国对伪证行为得规定早在殷商时期就有记载。

    The perjury has been recorded since Yin and Shang Dynasty.

  12. 殷商时期出现的甲骨文到如今已经有3000多年的历史了。

    The history of the oracle bones inscription which appeared in Shang dynasty has been three thousand years.

  13. 殷商时期出现得甲骨文到如今已经有3000多年得历史了。

    The history of the oracle bones inscription which appeared in Shang dynasty has been three thousand years.