







汉语拼音:miàn qiáng








  1. Well, I doubt she's called Cromwell Manor, and I thought it would look good on the wall even though it's a very expensive wall now.


  2. There's a wall of DiCaprio and Kate Winslet photos adorned with red twinkling lights as if it's a shrine.


  3. This tall, well-groomed man sank even deeper into his chair and stared blankly at a spot on the wall ahead of him.


  4. He liked it so much that he had a section of wall cut out of his La Cabana office, to give him a better view of the execution yard.


  5. To bed for the bedroom characters, a wall embedded wardrobe, the other side to push and pull the glass doors, decorative excellent results.


  6. He seems to be looking at a brick wall, where the words "True Love" are scrawled, as newspapers flying past him like tumbleweed (pictured).


  7. During a dressage lesson, my beloved horse tripped, fell down, panicked, jumped up and launched me into a wall all in a matter of seconds.


  8. A larger wall of glazing overlooks the garden, through which natural light filters into a double-height living room.


  9. The long dining tables had vanished and a golden stage had appeared along one wall, lit by thousands of candles floating overhead.


  1. 那面墙表面光滑。

    The wall had a smooth texture.

  2. 这面墙有点歪。

    The wall's at a slight angle.

  3. 这面墙有多厚?

    What is the thickness of this wall?

  4. 这面墙恰好是正方形。

    The wall was plum square.

  5. 这面墙恰好是正方形。

    The wall was plum square.

  6. 我要挖倒这面墙。

    I'm going to dig down this wall.

  7. 我们加厚了那面墙。

    We thicken the wall.

  8. 这面墙被打出了孔。

    The wall was punched out with holes.

  9. 这面墙被打出了孔。

    The wall was punched out with holes.

  10. 这面墙是用来防贼得。

    The wall guards the place from thieves.

  11. 这面墙是用来防贼的。

    The wall guards the place from thieves.

  12. 我们必须将那面墙重修一下。

    We must have the wall redone.

  13. 这面墙包含得范围是40英里。

    The compass of the wall was about forty miles.

  14. 这面墙包含的范围是40英里。

    The compass of the wall was about forty miles.

  15. 这面墙包含的范围是40英里。

    The compass of the wall was about forty miles.

  16. 这面墙可以你照相机的依托。

    This wall will do as a rest for your camera.

  17. 我打算把这面墙漆成黄色。

    I'm going to paint the wall yellow.

  18. 密密的常春藤遮住了这面墙。

    Rampant ivy had covered the wall.

  19. 那面墙挡住了我们的视线。

    The wall cuts across our line of vision.

  20. 我认为应该靠着这面墙摆放。

    Who I think should be on this wall.

  21. 这些椅子可以靠着那面墙放。

    The chairs can go against that wall.

  22. 这面墙是用砖块制成的。

    The wall is made of brick blocks.

  23. 这几面墙会摆放书籍和期刊。

    The walls would be lined with books and periodicals.

  24. 你能把这面墙涂成蓝色吗?

    Can you colour the wall blue?

  25. 这面墙是用浮岩垒成的。

    The wall was built by piling up pumice stones.

  26. 这面墙是用浮岩垒成得。

    The wall was built by piling up pumice stones.

  27. 这面墙是用浮岩垒成的。

    The wall was built by piling up pumice stones.

  28. 这面墙构成了舞台布景得背景。

    This wall forms the background of the stage setting.

  29. 这面墙构成了舞台布景的背景。

    This wall forms the background of the stage setting.

  30. 那面墙硬是修到了田角上。

    The wall abuts against the corner of the field.


  1. 问:面墙而坐拼音怎么拼?面墙而坐的读音是什么?面墙而坐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:面墙而坐的读音是miàn qiáng ér zuò,面墙而坐翻译成英文是 sit facing the wall