


讲,说:~说。~喻。~道。~欢。~情。~必有中(zhòng )(一说就说到点子上)。说的话:~论。~辞(亦作“言词”)。语~。~语。~简意赅。汉语的字:五~诗。七~绝句。洋洋万~。语助词,无义:~归于好。“~告师氏,~告~归”。姓。……


1. 行 [háng]2. 行 [xíng]行 [háng]行列:字里~间。罗列成~。兄弟姐妹的次弟;排行:我~二,你~几?步行的阵列。量词。用于成行的东西:泪下两~。某些营业所:银~。花~。商行。行业:同~。各~各业。用长的针脚成行地连缀……


1. 若 [ruò]2. 若 [rě]若 [ruò]如果,假如:~果。倘~。假~。天~有情天亦老。如,像:年相~。安之~素。旁~无人。置~罔闻。门庭~市。你,汝:~辈。“更~役,复~赋,则何如?”约计:~干(gān )。~许。此,如此:“以……





汉语拼音:yán xíng ruò yī








  • 【解释】:说的和做的完全一个样。指人表里如一。
  • 【出自】:汉·刘向《列女传·齐田稷母》:“非义之事不计于心,非理之利不入于家,言行若一,情貌相副。”


  1. na.
  2. live up to one'

  3. s words

  1. 若一国自相分争, 那国就站立不住。

    And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.

  2. 你若一只脚仍踏着第一垒,便不能抢到第二垒。

    You cannot steal second base while keeping one foot on first base.

  3. 满大街的汽车如同废铁, 破落不堪的楼宇仿若一座座孤坟。

    Avenues are filled with cars abandoned, and dilapidated buildings lie there like graves.

  4. 他言行不一。

    His actions are out of keeping with his promises.

  5. 她言行不一。

    Her words and actions are out of keeping with each other.

  6. 你言行不一。

    There are obvious discrepancies between what you practice and what you preach.

  7. 他的言行不一。

    His actions do not correspond with his words.

  8. 你的言行不一。

    Your actions do not correspond with your words.

  9. 我们都不喜欢言行不一。

    None of us like the divorce of word and deed.

  10. 我们没人喜欢言行不一。

    None of us like the divorce of word and deed.

  11. 若表示一只眼瞎了, 可用。

    The old man is blind in the right eye.

  12. 若是一双拖鞋, 你想象穿上它们。

    If it is a pair of sandals, you mentally put them on.

  13. 我若是一重波浪, 能喘息于你的神威。

    A wave to pant beneath thy power.

  14. 你若迟到一分钟,她会抱怨等得多累多苦。

    If you are a minute late, she complains it is hard to wait.

  15. 那时, 若在一房之内剩下十个人, 也都必死。

    If ten men are left in one house, they too will die.

  16. 试读费在试读前支付,若不满一周离园,则不退还。

    This fee must be paid before the trial and it is not refundable.

  17. 从整体来看, 华尔街经历了奥巴马班组的言行不一。

    On the whole, Wall Street sees a welcome disconnect between the Obama administrations rhetoric and its actions.

  18. 若田光一的宇航员伙伴也许注意到他不常换洗内衣裤。

    Wakata's fellow astronauts may have noticed that he does not change his underpants very often.

  19. 若把一茶匙涕灭威洒在皮肤上, 足以将一个成年人置于死地。

    One teaspoonful of aldicarb on the skin would be sufficient to kill an adult.

  20. 这人口若悬河, 一说就是一大套。

    It seemed as if his flow of words would never stop.

  21. 你若送我一张照片,我便回赠一张给你。

    If you give me your photo, I'll give you mine in return.

  22. 你若碰了一鼻子灰回来,不要怪我。

    Don't blame me if you come back a flea in your ear.

  23. 假若我是一只鸟, 我就能在天空中飞翔。

    If I were a bird, I could fly in the sky.

  24. 若要唱一首歌,我要歌唱出对祖国的厚爱!

    If I am asked to sing a song, I will sing my love for my motherland.

  25. 你若是迟到一分钟,她会抱怨等得多累多苦。

    If you are a minute late, she complains it's hard to wait.

  26. 你若是迟到一分钟,她会抱怨等的多累多苦。

    If you are a minute late, she complains it's hard to wait.

  27. 若二量之间一增加一减少,我们则称二者成反比例。

    If one of two quantities increases as the other decreases, we say that they are in inverse proportion.

  28. 若买方多于一人, 他们须以联权方式持有该物业。

    If the Purchaser is more than one person, they shall hold the Property as Joint Tenants.

  29. 若与其一争高下,却往往吃亏的是君子,得意的是小人。

    If its to compete against, but often lose the gentleman, proud of is the villain.

  30. 你若耐心等一会的话,我将叫他和你一起去那儿。

    Feminists of the era did not take kindly to Ericsson and his Marlboro Man veneer.

